! $Id: convolution.f90,v 1.26 2005/07/08 21:19:17 salam Exp $ !====================================================================== ! Module exlcusively for communication between convolution and ! any routine which might supply convolutions !====================================================================== module convolution_communicator use types implicit none private integer, public , parameter :: cc_REAL=1,cc_VIRT=2,& & cc_REALVIRT=3,cc_DELTA =4 integer, public, save :: cc_piece end module convolution_communicator !====================================================================== ! All the base types and routines for happy convolution ! ! Decide on the following policy: grid details will be copied rather ! than pointed to (avoids danger of object that is pointed to being ! changed). Not clear if this is really the best policy, but we will ! give it a try... ! ! GPS 04/04/2000 !====================================================================== module convolution use types; use consts_dp; use assertions; use warnings_and_errors implicit none private integer, parameter :: conv_UndefinedInt = 1000000004 !------------------------------- ! definition of a grid ! Includes possibility of one layer of subsiduary definitions type grid_def real(dp) :: dy, ymax, eps integer :: ny, order, nsub logical :: locked integer, pointer :: subiy(:) ! starting points of subsiduary grid type(grid_def), pointer :: subgd(:) ! subsiduary grid defs end type grid_def !-------------------------------------------------- ! used for abbreviated access to EvalGridQuant type grid_conv type(grid_def) :: grid real(dp), pointer :: conv(:,:) => null() !-- support in construction... type(grid_conv), pointer :: subgc(:) => null() end type grid_conv integer, parameter :: FULL=1, UPPR=2 !-- for standard linear approach with proper end-point treatment. ! This must remain zero otherwise inconsistencies will arise integer, parameter :: LIN_ORDER=0 public :: grid_def, grid_conv !-- public routines -- interface InitGridDef module procedure conv_InitGridDef_single, conv_InitGridDef_multi end interface public :: conv_InitGridDef_single, conv_InitGridDef_multi public :: InitGridDef, ValidateGD, GetGridInfoString public :: SetDefaultConvolutionEps, DefaultConvolutionEps interface operator(==) module procedure conv_CmpGridDef end interface public :: operator(==) interface Delete ! made public later... module procedure Delete_grid_def_0d, Delete_grid_def_1d end interface public :: xValues, yValues !-- quant routines ----------------------------------------------- interface AllocGridQuant module procedure conv_AllocGridQuant_1d,conv_AllocGridQuant_2d,& & conv_AllocGridQuant_3d end interface public :: AllocGridQuant interface InitGridQuant module procedure conv_InitGridQuant_func, conv_InitGridQuant_func2d,& & conv_InitGridQuant_func_a, conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_a,& & conv_InitGridQuant_func_ai, conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_ai end interface ! standard version gives problems with pgf90 5.1-2 (wrong answers)... interface InitGridQuantSub module procedure conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d, & &conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_a, conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_ai end interface ! This is the workaround suggested by Giulia, across all variants ! of the subroutine... Testing with pgf90 however shows that we still ! have the wrong answer (though whether because of this routine ! or others has not been established). !interface InitGridQuantSub ! module procedure conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_pgf, & ! &conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_a_pgf, conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_ai_pgf !end interface public :: InitGridQuant, InitGridQuantSub, PrintGridQuant public :: InitGridQuantLHAPDF interface PrintGridQuant module procedure conv_PrintGridQuant_1, conv_PrintGridQuant_2,& & conv_PrintGridQuant_3, conv_PrintGridQuant_4 end interface interface EvalGridQuant module procedure conv_EvalGridQuant_0d, conv_EvalGridQuant_1d end interface public :: MomGridQuant, EvalGridQuant, WgtGridQuant interface Delete module procedure conv_DelGridQuant_1d, conv_DelGridQuant_2d module procedure conv_DelGridQuant_3d end interface !public :: Delete !-- for calculating moments --- real(dp) :: conv_moment_index type(grid_def) :: conv_moment_gd real(dp), allocatable :: conv_moment_gq(:) interface TruncatedMoment module procedure conv_TruncatedMoment_1d end interface public :: TruncatedMoment !-- for calculating partonic luminosities interface PartonLuminosity module procedure conv_Luminosity_multi end interface public :: PartonLuminosity !-- convolution routines ------------------------------------------- interface AllocGridConv module procedure conv_AllocGridConv_0d, conv_AllocGridConv_1d, & & conv_AllocGridConv_2d end interface interface InitGridConv module procedure conv_InitGridConv_zero, conv_InitGridConv_zero_1d,& & conv_InitGridConv_zero_2d, conv_InitGridConv_func,& & conv_InitGridConv_gc, conv_InitGridConv_gc_1d, & & conv_InitGridConv_gc_2d, conv_InitGridConv_conv end interface !-- keep following for historical reasons? Not as of 28/12/01 !interface conv_GridConvAdd ! module procedure conv_GridConvAdd_func, conv_GridConvAdd_gc !end interface interface SetToZero module procedure conv_ZeroGridConv_0d, conv_ZeroGridConv_1d,& & conv_ZeroGridConv_2d end interface interface AddWithCoeff module procedure conv_AddGridConv_func, conv_AddGridConv_gc,& & conv_AddGridConv_gc_1d, conv_AddGridConv_gc_2d end interface interface Multiply module procedure conv_MultGridConv_0d, conv_MultGridConv_1d, & & conv_MultGridConv_2d end interface interface Delete module procedure conv_DelGridConv_0d, conv_DelGridConv_1d, & & conv_DelGridConv_2d end interface interface SetToConvolution module procedure conv_ConvGridConv_0d, conv_ConvGridConv_2dx2d end interface interface SetToCommutator module procedure SetToCommutator_gc end interface public :: GridConvAllocated public :: AllocGridConv, InitGridConv, Delete public :: AddWithCoeff, Multiply, SetToConvolution public :: SetToZero, SetToCommutator !-- REMEMBER: .conv. seems to have a precedence similar to .or., .and. ! and so is lower precednece than any arithmetic operation interface operator(.conv.) module procedure conv_ConvGridQuant_mat, conv_ConvGridQuant_scalar end interface public :: operator(.conv.) !-- put in this version as well because to ease the writing of ! expressions: * should have the right precedence properties ! where .conv. seems to have a very low precedence interface operator(*) module procedure conv_ConvGridQuant_mat, conv_ConvGridQuant_scalar end interface public :: operator(*) !-- keep this for historical reasons (hopefully not too long) interface conv_ConvConv module procedure conv_InitGridConv_conv end interface public :: conv_ConvConv !-------------------------- type gdval type(grid_def) :: grid real(dp) :: val end type gdval public :: gdval interface operator(.with.) module procedure conv_gdval_gdv, conv_gdval_vgd end interface public :: operator(.with.) interface operator(.atx.) module procedure conv_EvalGridQuant_atx, conv_EvalGridQuant_atx_1d end interface public :: operator(.atx.) interface operator(.aty.) module procedure conv_EvalGridQuant_aty, conv_EvalGridQuant_aty_1d end interface public :: operator(.aty.) !-- precision used for integration real(dp) :: default_conv_eps=1e-7_dp !real(dp), parameter :: default_conv_eps=1e-8_dp real(dp), parameter :: warn_tolerance = 1e-3_dp !-- used for generation of derived convoluters (e.g. exponentiations ! of existsing convoluters) logical :: override_grid_locking = .false. integer :: nconv_with_override_off = 0 ! public :: GetDerivedProbes, SetDerivedConv public :: SetDerivedConv_nodealloc ! actual subroutine is to be found in welcome_message.f90 interface subroutine HoppetWelcomeMessage end subroutine HoppetWelcomeMessage end interface public :: HoppetWelcomeMessage contains !====================================================================== ! Things just for Grid defs. ! updated for multi. ! ! order = 0 -> standard linear ! order > 0 -> full (order) treatment ! order < 0 -> treatment correct to |order| except at end points ! (this is similar to Ratcliffes proposal, hep-ph/0012376) subroutine conv_InitGridDef_single(grid,dy,ymax,order,eps) type(grid_def), intent(out) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: dy, ymax integer, intent(in), optional :: order real(dp), intent(in), optional :: eps logical, save :: first_call = .true. character(len=80) :: string1, string2 integer, save :: warn_dy = 4 if (first_call) then first_call = .false. call HoppetWelcomeMessage end if !-- this is a plain grid def --------------------------- grid%nsub = 0 nullify(grid%subiy,grid%subgd) grid%locked = .false. !------------------------------------------------------- grid%ymax = ymax grid%ny = nint(ymax / dy) if (grid%ny < 2) then write(string1,*) 'InitGridDef: requested too small a number of bins' write(string2,*) ' dy and ymax were',dy,ymax call wae_error(trim(string1),trim(string2)) end if grid%dy = ymax / grid%ny if (abs(grid%dy/dy - one) > 0.001_dp) then write(string1,*) 'InitGridDef: requested dy of ', dy write(string2,*) ' provided dy of ', grid%dy call wae_warn(warn_dy,trim(string1),trim(string2)) end if if (present(order)) then !if (order < LIN_ORDER) then ! write(0,*) 'ERROR in InitGridDef: order < 0& ! & is not valid in InitGridDef' ! stop if (abs(order)+1 > grid%ny) then call wae_error('InitGridDef: |order|+1 > number of grid points') end if grid%order = order else grid%order = LIN_ORDER end if grid%eps = default_or_opt(default_conv_eps, eps) end subroutine conv_InitGridDef_single !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Create a multi grid def subroutine conv_InitGridDef_multi(grid,gdarray,locked) use sort type(grid_def), intent(out) :: grid type(grid_def), intent(in) :: gdarray(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: locked !---------------------------------- integer :: i,indx(size(gdarray)) real(dp) :: dyratio, approx_ny, new_ymax type(grid_def), pointer :: subgd(:) ! shorthand ! temp needed for workaround on ifort 8.0.039 real(dp) :: gdarraydy(size(gdarray)) character(len=80) :: string1, string2 integer, save :: warn_locking = 4 !-- enforce one layer only if (any(gdarray(:)%nsub /= 0)) then call wae_error(& 'ERROR in conv_InitGridDef_multi:',& 'One of grid defs in array was a compound grid def.',& 'Only one layer of compounding is currently allowed.') end if grid%nsub = size(gdarray) allocate(grid%subiy(grid%nsub+1)) allocate(grid%subgd(grid%nsub)); subgd => grid%subgd grid%locked = default_or_opt(.false.,locked) if (grid%locked) then ! this calls gives wrong results with ifort-8.0.039 ! (dummy array gdarray%dy is corrupted in indexx). Issue ! submitted 27/01/2004: 225712 ! "Corrupted answer on call with array of derived type subcomponents" !call indexx(gdarray%dy, indx) ! workaround for ifort-8.0.039 gdarraydy = gdarray%dy call indexx(gdarraydy, indx) do i = 1, grid%nsub subgd(i) = gdarray(indx(i)) if (i > 1) then if (subgd(i)%ymax < subgd(i-1)%ymax) then write(string1,*) & &'ERROR in conv_InitGridDef_multi: for locking,' write(string2,*) 'gdarray with smaller dy should& & also have smaller gdarray%ymax' call wae_error(trim(string1), trim(string2)) ! for testing ifort_8_0_039... !write(0,*) 'dy values (i-1,i)', subgd(i-1:i)%dy !write(0,*) 'ymax values (i-1,i)', subgd(i-1:i)%ymax !write(0,*) indx !write(0,*) gdarray%dy !write(0,*) gdarray(indx(:))%dy !write(0,*) i, subgd(i)%ymax, subgd(i-1)%ymax !stop end if end if end do !-- now ensure that there is proper matching between locked grids do i = grid%nsub-1, 1, -1 ! dyratio must be an integer dyratio = subgd(i+1)%dy / subgd(i)%dy subgd(i)%dy = subgd(i+1)%dy / nint(dyratio) if (abs(dyratio-nint(dyratio)) > warn_tolerance*dyratio) then write(string1,'(a,i2,a,f18.14)') ' InitGridDef (locking):& & redefined dy(', i,') to be ', subgd(i)%dy call wae_warn(warn_locking, trim(string1)) end if ! after fixing dy one must still have an integer number of bins approx_ny = subgd(i)%ymax/subgd(i)%dy subgd(i)%ny = ceiling(approx_ny - warn_tolerance) new_ymax = subgd(i)%ny * subgd(i)%dy if (abs(new_ymax-subgd(i)%ymax) > warn_tolerance*new_ymax) then write(string1,'(a,i2,a,f18.14)') ' InitGridDef (locking):& & redefined ymax(', i,') to be ', new_ymax call wae_warn(warn_locking, trim(string1)) end if subgd(i)%ymax = new_ymax subgd(i)%ny = nint(subgd(i)%ymax / subgd(i)%dy) ! condition on order must still hold if (abs(subgd(i)%order)+1 > subgd(i)%ny) then write(string1,'(a)') 'Error in InitGridDef (locking):' write(string2,'(a,i2,a)') ' For grid def ',i,' |order|+1 > ny' call wae_error(trim(string1),trim(string2)) end if end do else !-- no questions asked! subgd(:) = gdarray(:) end if grid%dy = zero grid%ymax = maxval(subgd(:)%ymax) grid%order = conv_UndefinedInt !-- arrays will stretch from 0:grid%ny; so must get this right! grid%ny = sum(subgd(:)%ny) + grid%nsub-1 !-- indicate starting points of arrays grid%subiy(1) = 0 do i = 2, grid%nsub+1 grid%subiy(i) = grid%subiy(i-1) + subgd(i-1)%ny + 1 end do end subroutine conv_InitGridDef_multi !====================================================================== !! Set a string with a compact summary about the grid !! subroutine GetGridInfoString(grid,string) use sort type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid character(len=*), intent(out) :: string !---------------------------------------- character(len=200) :: my_string ! nice and long! character(len=200) :: frmt integer, save :: nwarn_len = 4, nwarn_eps = 4 integer, allocatable :: indx(:) if (grid%nsub == 0) then write(my_string,& &'("dy=",f5.3,"|ymax=",f0.2,"|order=",i0,"|eps=",es7.1)') & & grid%dy,grid%ymax,grid%order,grid%eps else allocate(indx(grid%nsub)) call indexx(-grid%subgd%dy,indx) ! grid%subgd(indx)%dy == decreasing dy if (any(grid%subgd(2:)%eps /= grid%subgd(1)%eps)) & &call wae_warn(nwarn_eps,'GetGridInfoString: & &subgrids have different eps; only largest printed') if (grid%locked) then write(frmt,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a)') & &'("dy=",f5.3,',grid%nsub-1 ,& &'("/",i0),"|ymax=",f0.2,',grid%nsub-1,& &'(":",f0.2),"|order=",sp,i0,',grid%nsub-1,& &'(":",i0),ss,"|eps=",es7.1)' write(my_string,trim(frmt)) grid%subgd(indx(1))%dy,& & nint(grid%subgd(indx(1:grid%nsub-1))%dy/grid%subgd(indx(2:))%dy),& & grid%subgd(indx)%ymax, grid%subgd(indx)%order,& & maxval(grid%subgd(:)%eps) else write(frmt,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a)') & &'("dy=",f5.3,',grid%nsub-1 ,& &'(":",f5.4),"|ymax=",f0.2,',grid%nsub-1,& &'(":",f0.2),"|order=",sp,i0,',grid%nsub-1,& &'ss,(":",i0),"|eps=",es7.1)' write(my_string,trim(frmt)) grid%subgd(indx(:))%dy,& & grid%subgd(indx)%ymax, grid%subgd(indx)%order,& & maxval(grid%subgd(:)%eps) end if end if if (len_trim(my_string) > len(string)) then call wae_warn(nwarn_len,& &"GetGridInfoString: too short a string was passed") string = my_string(1:len(string)) else string = my_string(1:len_trim(my_string)) end if end subroutine GetGridInfoString !====================================================================== !! Delete the memory associated with a grid definition recursive subroutine Delete_grid_def_0d(grid) type(grid_def), intent(inout) :: grid if (grid%nsub /= 0) then call Delete(grid%subgd(:)) !do isub = 1, grid%nsub ! ! following line not strictly needed since (a) we have no more ! ! than one level of depth and (b) we do not have anything to ! ! delete in the lowest level. ! call Delete(grid%subgd(isub)) !end do deallocate(grid%subiy) deallocate(grid%subgd) end if end subroutine Delete_grid_def_0d !====================================================================== recursive subroutine Delete_grid_def_1d(grid_array) type(grid_def), intent(inout) :: grid_array(:) integer :: igrid do igrid = 1, size(grid_array) call Delete(grid_array(igrid)) end do end subroutine Delete_grid_def_1d !====================================================================== !! Returns .true. iff the two grid definitions are equivalent (i.e. they !! may be different objects, but correspond to grids with identical !! parameters). !! !! Note that we do not check equality of the value of eps !! (integration precision) -- whether this is the right choice is !! arguable, but since it in no way affects interoperability of two !! grids (e.g. for convolutions between grid_conv objects), it's not !! too unreasonable. recursive function conv_CmpGridDef(gd1,gd2) result(equal) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: gd1, gd2 logical :: equal integer :: i logical, parameter :: verbose = .false. if (gd1%nsub /= gd2%nsub) then equal = .false. return else if (gd1%nsub == 0) then if (verbose) write(0,*) gd1%dy,gd2%dy, gd1%ny, gd2%ny, gd1%ymax,gd2%ymax equal = (gd1%dy == gd2%dy) .and. (gd1%ny == gd2%ny) .and.& & (gd1%ymax == gd2%ymax) .and. (gd1%order == gd2%order) else equal = .true. if (.not.associated(gd1%subgd,gd2%subgd)) then do i = 1, gd1%nsub equal = equal .and. conv_CmpGridDef(gd1%subgd(i),gd2%subgd(i)) end do end if equal = equal .and. (gd1%locked .eqv. gd2%locked) end if end function conv_CmpGridDef !-- useful to be able to check easily ------------------------- ! no problem with multi subroutine ValidateGD(gd1,gd2,source) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: gd1, gd2 character(len=*), intent(in) :: source if (.not. (gd1 == gd2)) then write(0,*) 'Problem validating two grid defs in ',source stop end if end subroutine ValidateGD !====================================================================== !! Return an array containing the y-value of each point on the grid recursive function yValues(grid) result(res) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp) :: res(0:grid%ny) integer :: iy, isub if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub res(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1) = yValues(grid%subgd(isub)) end do else forall(iy=0:grid%ny) res(iy) = iy*grid%dy end if end function yValues !====================================================================== !! Return an array containing the x-value of each point on the grid function xValues(grid) result(res) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp) :: res(0:grid%ny) res = exp(-yValues(grid)) end function xValues !====================================================================== ! Things just for grid quants ! multi makes no difference subroutine conv_AllocGridQuant_1d(grid,gq) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), pointer :: gq(:) !integer :: istat ! this form of deallocate ought to be OK (?), but on lahey, ! compaq+condor (and perhaps elsewhere) it causes problems !deallocate(gq,stat=istat) allocate(gq(0:grid%ny)) end subroutine conv_AllocGridQuant_1d !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! multi makes no difference subroutine conv_AllocGridQuant_2d(grid,gq,nl,nh) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), pointer :: gq(:,:) integer, intent(in) :: nl,nh !integer :: istat ! this form of deallocate ought to be OK (?), but on lahey, ! compaq+condor (and perhaps elsewhere) it causes problems !deallocate(gq,stat=istat) allocate(gq(0:grid%ny,nl:nh)) end subroutine conv_AllocGridQuant_2d !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! multi makes no difference subroutine conv_AllocGridQuant_3d(grid,gq, nl2,nh2, nl3,nh3) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), pointer :: gq(:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: nl2,nh2,nl3,nh3 !integer :: istat ! this form of deallocate ought to be OK (?), but on lahey, ! compaq+condor (and perhaps elsewhere) it causes problems !deallocate(gq,stat=istat) allocate(gq(0:grid%ny,nl2:nh2,nl3:nh3)) end subroutine conv_AllocGridQuant_3d !---------------------------------------------------------- ! multi makes no difference subroutine conv_DelGridQuant_1d(gq) real(dp), pointer :: gq(:) integer :: istat deallocate(gq,stat=istat) end subroutine conv_DelGridQuant_1d !---------------------------------------------------------- ! multi makes no difference subroutine conv_DelGridQuant_2d(gq) real(dp), pointer :: gq(:,:) integer :: istat deallocate(gq,stat=istat) end subroutine conv_DelGridQuant_2d !---------------------------------------------------------- ! multi makes no difference subroutine conv_DelGridQuant_3d(gq) real(dp), pointer :: gq(:,:,:) integer :: istat deallocate(gq,stat=istat) end subroutine conv_DelGridQuant_3d !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! updated for multi recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func(grid, gq, func) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid interface function func(x) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x real(dp) :: func end function func end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuant_func(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1), func) end do else do iy = 0, ny gq(iy) = func(iy*grid%dy) end do end if end subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! updated for multi recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func_a(grid, gq, func, axtra) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: axtra interface function func(x,axtra) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x, axtra real(dp) :: func end function func end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuant_func_a(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1), func, axtra) end do else do iy = 0, ny gq(iy) = func(iy*grid%dy, axtra) end do end if end subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func_a !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! updated for multi recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func_ai(grid, gq, func, axtra, ixtra) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: axtra integer, intent(in) :: ixtra interface function func(x,axtra,ixtra) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x, axtra integer, intent(in) :: ixtra real(dp) :: func end function func end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuant_func_ai(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1), func, axtra, ixtra) end do else do iy = 0, ny gq(iy) = func(iy*grid%dy, axtra, ixtra) end do end if end subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func_ai !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! updated for multi recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func2d(grid, gq, func) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid interface function func(x,n) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x integer , intent(in) :: n real(dp) :: func(n) end function func end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny, n ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuant_func2d(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:), func) end do else n = ubound(gq, dim=2) do iy = 0, ny gq(iy,:) = func(iy*grid%dy, n) end do end if end subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func2d !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! version intended for use when there is an extra argument whose ! value is fixed and needs to be passed to func ! ! updated for multi recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_a(grid, gq, func, axtra) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: axtra interface function func(x,axtra,n) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x,axtra integer , intent(in) :: n real(dp) :: func(n) end function func end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny, n ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_a") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_a(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:), func, axtra) end do else n = ubound(gq, dim=2) do iy = 0, ny gq(iy,:) = func(iy*grid%dy, axtra, n) end do end if end subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_a !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! version intended for use when there is an extra argument whose ! value is fixed and needs to be passed to func ! ! updated for multi recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_ai(grid, gq, func, axtra, ixtra) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: axtra integer, intent(in) :: ixtra interface function func(x,axtra,ixtra,n) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x,axtra integer , intent(in) :: ixtra,n real(dp) :: func(n) end function func end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny, n ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_a") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_ai(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:), func, axtra, ixtra) end do else n = ubound(gq, dim=2) do iy = 0, ny gq(iy,:) = func(iy*grid%dy, axtra, ixtra, n) end do end if end subroutine conv_InitGridQuant_func2d_ai !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Version added specially for initialising a PDF from a LHAPDF style !! interface. recursive subroutine InitGridQuantLHAPDF(grid, gq, LHAsub, Q) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: Q interface subroutine LHAsub(x,Q,res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x,Q real(dp), intent(out) :: res(*) end subroutine LHAsub end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny real(dp) :: f(size(gq,dim=2)) ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call InitGridQuantLHAPDF(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:), LHAsub, Q) end do else do iy = 0, ny call LHAsub(exp(-iy*grid%dy), Q, f) gq(iy,:) = f end do end if end subroutine InitGridQuantLHAPDF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! updated for multi recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d(grid, gq, sub) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid interface subroutine sub(y,res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: y real(dp), intent(out) :: res(:) end subroutine sub end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:), sub) end do else do iy = 0, ny call sub(iy*grid%dy, gq(iy,:)) end do end if end subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_a(grid, gq, sub, axtra) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: axtra interface subroutine sub(y, axtra, res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: y, axtra real(dp), intent(out) :: res(:) end subroutine sub end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_a(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:), sub, axtra) end do else do iy = 0, ny call sub(iy*grid%dy, axtra, gq(iy,:)) end do end if end subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_a recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_ai(grid, gq, sub, axtra, ixtra) real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: axtra integer, intent(in) :: ixtra interface subroutine sub(y, axtra, ixtra, res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: y, axtra integer, intent(in) :: ixtra real(dp), intent(out) :: res(:) end subroutine sub end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_ai(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:), sub, axtra, ixtra) end do else do iy = 0, ny call sub(iy*grid%dy, axtra, ixtra, gq(iy,:)) end do end if end subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_ai !====================================================================== ! Variants for buggy pgf90-5.1.2, using workaround suggested by ! Giulia !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! updated for multi recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_pgf(grid, gq, sub) real(dp), intent(out) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid interface subroutine sub(y,res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: y real(dp), intent(out) :: res(:) end subroutine sub end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny ! -- GZ:make a copy shifting indices to make it compatible with pgf90 real(dp) :: gq_cpy(1:size(gq,dim=1),1:size(gq,dim=2)) ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq_cpy(grid%subiy(isub)+1:grid%subiy(isub+1),:), sub) end do else do iy = 0, ny call sub(iy*grid%dy, gq_cpy(iy+1,:)) end do end if do iy=0,ny gq(iy,:) = gq_cpy(iy+1,:) end do end subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_pgf recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_a_pgf(grid, gq, sub, axtra) real(dp), intent(out) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: axtra interface subroutine sub(y, axtra, res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: y, axtra real(dp), intent(out) :: res(:) end subroutine sub end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny real(dp) :: gq_cpy(1:size(gq,dim=1),1:size(gq,dim=2)) ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_a(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq_cpy(grid%subiy(isub)+1:grid%subiy(isub+1),:), sub, axtra) end do else do iy = 0, ny call sub(iy*grid%dy, axtra, gq_cpy(iy+1,:)) end do end if do iy=0,ny gq(iy,:) = gq_cpy(iy+1,:) end do end subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_a_pgf recursive subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_ai_pgf(grid, gq, sub, axtra, ixtra) real(dp), intent(out) :: gq(0:,:) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: axtra integer, intent(in) :: ixtra interface subroutine sub(y, axtra, ixtra, res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: y, axtra integer, intent(in) :: ixtra real(dp), intent(out) :: res(:) end subroutine sub end interface !----------------------------------------- integer :: iy, isub, ny real(dp) :: gq_cpy(1:size(gq,dim=1),1:size(gq,dim=2)) ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_InitGridQuant_func") if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_ai(grid%subgd(isub), & &gq_cpy(grid%subiy(isub)+1:grid%subiy(isub+1),:), sub, axtra, ixtra) end do else do iy = 0, ny call sub(iy*grid%dy, axtra, ixtra, gq_cpy(iy+1,:)) end do end if do iy=0,ny gq(iy,:) = gq_cpy(iy+1,:) end do end subroutine conv_InitGridQuantSub_2d_ai_pgf !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! multi-grid done recursive function conv_EvalGridQuant_0d(grid, gq, y) result(f) use interpolation type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:) real(dp), intent(in) :: y real(dp) :: f !----------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: npnt_min = 4, npnt_max = 10 integer :: i, ny, npnt, isub real(dp), parameter :: resc_yvals(npnt_max) = (/ (i,i=0,npnt_max-1) /) real(dp) :: wgts(npnt_max) !write(0,*) y,grid%ny, ubound(gq,dim=1) ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"EvalGridQuant") if (y > grid%ymax*(one+warn_tolerance)) then write(0,*) 'EvalGridQuant: & &requested function value beyond maximum' write(0,*) 'y = ', y, 'ymax=',grid%ymax stop end if if (grid%nsub /= 0) then isub = conv_BestIsub(grid,y) f = EvalGridQuant(grid%subgd(isub), & & gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1), y) else npnt = min(npnt_max, max(npnt_min, abs(grid%order))) i = min(max(floor(y / grid%dy)-(npnt-1)/2,0),ny-npnt+1) call uniform_interpolation_weights(y/grid%dy - i, wgts(1:npnt)) f = sum(wgts(1:npnt)*gq(i:i+npnt-1)) !-- this was less efficient... !call polint(resc_yvals(1:npnt),gq(i:i+npnt-1),y/grid%dy-i,f,df) !!$ i = min(grid%ny - 1, floor(y / grid%dy)) !!$ ey = y/grid%dy - i !!$ f = (one-ey)*gq(i) + ey*gq(i+1) end if end function conv_EvalGridQuant_0d !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 1-D version of grid evaluation. !! !! NB: we rewrite everything above so as to avoid unnecessary looping. !! It would be better to have a common routine that gives the !! required set of points and weights? recursive function conv_EvalGridQuant_1d(grid, gq, y) result(f) use interpolation type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:,1:) real(dp), intent(in) :: y real(dp) :: f(size(gq,dim=2)) !----------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: npnt_min = 4, npnt_max = 10 integer :: i, j, ny, npnt, isub !real(dp) :: ey, df real(dp), parameter :: resc_yvals(npnt_max) = (/ (i,i=0,npnt_max-1) /) real(dp) :: wgts(npnt_max) !write(0,*) y,grid%ny, ubound(gq,dim=1) ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"EvalGridQuant") if (y > grid%ymax*(one+warn_tolerance)) then write(0,*) 'EvalGridQuant: & &requested function value beyond maximum' write(0,*) 'y = ', y, 'ymax=',grid%ymax stop end if if (grid%nsub /= 0) then isub = conv_BestIsub(grid,y) f = conv_EvalGridQuant_1d(grid%subgd(isub), & & gq(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:), y) else npnt = min(npnt_max, max(npnt_min, abs(grid%order))) i = min(max(floor(y / grid%dy)-(npnt-1)/2,0),ny-npnt+1) call uniform_interpolation_weights(y/grid%dy - i, wgts(1:npnt)) do j = 1, size(f) f(j) = sum(wgts(1:npnt)*gq(i:i+npnt-1,j)) end do !-- this was less efficient... !call polint(resc_yvals(1:npnt),gq(i:i+npnt-1),y/grid%dy-i,f,df) !!$ i = min(grid%ny - 1, floor(y / grid%dy)) !!$ ey = y/grid%dy - i !!$ f = (one-ey)*gq(i) + ey*gq(i+1) end if end function conv_EvalGridQuant_1d !O !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !O !! 1-D version of grid evaluation. !O !! !O !! NB: this is currently VERY slow because interpolation is recalculated !O !! from scratch for each component of the grid quantity !O function conv_EvalfGridQuant_1d(grid, gq, y) result(f) !O type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid !O real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:,1:) !O real(dp), intent(in) :: y !O real(dp) :: f(size(gq,dim=2)) !O integer :: i !O do i = 1, size(gq,dim=2) !O f(i) = conv_EvalGridQuant_0d(grid,gq(:,i),y) !O end do !O end function conv_EvalfGridQuant_1d !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Returns starting iymin point and a set of weights in order to calculate ! the value of the function at y -- one day we might introduce some ! option of setting the number of points; but not for now... ! ! Qu: is the relation between number of points and order correct? It seems ! like we ought to have abs(grid%order)+1... recursive subroutine WgtGridQuant(grid, y, iylo, wgts) use interpolation type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: y integer, intent(out) :: iylo real(dp), pointer :: wgts(:) !----------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: npnt_min = 4, npnt_max = 10 integer :: ny, npnt, isub ny = grid%ny if (grid%nsub /= 0) then isub = conv_BestIsub(grid,y) call WgtGridQuant(grid%subgd(isub), y, iylo, wgts) iylo = iylo + grid%subiy(isub) else if (y > grid%ymax*(one+warn_tolerance) .or. y < -warn_tolerance) then write(0,*) 'WgtGridQuant: & &requested function value outside y range' write(0,*) 'y = ', y, ' but should be 0 < y < ymax=',grid%ymax stop end if npnt = min(npnt_max, max(npnt_min, abs(grid%order))) allocate(wgts(0:npnt-1)) iylo = min(max(floor(y / grid%dy)-(npnt-1)/2,0),ny-npnt+1) call uniform_interpolation_weights(y/grid%dy-iylo, wgts) end if end subroutine WgtGridQuant !-- for internal use only function conv_BestIsub(grid,y) result(isub) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: y integer :: isub !-- this will probably slow things down, but ! for the time being accept this penalty ! find the grid with the smallest ymax > y if (y>grid%ymax) then isub = sum(maxloc(grid%subgd%ymax)) else isub = sum(minloc(grid%subgd%ymax,mask=(grid%subgd%ymax>=y))) end if end function conv_BestIsub !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! not yet updated for multi-grid purposes, because would require ! a little bit of thought as to how to treat different grid regions function MomGridQuant(grid,gq,omega) result(res) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:) real(dp), intent(in) :: omega real(dp) :: res !----------------------------------------- real(dp) :: weight, weightprod, dy integer :: i, ny if (grid%nsub /= 0) then write(0,*) 'ERROR in MomGridQuant:& & multiple grids not yet supported' end if ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"MomGridQuant") dy = grid%dy if (omega == zero) then weight = grid%dy weightprod = one res = half*weight*gq(0) else weightprod = exp(-dy*omega) weight = (exp(-dy*omega) - one + dy*omega)/(dy*omega**2) res = weight*gq(0) weight = weight + & & (exp(+dy*omega) - one - dy*omega)/(dy*omega**2) end if do i = 1, ny weight = weight * weightprod if (i == ny) weight = weight * half res = res + weight*gq(i) end do end function MomGridQuant !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Use a non-sophisticated fix for the multi-grid option, just take the ! largest of the dy values if none is specified (so as to avoid information ! overload). subroutine conv_PrintGridQuant_1(grid,gq,dy,dev) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:) real(dp), intent(in), optional :: dy integer, intent(in), optional :: dev real(dp) :: dy_local, y, q integer :: ny, i, dev_local ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),'PrintGridQuant') if (grid%nsub /= 0) then dy_local = default_or_opt(maxval(grid%subgd%dy),dy) else dy_local = default_or_opt(grid%dy,dy) end if dev_local = default_or_opt(6,dev) ny = floor(grid%ymax / dy_local) do i = 0, ny y = i*dy_local q = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq, y) write(dev_local,*) y, exp(-y),q end do end subroutine conv_PrintGridQuant_1 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! See conv_PrintGridQuant_1 re multigrid subroutine conv_PrintGridQuant_2(grid,gq,gq2,dy,dev) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:),gq2(0:) real(dp), intent(in), optional :: dy integer, intent(in), optional :: dev real(dp) :: dy_local, y, q,q2 integer :: ny, i, dev_local ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),& & ubound(gq2,dim=1),'PrintGridQuant') if (grid%nsub /= 0) then dy_local = default_or_opt(maxval(grid%subgd%dy),dy) else dy_local = default_or_opt(grid%dy,dy) end if dev_local = default_or_opt(6,dev) ny = floor(grid%ymax / dy_local) do i = 0, ny y = i*dy_local q = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq, y) q2 = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq2, y) write(dev_local,'(25es25.16)') y, exp(-y),q, q2 end do end subroutine conv_PrintGridQuant_2 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! See conv_PrintGridQuant_1 re multigrid subroutine conv_PrintGridQuant_3(grid,gq,gq2,gq3,dy,dev) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:),gq2(0:),gq3(0:) real(dp), intent(in), optional :: dy integer, intent(in), optional :: dev real(dp) :: dy_local, y, x, q,q2,q3 integer :: ny, i, dev_local ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),& & ubound(gq2,dim=1),ubound(gq3,dim=1),& & 'PrintGridQuant: distributions must be same size') if (grid%nsub /= 0) then dy_local = default_or_opt(maxval(grid%subgd%dy),dy) else dy_local = default_or_opt(grid%dy,dy) end if dev_local = default_or_opt(6,dev) ny = floor(grid%ymax / dy_local) do i = 0, ny y = i*dy_local q = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq, y) q2 = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq2, y) q3 = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq3, y) write(dev_local,'(25es25.16)') y, exp(-y),q, q2, q3 end do end subroutine conv_PrintGridQuant_3 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! See conv_PrintGridQuant_1 re multigrid subroutine conv_PrintGridQuant_4(grid,gq,gq2,gq3,gq4,dy,dev) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:),gq2(0:),gq3(0:),gq4(0:) real(dp), intent(in), optional :: dy integer, intent(in), optional :: dev real(dp) :: dy_local, y, q,q2,q3, q4 integer :: ny, i, dev_local ny = assert_eq(grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),& & ubound(gq2,dim=1),ubound(gq3,dim=1),ubound(gq4,dim=1),& & 'PrintGridQuant: distributions must be same size') if (grid%nsub /= 0) then dy_local = default_or_opt(maxval(grid%subgd%dy),dy) else dy_local = default_or_opt(grid%dy,dy) end if dev_local = default_or_opt(6,dev) ny = floor(grid%ymax / dy_local) do i = 0, ny y = i*dy_local q = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq, y) q2 = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq2, y) q3 = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq3, y) q4 = EvalGridQuant(grid, gq4, y) write(dev_local,'(25es25.16)') y, exp(-y),q, q2, q3, q4 end do end subroutine conv_PrintGridQuant_4 !====================================================================== ! Routines related to calculations of moments !====================================================================== !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Computes the truncated moment between 0 and min(y,ymax) !! of the grid quantity gq with the moment index defined as !! !! Define the function which is going to be integrated !! Multiply the pdf by exp( - y * moment_index) !! Moment index are defined as !! !! M(moment_index) = \int_0^ymax dy exp( - y * moment_index) * xpdf(y) !! !! or in terms of x, where y = ln(1/x) !! !! M(moment_index) = \int_xmin^1 dx x^( moment_index - 1) * xpdf(x) !! !! where xpdf(y) is gq .aty. (y .with. gd) !------------------------------------------------------------- function conv_TruncatedMoment_1d(gd, gq, moment_index, y) result(res) use integrator type(grid_def), intent(in) :: gd real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:), moment_index real(dp), intent(in), optional :: y real(dp) :: res, ymax,yl,yh,eps integer :: ny !----------------------------------------------------- res = zero ! global variables to pass to auxiliary conv_TruncatedMoment_helper ! inefficient to make copies, but works around impossibility ! of having pointers to intent(in) objects??? conv_moment_index = moment_index conv_moment_gd = gd allocate( conv_moment_gq(0:gd%ny) ) conv_moment_gq = gq ! Check dimensions are correct ! write(6,*) gd%ny, ubound(gq,dim=1) ny = assert_eq(gd%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"EvalGridQuant") if( gd%ny .ne. ubound(gq,dim=1) ) & & call wae_error("Different dimensions for ",& & "grid quantity and grid in conv_TruncatedMoment_1d") ! Get ymax, upper integration limit ymax = default_or_opt(gd%ymax, y) ! Warning: the upper integration limit cannot be larger than ! ymax from the grid definition !write(6,*) ymax if (ymax > gd%ymax) call wae_error("Input value for y",& & "for computation of truncated moment",& & "larger than ymax from grid") ! Set convolution for integration eps = default_conv_eps ! Integrate between 0 and ymax ! Do the integration in two steps to improve accuracy ! Check ymax > two, the indermediate limit yl=zero yh=ymax res = ig_LinWeight(conv_TruncatedMoment_helper,& & yl,min(two,ymax),one,one,eps) res = res + ig_LinWeight(conv_TruncatedMoment_helper,& & min(two,ymax),ymax, one,one,eps) ! Dealocate auxiliary grid quantity deallocate( conv_moment_gq ) end function conv_TruncatedMoment_1d !------------------------------------------------ ! Auxiliary function for conv_TruncatedMoment_1d !------------------------------------------------ function conv_TruncatedMoment_helper(y) result(res) real(dp), intent(in) :: y real(dp) :: res res = exp( -y * conv_moment_index ) & & * EvalGridQuant(conv_moment_gd,conv_moment_gq,y) end function conv_TruncatedMoment_helper !====================================================================== ! Routines related to convolutions !====================================================================== !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! set the default integration precision subroutine SetDefaultConvolutionEps(eps) real(dp), intent(in) :: eps default_conv_eps = eps end subroutine SetDefaultConvolutionEps !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! set the default integration precision real(dp) function DefaultConvolutionEps() result(res) res = default_conv_eps end function DefaultConvolutionEps !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Just does the memory allocation recursive subroutine conv_AllocGridConv_0d(grid,gc) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc !------------------------------------------- integer :: isub gc%grid = grid if (gc%grid%nsub /= 0) then nullify(gc%conv) ! avoid doing anything too stupid... allocate(gc%subgc(gc%grid%nsub)) do isub = 1, gc%grid%nsub call conv_AllocGridConv_0d(grid%subgd(isub),gc%subgc(isub)) end do else nullify(gc%subgc) ! this form of deallocate ought to be OK (?), but on lahey, ! compaq+condor (and perhaps elsewhere) it causes problems !deallocate(gc%conv,stat=istat) if (grid%order == LIN_ORDER) then allocate(gc%conv(0:grid%ny,2)) else if (grid%order > LIN_ORDER) then allocate(gc%conv(0:grid%ny,0:grid%order+1)) else allocate(gc%conv(0:grid%ny,1)) end if end if end subroutine conv_AllocGridConv_0d !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Handy to have multi-dimensional versions of the above subroutine conv_AllocGridConv_1d(grid,gc) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:) !------------------------------------------- integer :: i do i = 1, size(gc) call conv_AllocGridConv_0d(grid,gc(i)) end do end subroutine conv_AllocGridConv_1d subroutine conv_AllocGridConv_2d(grid,gc) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:,:) !------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j do i = 1, size(gc,dim=2) do j = 1, size(gc,dim=1) call conv_AllocGridConv_0d(grid,gc(j,i)) end do end do end subroutine conv_AllocGridConv_2d !====================================================================== !! Return .true. if the gc is currently allocated, .false. otherwise function GridConvAllocated(gc) logical :: GridConvAllocated type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gc GridConvAllocated = associated(gc%conv) .or. associated(gc%subgc) !GridConvAllocated = .false. end function GridConvAllocated !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialise a grid convolution with zero ! Default for alloc is .true.; writing this this way allows ! in principle the possibility of a more levels of recursion ! in the grid def, should one ever want to have the option... recursive subroutine conv_InitGridConv_zero(grid,gc,alloc) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc logical, intent(in), optional :: alloc !------------------------------------------- integer :: isub if (default_or_opt(.not.GridConvAllocated(gc),alloc)) then call AllocGridConv(grid,gc) else call ValidateGD(grid, gc%grid, 'conv_InitGridConv_zero') end if if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub ! remember not to do double allocate call conv_InitGridConv_zero(grid%subgd(isub),& &gc%subgc(isub),alloc=.false.) end do else gc%conv = zero end if end subroutine conv_InitGridConv_zero !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Handy to have multi-dimensional versions of the above subroutine conv_InitGridConv_zero_1d(grid,gc,alloc) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: alloc !------------------------------------------- integer :: i do i = 1, size(gc) call conv_InitGridConv_zero(grid,gc(i),alloc) end do end subroutine conv_InitGridConv_zero_1d subroutine conv_InitGridConv_zero_2d(grid,gc,alloc) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:,:) logical, intent(in), optional :: alloc !------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j do i = 1, size(gc,dim=2) do j = 1, size(gc,dim=1) call conv_InitGridConv_zero(grid,gc(j,i),alloc) end do end do end subroutine conv_InitGridConv_zero_2d !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialise a grid convolution with another gc, potentially multiplied ! by a factor. Qu: is alloc supposed to be used from outside? recursive subroutine conv_InitGridConv_gc(gc,gcin,fact,alloc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gcin real(dp), intent(in), optional :: fact logical, intent(in), optional :: alloc !------------------------------------------- integer :: isub if (default_or_opt(.not.GridConvAllocated(gc),alloc)) then call AllocGridConv(gcin%grid,gc) else call ValidateGD(gcin%grid,gc%grid,'conv_InitGridConv_gc') end if if (gcin%grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, gcin%grid%nsub ! remember not to do double allocate call conv_InitGridConv_gc(gc%subgc(isub),& &gcin%subgc(isub),fact=fact,alloc=.false.) end do else if (present(fact)) then gc%conv = gcin%conv * fact else gc%conv = gcin%conv end if end if end subroutine conv_InitGridConv_gc !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Handy to have multi-dimensional versions of the above subroutine conv_InitGridConv_gc_1d(gc,gcin,fact,alloc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:) type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gcin(:) real(dp), intent(in), optional :: fact logical, intent(in), optional :: alloc !------------------------------------------- integer :: i, ni ni = assert_eq(size(gc),size(gcin),'conv_InitGridConv_gc_1d') do i = 1, ni call conv_InitGridConv_gc(gc(i),gcin(i),fact,alloc) end do end subroutine conv_InitGridConv_gc_1d subroutine conv_InitGridConv_gc_2d(gc,gcin,fact,alloc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:,:) type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gcin(:,:) real(dp), intent(in), optional :: fact logical, intent(in), optional :: alloc !------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j,ni,nj ni = assert_eq(size(gc,dim=2),size(gcin,dim=2),'conv_InitGridConv_gc_1d') nj = assert_eq(size(gc,dim=1),size(gcin,dim=1),'conv_InitGridConv_gc_1d') do i = 1, ni do j = 1, nj call conv_InitGridConv_gc(gc(j,i),gcin(j,i),fact,alloc) end do end do end subroutine conv_InitGridConv_gc_2d !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialise a convoluter with the function to use in the ! convolution. subroutine conv_InitGridConv_func(grid,gc,func,alloc) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc interface function func(x) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x real(dp) :: func end function func end interface logical, intent(in), optional :: alloc !------------------------------------------- !if (default_or_opt(.not.GridConvAllocated(gc),alloc)) call conv_InitGridConv_zero(grid,gc) call conv_InitGridConv_zero(grid,gc) call AddWithCoeff(gc,func) end subroutine conv_InitGridConv_func !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialise a convoluter with the function to use in the ! convolution. subroutine conv_InitGridConv_conv(gc,gca,gcb,alloc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gca, gcb logical, intent(in), optional :: alloc !------------------------------------------- if (default_or_opt(.not.GridConvAllocated(gc),alloc)) then call AllocGridConv(gca%grid,gc) else call ValidateGD(gc%grid, gca%grid,& & 'conv_InitGridConv_conv: gc and gca') end if call SetToConvolution(gc,gca, gcb) end subroutine conv_InitGridConv_conv !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Zero the contents of the grid convolution ! recursive subroutine conv_ZeroGridConv_0d(gc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc integer :: isub if (gc%grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, gc%grid%nsub call SetToZero(gc%subgc(isub)) end do else gc%conv = zero end if end subroutine conv_ZeroGridConv_0d ! Handy to have multi-dimensional versions of the above subroutine conv_ZeroGridConv_1d(gc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:) !------------------------------------------- integer :: i do i = 1, size(gc) call conv_ZeroGridConv_0d(gc(i)) end do end subroutine conv_ZeroGridConv_1d subroutine conv_ZeroGridConv_2d(gc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:,:) !------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j do i = 1, size(gc,dim=2) do j = 1, size(gc,dim=1) call conv_ZeroGridConv_0d(gc(j,i)) end do end do end subroutine conv_ZeroGridConv_2d !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Remove memory associated with a given gc. recursive subroutine conv_DelGridConv_0d(gc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc !------------------------------------------- integer :: istat, isub if (.not. GridConvAllocated(gc)) return if (gc%grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, gc%grid%nsub call conv_DelGridConv_0d(gc%subgc(isub)) end do deallocate(gc%subgc,stat=istat) nullify(gc%subgc) ! to make sure it isn't left dangling (necessary?) else deallocate(gc%conv,stat=istat) nullify(gc%conv) ! to make sure it isn't left dangling (necessary?) end if if (istat /= 0) then write(0,*) 'ERROR: problems with deallocation in conv_DelGridConv_0d' !write(0,*) one/sqrt(sin(zero)) stop end if end subroutine conv_DelGridConv_0d !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Handy to have multi-dimensional versions of the above subroutine conv_DelGridConv_1d(gc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:) !------------------------------------------- integer :: i do i = 1, size(gc) call conv_DelGridConv_0d(gc(i)) end do end subroutine conv_DelGridConv_1d subroutine conv_DelGridConv_2d(gc) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:,:) !------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j do i = 1, size(gc,dim=2) do j = 1, size(gc,dim=1) call conv_DelGridConv_0d(gc(j,i)) end do end do end subroutine conv_DelGridConv_2d !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Multiply the given GridConv by the relevant factor recursive subroutine conv_MultGridConv_0d(gc,fact) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc real(dp), intent(in) :: fact !------------------------------------------- integer :: isub if (gc%grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, gc%grid%nsub call Multiply(gc%subgc(isub),fact) end do else gc%conv = gc%conv * fact end if end subroutine conv_MultGridConv_0d !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Handy to have multi-dimensional versions of the above subroutine conv_MultGridConv_1d(gc,fact) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:) real(dp), intent(in) :: fact !------------------------------------------- integer :: i do i = 1, size(gc) call conv_MultGridConv_0d(gc(i),fact) end do end subroutine conv_MultGridConv_1d subroutine conv_MultGridConv_2d(gc,fact) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:,:) real(dp), intent(in) :: fact !------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j do i = 1, size(gc,dim=2) do j = 1, size(gc,dim=1) call conv_MultGridConv_0d(gc(j,i),fact) end do end do end subroutine conv_MultGridConv_2d !------------------------------------------------------------- ! To gc add a function for convolution recursive subroutine conv_AddGridConv_func(gc,func) use integrator; use convolution_communicator type(grid_conv), intent(inout), target :: gc interface function func(x) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x real(dp) :: func end function func end interface !---------------------------------------------------- real(dp), pointer :: dy integer, pointer :: ny integer :: order real(dp) :: upper,lower, yl,ym,yh integer :: i,j, k !------------------------------------------------------ real(dp) :: res,eps!, nodes(gc%grid%order+1) integer :: il, ih, iy, jy real(dp), allocatable :: nodes(:) !------------------------------------------------------ integer :: isub if (gc%grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, gc%grid%nsub call conv_AddGridConv_func(gc%subgc(isub),func) end do return end if dy => gc%grid%dy ny => gc%grid%ny order = gc%grid%order eps = gc%grid%eps !-- this used to be an automatic, but ran into problems ! with multi-grid splitting functions because compound holder ! had an undefined value for gc%grid%order allocate(nodes(abs(gc%grid%order)+1)) cc_piece = cc_REAL if (gc%grid%order == LIN_ORDER) then do i = 1, ny ym = i*dy yl = ym - dy yh = ym + dy lower = ig_LinWeight(func,yl,ym,zero,one,eps) ! specify 0 at yl upper = ig_LinWeight(func,ym,yh,one,zero,eps) ! specify 0 at yh gc%conv(i,FULL) = gc%conv(i,FULL) + lower + upper gc%conv(i,UPPR) = gc%conv(i,UPPR) + upper end do !-- see CCN17-62 ---- ym = zero yh = dy cc_piece = cc_REAL upper = ig_LinWeight(func,ym,yh,zero,-one,eps) cc_piece = cc_REALVIRT upper = upper + ig_LinWeight(func,ym,yh,one,one,eps) cc_piece = cc_VIRT upper = upper + ig_LinWeight(func,yh,-two*log(eps),one,one,eps) cc_piece = cc_DELTA upper = upper + func(zero) gc%conv(0,FULL) = gc%conv(0,FULL) + upper gc%conv(0,UPPR) = gc%conv(0,UPPR) + upper else if (gc%grid%order < LIN_ORDER) then ! should be similar to Ratcliffes proposal (and the sort of thing ! regularly done in BFKL). NB Not documented in any CCN -- hopefully ! straightforward enough that it can be done in one's head? order = -gc%grid%order do i = 1, ny !-- this is the range of interest yl = (i-1) * dy yh = i * dy !-- this is range of nodes for that interval il = i-1 ih = il + order nodes = (/ (j,j=il,ih) /) * dy do iy = il, min(ih,ny) res = conv_GCAf_Helper(func,yl,yh,il,iy,nodes,eps) gc%conv(iy,1) = gc%conv(iy,1) + res end do end do !write(0,*) 'conv_AddGridConv_func: Negative orders not yet supported' !stop else !-- CCN19 p.4 ------------- ! index 0: central points ! index 1..order+1: for dealing with last order+1 points !-- first do central points. Do an interval at a time ! i = 1, means interval from 0 to 1 !-- the first loop is missing something:: it should also be filling up ! some pieces in the second loop, at least in some cases do i = 1, ny !-- this is the range of interest yl = (i-1) * dy yh = i * dy !-- these are the interpolation points to be used il = max(0,i - (order+2)/2) ih = min(ny, il+order) il = ih - order !-- fill things up? nodes = (/ (j,j=il,ih) /) * dy do iy = il, ih res = conv_GCAf_Helper(func,yl,yh,il,iy,nodes,eps) gc%conv(iy,0) = gc%conv(iy,0) + res !-- deal properly with special end array -- ! try to be clever with limits, but there are no guarantees. ! It does however seem to work! do jy = max(i+order,iy), iy+order if (jy <= ny) then gc%conv(jy,order+1-(jy-iy)) & &= gc%conv(jy,order+1-(jy-iy)) + res end if end do end do end do !-- now deal with integrations close to end points ! k represents the end points do k = 1, ny if (k <= order) then yl = max(zero, (k-order)*dy) yh = k*dy !-- the interpolation points & yes, it is normal for them ! to be negative ! it is related to the way the convolution is done for the case ! i < order, i.e. effectively conv(0:order)*gq(order:0:-1) ! (actually conv(i, 1:order+1)) ih = k il = k - order !-- fill things up nodes = (/ (j,j=il,ih) /) * dy do iy = il, ih res = conv_GCAf_Helper(func,yl,yh,il,iy,nodes,eps) gc%conv(k,iy-il+1) = gc%conv(k,iy-il+1) + res end do cycle end if ! now do things region by region !-- i represents the region that we will study do i = max(1,k-order+1), k !-- this is the range of interest yl = (i-1) * dy yh = i * dy !-- these are the interpolation points to be used ! note extra min(k,...) compared to above formula il = max(0,i - (order+2)/2) ih = min(k,min(ny, il+order)) !-- could simplify expression il = ih - order nodes = (/ (j,j=il,ih) /) * dy do iy = max(il,k-order), ih res = conv_GCAf_Helper(func,yl,yh,il,iy,nodes,eps) gc%conv(k,order+1-(k-iy)) = & &gc%conv(k,order+1-(k-iy)) + res end do end do end do end if deallocate(nodes) end subroutine conv_AddGridConv_func !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! look after some repetitive work... ! ! Guess that this function may do the following: ! Work out the weight corresponding to the integral, between yl and yh ! of the function func(y) mutiplied by a polynomial which is zero at ! all the nodes (which start from il) except that indicated by iy. ! function conv_GCAf_Helper(func,yl,yh,il,iy,nodes,eps) result(res) use integrator; use convolution_communicator interface function func(x) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x real(dp) :: func end function func end interface real(dp), intent(in) :: yl, yh, nodes(:), eps integer, intent(in) :: il, iy real(dp) :: res integer :: inode inode = iy - il + 1 res = zero if (yl == zero .and. iy == 0) then cc_piece = cc_VIRT res = res + ig_LinWeight(func, yh,-two*log(eps), one,one, eps) cc_piece = cc_DELTA res = res + func(zero) cc_piece = cc_REALVIRT res = res + ig_LinWeight(func, yl, yh, one, one, eps) cc_piece = cc_REAL res = res + ig_PolyWeight(func, yl, yh, nodes, inode, eps,wgtadd=-one) else cc_piece = cc_REAL res = ig_PolyWeight(func, yl, yh, nodes, inode, eps) end if end function conv_GCAf_Helper !------------------------------------------------------------- ! To gc add another grid convolution. ! ! Perhaps there are some inefficiences here (validation may sometimes ! be carried out twice), but for the time being, leave it as is. recursive subroutine conv_AddGridConv_gc(gc,gcadd,fact) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gcadd real(dp), intent(in), optional :: fact !---------------------------------------------- integer :: isub call ValidateGD(gc%grid, gcadd%grid, 'conv_AddGridConv_gc') if (gc%grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, gc%grid%nsub call conv_AddGridConv_gc(gc%subgc(isub),gcadd%subgc(isub),fact) end do else if (present(fact)) then gc%conv = gc%conv + gcadd%conv * fact else gc%conv = gc%conv + gcadd%conv end if end if end subroutine conv_AddGridConv_gc !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Handy to have multi-dimensional versions of the above subroutine conv_AddGridConv_gc_1d(gc,gcadd,fact) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:) type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gcadd(:) real(dp), intent(in), optional :: fact !------------------------------------------- integer :: i do i = 1, size(gc) call conv_AddGridConv_gc(gc(i),gcadd(i),fact) end do end subroutine conv_AddGridConv_gc_1d subroutine conv_AddGridConv_gc_2d(gc,gcadd,fact) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:,:) type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gcadd(:,:) real(dp), intent(in), optional :: fact !------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j do i = 1, size(gc,dim=2) do j = 1, size(gc,dim=1) call conv_AddGridConv_gc(gc(j,i),gcadd(j,i),fact) end do end do end subroutine conv_AddGridConv_gc_2d !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Carry out the convolution of gc on gq recursive function conv_ConvGridQuant_scalar(gc,gq) result(gqout) type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gc real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:) real(dp) :: gqout(0:ubound(gq,dim=1)) !--------------------------------------------- integer :: i, ny !, j integer :: order integer :: isub, iy, dy_ratio if (gc%grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, gc%grid%nsub gqout(gc%grid%subiy(isub):gc%grid%subiy(isub+1)-1) = & & conv_ConvGridQuant_scalar(gc%subgc(isub),& & gq(gc%grid%subiy(isub):gc%grid%subiy(isub+1)-1)) end do if (gc%grid%locked .and. .not.override_grid_locking) then ! !-- decant information from finer grids into coarser grids ! ! (remember: finest grid has lowest isub) ! do isub = 2, gc%grid%nsub ! ! the ratio should be an exact integer, but use ! ! nint() to avoid the dangers of rounding errors ! dy_ratio = nint(gc%grid%subgd(isub)%dy / gc%grid%subgd(isub-1)%dy) ! do iy = 0, gc%grid%subgd(isub-1)%ny / dy_ratio ! gqout(gc%grid%subiy(isub)+iy) = & ! &gqout(gc%grid%subiy(isub-1)+iy*dy_ratio) ! end do ! end do call conv_DecantMultiGridQuant(gc%grid, gqout) nconv_with_override_off = nconv_with_override_off + 1 end if return end if ny = assert_eq(gc%grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_ConvGridQuant") order = gc%grid%order !-- Hopefully this will avoid some wasted convolutions? if (all(gq == zero)) then gqout = zero return end if if (order == LIN_ORDER) then !-- a test to avoid N^2 operations... if (all(gc%conv(:,FULL) == zero)) then gqout = zero return end if gqout(0) = zero do i = 1, ny !-- following is legal fortran but it is very slow sometimes gqout(i) = sum(gq(0:i)*gc%conv(i:0:-1,FULL)) !-- maybe the version that follows will be faster on some compilers ! on absoft it definitely is !!$ gqout(i) = zero !!$ do j = 0, i !!$ gqout(i) = gqout(i) + gq(j)*gc%conv(i-j,FULL) !!$ end do !write(0,*) i*gc%grid%dy,gqout(i), gc%conva(1) gqout(i) = (gqout(i)-gq(0)*gc%conv(i,UPPR)) end do else if (order < 0) then ! Ratcliffes proposal !gqout(0) = zero ! NB: explicitly do also the i=0 case. Under normal circumstances ! it should give zero; however we still let the user enjoy ! their folly if they really want to have gq(0)/=0 --- this ! is something that comes in handy when generating "derived" ! convolutors... do i = 0, ny gqout(i) = sum(gc%conv(0:i,1)*gq(i:0:-1)) end do else gqout = zero !-- a test to avoid N^2 operations... if (all(gc%conv(:,0) == zero)) return !-- current writing is designed to reduce thrashing of cache. ! It is not clear that it actually helps in any way ! Commented version theoretically has higher cache thrashing. do i = 1, ny if (i > order) then gqout(i) = sum(gc%conv(0:i-order-1,0)*gq(i:order+1:-1)) end if !-- HIGH CACHE THRASH !gqout(i) = gqout(i) + sum(gc%conv(i,1:order+1)*gq(order:0:-1)) end do !-- LOW CACHE THRASH do i = 1, order+1 gqout(:) = gqout(:) + gc%conv(:,i)*gq(order+1-i) end do end if end function conv_ConvGridQuant_scalar !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Carry out the convolution of two convolution functions ! It is recommended that if one of them is singular at x=1, then this be ! gca: this helps minimise the discretisation error (in some cases). ! ! NB: subroutine name is not quite consistent with things like ! Add or Mult since the operands are completely distinct from the ! result. recursive subroutine conv_ConvGridConv_0d(gc,gca, gcb, reorder) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gca, gcb logical, intent(in), optional :: reorder !--------------------------------------------- integer :: i, j, order, ix !-- these might be better if on the fly, given recursive nature? real(dp) :: deltafn(0:gca%grid%ny), res(0:gca%grid%ny) integer :: isub call ValidateGD(gca%grid, gcb%grid, 'conv_ConvGridConv_0d: gca and gcb') if (.not.GridConvAllocated(gc)) then call AllocGridConv(gca%grid,gc) else call ValidateGD(gc%grid, gca%grid, 'conv_ConvGridConv_0d: gc and gca') end if if (gc%grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, gc%grid%nsub call conv_ConvGridConv_0d(gc%subgc(isub),& & gca%subgc(isub), gcb%subgc(isub),reorder) end do return end if if (default_or_opt(.true.,reorder)) then !-- decide which part of conv matrix to use select case (gca%grid%order) case(LIN_ORDER) ix = FULL case(LIN_ORDER+1:) ix = 0 case(:LIN_ORDER-1) ix = 1 end select !-- use as only criterion of singularity that there should be ! opposite signs for the first two grid points? This is not ! by any means foolproof, but in basic cases it seems to work. ! Put the less singular convolutor to the right. if (product(gca%conv(0:1,ix)) >= zero .and. & & product(gcb%conv(0:1,ix)) < zero) then call conv_ConvGridConv_0d(gc,gcb, gca, reorder=.false.) return end if end if if (gca%grid%order == LIN_ORDER) then !-- this is just a guess. Now we will see if it is right gc%conv(:,FULL) = (gca .conv. gcb%conv(:,FULL)) +& &gca%conv(:,UPPR) * gcb%conv(0,FULL) !-- next 3 lines actually calculate LOWER. Then correct it to upper. ! Do the convolution of a deltafn by hand in order to ! be more efficient: tested that it gave identical answers deltafn = gcb%conv(:,FULL) - gcb%conv(:,UPPR) deltafn(0) = zero gc%conv(:,UPPR) = gca .conv. deltafn !gc%conv(:,UPPR) = gca .conv. (gcb .conv. deltafn) gc%conv(:,UPPR) = gc%conv(:,FULL) - gc%conv(:,UPPR) else if (gca%grid%order < LIN_ORDER) then ! the ratcliffe approach do i = 0, gc%grid%ny gc%conv(i,1) = sum(gca%conv(0:i,1)*gcb%conv(i:0:-1,1)) end do !write(0,*) 'SetToConvolution: Negative orders not yet supported' !stop else order = gca%grid%order !-- let us hope that the following works? ! in this first incarnation it will be roughly half the optimum ! speed because the inner convolution will be done "stupidly", ! using O(N^2) steps rather than the possible O(N) do j = 0, order+1 !-- set up a delta function and its convolution deltafn = zero; deltafn(j) = one !-- try to avoid too much rubbish in the result? res = zero res = gca .conv. (gcb .conv. deltafn) !-- redistribute the result if (j /= order+1) then gc%conv(:,order+1-j) = res(:) else gc%conv(0:gca%grid%ny-(order+1),0) = res(order+1:gca%grid%ny) !-- The region conv(gca%grid%ny-order:) remains unfilled. This ! is OK since in practice (current incarnation) it never ! gets used. end if end do !-- now remember to test it! end if end subroutine conv_ConvGridConv_0d !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! version for automatically doing convolution of two 2x2 arrays ! with array multiplication in the usual fortran sense subroutine conv_ConvGridConv_2dx2d(gc,gca, gcb) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:,:) type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gca(:,:), gcb(:,:) !---------------------------------------------------- integer :: ir, im, ic, nr, nm, nc type(grid_conv) :: conv nr = assert_eq(size(gc,dim=1),size(gca,dim=1) ,'conv_ConvGridConv_2dx2d') nc = assert_eq(size(gc,dim=2),size(gcb,dim=2) ,'conv_ConvGridConv_2dx2d') nm = assert_eq(size(gca,dim=2),size(gcb,dim=1),'conv_ConvGridConv_2dx2d') ! allocate gc if need be, with default initialization of zero call InitGridConv(gca(1,1)%grid, gc) !call SetToZero(gc) call AllocGridConv(gc(1,1)%grid,conv) do ic = 1, nc do ir = 1, nr do im = 1, nm call conv_ConvGridConv_0d(conv,gca(ir,im),gcb(im,ic)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(ir,ic),conv) end do end do end do call Delete(conv) end subroutine conv_ConvGridConv_2dx2d !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Returns in gc (assumed preallocated) the commutator of ! gca and gcb. Does nothing clever about ordering of ! the arrays... ! ! This is a very inefficient version because it does many more convolutions ! than are needed. Only for 2x2 arrays does it do a reasonably sensible job. ! subroutine SetToCommutator_gc(gc,gca, gcb) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc(:,:) type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gca(:,:), gcb(:,:) !---------------------------------------------------- type(grid_conv) :: cc(size(gc,dim=1),size(gc,dim=2)) type(grid_conv) :: prod ! allocate gc if need be, with default initialization of zero call InitGridConv(gca(1,1)%grid, gc) !call SetToZero(gc) ! allocate some more memory call AllocGridConv(gc(1,1)%grid,cc) !-- use a shortcut for 2-dim arrays; do things long-hand ! for others if (size(gc,dim=1) == 2 .and. size(gc,dim=2) == 2) then !-- for 2x2 arrays we will want to do something along the following lines ! (with a similar definition for B). !> A:=matrix(2,2,[a11,a12,a21,a22]); ! [a11 a12] ! A := [ ] ! [a21 a22] !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !> matadd(multiply(A,B),-multiply(B,A)); ! [ a12 b21 - a21 b12 a11 b12 + a12 b22 - b11 a12 - b12 a22] ! [ ] ! [a21 b11 + a22 b21 - b21 a11 - b22 a21 a21 b12 - a12 b21 ] call AllocGridConv(gc(1,1)%grid,prod) ! res11 = a12 b21 - a21 b12 call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(1,2),gcb(2,1)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(1,1),prod) call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(2,1),gcb(1,2)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(1,1),prod,-one) ! res22 = -res 11 call AddWithCoeff(gc(2,2),gc(1,1),-one) ! res12 = a11 b12 + a12 b22 - b11 a12 - b12 a22 call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(1,1),gcb(1,2)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(1,2),prod) call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(1,2),gcb(2,2)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(1,2),prod) call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(1,2),gcb(1,1)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(1,2),prod,-one) call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(2,2),gcb(1,2)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(1,2),prod,-one) ! res21 = a21 b11 + a22 b21 - b21 a11 - b22 a21 call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(2,1),gcb(1,1)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(2,1),prod) call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(2,2),gcb(2,1)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(2,1),prod) call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(1,1),gcb(2,1)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(2,1),prod,-one) call SetToConvolution(prod,gca(2,1),gcb(2,2)) call AddWithCoeff(gc(2,1),prod,-one) call Delete(prod) else call SetToConvolution(cc,gca,gcb) call AddWithCoeff(gc,cc) call SetToConvolution(cc,gcb,gca) call AddWithCoeff(gc,cc,-one) end if call Delete(cc) end subroutine SetToCommutator_gc !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Carry out the convolution of gc on gq: but not always the ! most efficient way of dealing with the problem... function conv_ConvGridQuant_mat(gc,gq) result(gqout) type(grid_conv), intent(in) :: gc(:,:) real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(0:,:) real(dp) :: gqout(0:ubound(gq,dim=1),size(gc,dim=1)) !--------------------------------------------- integer :: ny, ic, ir, ncol, nrow ny = assert_eq(gc(1,1)%grid%ny,ubound(gq,dim=1),"conv_ConvGridQuant") ncol = assert_eq(size(gc,dim=2),size(gq,dim=2),"conv_ConvGridQuant") nrow = size(gc,dim=1) gqout = zero do ir = 1, nrow do ic = 1, ncol !gqout(:,ir) = gqout(:,ir) + gc(ir,ic) .conv. gq(:,ic) gqout(:,ir) = gqout(:,ir) +& & conv_ConvGridQuant_scalar(gc(ir,ic), gq(:,ic)) end do end do end function conv_ConvGridQuant_mat !====================================================================== !> Evaluates the partonic luminosity associated with two grid quantities !> gq1 and gq2 using a "plain" method involving a straightforward sum !> of the products of the two (oppositely-ordered) vectors. !> !> This method can only be used for PDFs that go smoothly to zero for y->0. !> Reasonable accuracy of the result is then a consequence of the fact that !> integrals that go to zero smoothly at both extremities of the integration !> region converge as dy^n with n very high, even without any fancy !> higher-order tricks. Actually, fancy higher-order tricks do worse often. !> !> This routine is not intended for general use. Instead go for !> conv_Luminosity_multi. recursive function conv_Luminosity_plain(grid, gq1, gq2) result(lumi) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: gq1(0:), gq2(0:) real(dp) :: lumi(0:grid%ny) integer :: i, isub, lo, hi, ny ny = assert_eq(grid%ny, ubound(gq1,1),ubound(gq2,1),"conv_Luminosity_plain") if (grid%nsub == 0) then lumi(0) = zero do i = 1, ny lumi(i) = sum(gq1(0:i)*gq2(i:0:-1))*grid%dy end do else do isub = 1, grid%nsub lo = grid%subiy(isub) hi = lo + grid%subgd(isub)%ny lumi(lo:hi) = conv_Luminosity_plain(grid%subgd(isub), gq1(lo:hi), gq2(lo:hi)) end do if (grid%locked) call conv_DecantMultiGridQuant(grid,lumi) end if end function conv_Luminosity_plain !====================================================================== !> Evaluate the partonic luminosity of gq1 and gq2 using tricks to improve !> accuracy of the multi-grid case. !> !> In particular for a fine grid going from 0:yfine, the coarse !> lumi evaluation uses the fine grid information up to 2*yfine, with !> interpolation (according to grid%order) of the coarser grid in the regions !> where fine information is lacking. !> !> Like conv_Luminosity_plain(...), this relies on the PDFs vanishing !> suitably smoothly at y = 0. function conv_Luminosity_multi(grid, gq1, gq2) result(lumi) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: gq1(0:), gq2(0:) real(dp) :: lumi(0:ubound(gq1,1)) !----------------------- type(grid_def), pointer :: fine, coarse integer :: isub, iy, step ! if the grid doesn't have the right structure, we just give up if (grid%nsub == 0 .or. .not. grid%locked) then ! get our usual guess for the luminosity function and then return lumi = conv_Luminosity_plain(grid, gq1, gq2) return end if ! first do lowest isub (has finest spacing) lumi(0:grid%subgd(1)%ny) = conv_Luminosity_plain(& & grid%subgd(1), & & gq1(0:grid%subgd(1)%ny), & & gq2(0:grid%subgd(1)%ny)) ! then do non-trivial bits isub by isub do isub = 1, grid%nsub-1 fine => grid%subgd(isub) coarse => grid%subgd(isub+1) call conv_Luminosity_multi_do_sub(& & fine,& & gq1(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub)+fine%ny),& & gq2(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub)+fine%ny),& & coarse,& & gq1(grid%subiy(isub+1):grid%subiy(isub+1)+coarse%ny),& & gq2(grid%subiy(isub+1):grid%subiy(isub+1)+coarse%ny),& & lumi(grid%subiy(isub+1):grid%subiy(isub+1)+coarse%ny)) end do !-- decant information from finer grids into coarser grids call conv_DecantMultiGridQuant(grid,lumi) end function conv_Luminosity_multi !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !> helper function for lumi_multi, which is responsible for handling !> the combined use of fine and coarse grids. subroutine conv_Luminosity_multi_do_sub(& & grid_fine, gq1_fine, gq2_fine,& & grid_coarse, gq1_coarse, gq2_coarse, lumi_coarse) use interpolation type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid_fine, grid_coarse real(dp), intent(in) :: gq1_fine(0:), gq2_fine(0:) real(dp), intent(in) :: gq1_coarse(0:), gq2_coarse(0:) real(dp), intent(inout) :: lumi_coarse(0:) !-------------------------------------- integer :: ny_fine, ny_coarse, max_ny_coarse real(dp) :: gq1_tmp(0:2*ubound(gq1_fine,1)) real(dp) :: gq2_tmp(0:2*ubound(gq2_fine,1)) integer :: order, range_up, range_down, range_down_last integer, parameter :: nmax = 9 ! max order, as uniform_interpolation_weights real(dp) :: weights(0:nmax,nint(grid_coarse%dy / grid_fine%dy)-1) integer :: i, step, iy_coarse, iy_fine integer :: offset, last_offset step = nint(grid_coarse%dy / grid_fine%dy) ! make sure the ny we use is a multiple of step ny_coarse = (grid_fine%ny/step) ny_fine = ny_coarse * step ! first copy the high-resolution piece across to a temporary array gq1_tmp(0:ny_fine) = gq1_fine(0:ny_fine) gq2_tmp(0:ny_fine) = gq2_fine(0:ny_fine) ! next get take the low resolution part and interpolate it ! first establish the appropriate range max_ny_coarse = min(2*ny_coarse, grid_coarse%ny) ! decide where we will interpolate order = abs(grid_coarse%order) if (grid_coarse%ny < order) call wae_error("lumi_multi_do_sub",& &"grid_coarse%ny < order, grid_fine%dy = ", dbleval=grid_fine%dy) ! first do the trivial points gq1_tmp(ny_fine+step:max_ny_coarse*step:step) = & & gq1_coarse(ny_coarse+1:max_ny_coarse) gq2_tmp(ny_fine+step:max_ny_coarse*step:step) = & & gq2_coarse(ny_coarse+1:max_ny_coarse) ! populate the fine grids by interpolation last_offset = 2000000000 ! semaphore for first round do iy_coarse = ny_coarse, max_ny_coarse-1 range_down = max(0, iy_coarse-(order)/2) range_up = min(grid_coarse%ny, range_down + order) range_down = range_up - order ! our order check earlier on ensures saftey here offset = iy_coarse-range_down ! now get the weights do i = 1, step-1 if (offset /= last_offset) then ! NB: with a tiny bit more work, could avoid repetitive determination ! of interpolation weights; but for now ignore this call uniform_interpolation_weights(i*(one/step)+offset, weights(0:order,i)) end if gq1_tmp(iy_coarse*step+i) = sum(weights(0:order,i)*gq1_coarse(range_down:range_up)) gq2_tmp(iy_coarse*step+i) = sum(weights(0:order,i)*gq2_coarse(range_down:range_up)) end do last_offset = offset end do ! now do the actual convolutions do iy_coarse = ny_coarse+1, max_ny_coarse lumi_coarse(iy_coarse) = sum(gq1_tmp(0:iy_coarse*step)& & * gq2_tmp(iy_coarse*step:0:-1)) * grid_fine%dy end do ! and then the rest do iy_coarse = max_ny_coarse+1, grid_coarse%ny lumi_coarse(iy_coarse) = sum(gq1_coarse(0:iy_coarse)& & * gq2_coarse(iy_coarse:0:-1)) * grid_coarse%dy end do end subroutine conv_Luminosity_multi_do_sub !====================================================================== ! Perform the steps to decant information from fine grids into the ! coarse grids of a grid quantity. subroutine conv_DecantMultiGridQuant(grid, gq) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(inout) :: gq(0:) integer :: isub, step, iy ! Remember: finest grid has lowest isub do isub = 2, grid%nsub ! the ratio should be an exact integer, but use ! nint() to avoid the dangers of rounding errors step = nint(grid%subgd(isub)%dy / grid%subgd(isub-1)%dy) do iy = 0, grid%subgd(isub-1)%ny / step gq(grid%subiy(isub)+iy) = gq(grid%subiy(isub-1)+iy*step) end do end do end subroutine conv_DecantMultiGridQuant !====================================================================== ! things for easier access to a given grid point ! (but may not be as fast as just calling the routine) function conv_gdval_gdv(grid,val) result(gdv) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: val type(gdval) :: gdv gdv%grid = grid gdv%val = val end function conv_gdval_gdv function conv_gdval_vgd(val,grid) result(gdv) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(in) :: val type(gdval) :: gdv gdv%grid = grid gdv%val = val end function conv_gdval_vgd function conv_EvalGridQuant_atx(gq, gdv) result(res) real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(:) type(gdval), intent(in) :: gdv real(dp) :: res res = EvalGridQuant(gdv%grid, gq, -log(gdv%val)) end function conv_EvalGridQuant_atx function conv_EvalGridQuant_atx_1d(gq, gdv) result(res) real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(:,:) type(gdval), intent(in) :: gdv real(dp) :: res(size(gq,dim=2)) res = EvalGridQuant(gdv%grid, gq, -log(gdv%val)) end function conv_EvalGridQuant_atx_1d function conv_EvalGridQuant_aty(gq, gdv) result(res) real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(:) type(gdval), intent(in) :: gdv real(dp) :: res res = EvalGridQuant(gdv%grid, gq, gdv%val) end function conv_EvalGridQuant_aty function conv_EvalGridQuant_aty_1d(gq, gdv) result(res) real(dp), intent(in) :: gq(:,:) type(gdval), intent(in) :: gdv real(dp) :: res(size(gq,dim=2)) res = EvalGridQuant(gdv%grid, gq, gdv%val) end function conv_EvalGridQuant_aty_1d !====================================================================== ! Routines for getting derived convolution operators ! ! See also notes on CCN25-96 !====================================================================== ! Allocates and returns an array of probes, each of which must ! be operated on with the convolver, after which the user should ! call SetDerivedConv, which formalises the results subroutine GetDerivedProbes(grid,probes) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), pointer :: probes(:,:) !--------------------- integer :: nprobes nprobes = 0 call conv_GetNProbes(grid,nprobes) call AllocGridQuant(grid,probes,1,nprobes) call conv_SetProbes(grid,probes) ! safety measures -- this is a NASTY business, but cannot ! thing of another way to ensure & check that grid locking is ! off... override_grid_locking = .true. nconv_with_override_off = 0 end subroutine GetDerivedProbes !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sets up the "derived" convolution operator. ! ! This routine actually just does the housekeeping -- the actual "hard" ! work is done by conv_SetDerivedConv_rec ! ! NB: gc must previously have been allocated subroutine SetDerivedConv(gc,probes) real(dp), pointer :: probes(:,:) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc call SetDerivedConv_nodealloc(gc,probes) deallocate(probes) end subroutine SetDerivedConv !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! runs through each of the elements of grid and establishes ! the number of probes needed. Currently only supports cases ! in which there is just a single probe... recursive subroutine conv_GetNProbes(grid,nprobes) use warnings_and_errors type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid integer, intent(out) :: nprobes !--------- integer :: nprobes_tmp, isub if (grid%nsub /= 0) then nprobes = 0 do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_GetNProbes(grid%subgd(isub),nprobes_tmp) nprobes = max(nprobes, nprobes_tmp) end do else select case(grid%order) case(:LIN_ORDER-1) nprobes = 1 case(LIN_ORDER) nprobes = 2 case(LIN_ORDER+1:) nprobes = grid%order+2 end select end if end subroutine conv_GetNProbes !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sets the exact form of the probes... Only works for order<0 for now. recursive subroutine conv_SetProbes(grid,probes) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid real(dp), intent(out) :: probes(0:,:) integer :: isub, iprobe if (grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, grid%nsub call conv_SetProbes(grid%subgd(isub),& &probes(grid%subiy(isub):grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:)) end do else select case(grid%order) case(:LIN_ORDER-1) probes(0,1) = one probes(1:,:) = zero case(LIN_ORDER) probes(:,:) = zero probes(0,1) = one probes(1,2) = one case(LIN_ORDER+1:) probes = zero do iprobe = 1, grid%order+2 probes(iprobe-1,iprobe) = one end do end select end if end subroutine conv_SetProbes !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Does the work in the setup of the "derived" convolution operator. recursive subroutine SetDerivedConv_nodealloc(gc,probes) use warnings_and_errors real(dp), intent(in) :: probes(0:,:) type(grid_conv), intent(inout) :: gc integer :: isub, order, iprobe override_grid_locking = .false. if (nconv_with_override_off /= 0) call wae_error(& &'SetDerivedConv_nodealloc',& &'Detected convolutions while lock overried off') if (gc%grid%nsub /= 0) then do isub = 1, gc%grid%nsub call SetDerivedConv_nodealloc(gc%subgc(isub),& &probes(gc%grid%subiy(isub):gc%grid%subiy(isub+1)-1,:)) end do else select case(gc%grid%order) case(:LIN_ORDER-1) gc%conv = probes case(LIN_ORDER) gc%conv(0:gc%grid%ny-1,FULL) = probes(1:,2) ! fake value here -- but since we will actually only be ! interested in lower for this point, it does not ! matter! gc%conv(gc%grid%ny,FULL) = zero ! actually it is lower that has been calculated here gc%conv(0:,UPPR) = probes(0:,1) ! now convert it to upper gc%conv(0:,UPPR) = gc%conv(0:,FULL) - gc%conv(0:,UPPR) case(LIN_ORDER+1:) order = gc%grid%order ! a safety check -- if I forget anything it should ! jump out... gc%conv = 1e90_dp ! dummy value to detect uninitialized pieces... do iprobe = 1, order+1 gc%conv(:,iprobe) = probes(:,order+2-iprobe) end do gc%conv(0:gc%grid%ny-order-1,0) = probes(order+1:,order+2) ! originally known, but unknowable with this method (and ! irrelevant). gc%conv(gc%grid%ny-order:,0) = zero end select end if end subroutine SetDerivedConv_nodealloc end module convolution