!----------------------------------------------------------- !! Module that will hopefully make tabulation easy !! !! Currently does not know anything about nf thresholds. !! !! But some form of support for these might be useful... Question is: !! how can it be arranged in a fairly clean manner, without breaking !! things that already use the system (e.g. caesar resum)? !! !! One possibility is to use an running_coupling as a source of information. !! One can then either take a copy of the running_coupling and use its routines !! or else just extract the relevant useful information !! !! Aim is to be able to write -- i.e. convolutions with full nf info !! !! Ptab%tab = dh%P_LO(iloop,tab%nf_int(:)) .conv. tab%tab !! !! This probably requires some modifications also to the convolution !! routines (which do not currently have this overloading for .conv.). !! !! [NB at some point maybe include nf association in some simpler manner?] module pdf_tabulate use types; use consts_dp use convolution; use dglap_objects use pdf_representation; use pdf_general use interpolation use warnings_and_errors !-- needed only for EvolvePdfTable [separate it out one day?] use qcd_coupling; use evolution; use dglap_holders implicit none private type pdfseginfo real(dp) :: lnlnQ_lo, lnlnQ_hi, dlnlnQ integer :: ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi end type pdfseginfo public :: pdfseginfo type pdf_table ! basic elements of a pdf_table, common regardless of whether we ! additionally have the nf segments... type(grid_def) :: grid real(dp) :: default_dlnlnQ real(dp) :: lnlnQ_min, lnlnQ_max, lambda_eff real(dp), pointer :: tab(:,:,:) real(dp), pointer :: lnlnQ_vals(:), Q_vals(:) integer :: nQ, lnlnQ_order logical :: freeze_at_Qmin ! this is useful only in absence of nf info. real(dp) :: dlnlnQ ! ! Stuff to do with variable nf and alpha_s; not always available. ! In cases with variable nf, the table will be broken into multiple ! segments, each one of which potentially different spacings. ! logical :: nf_info_associated integer :: nflo, nfhi type(pdfseginfo), pointer :: seginfo(:) integer, pointer :: nf_int(:) real(dp), pointer :: as2pi(:) ! ! Elements needed in case we want to do precalculation of ! of evolution. Not always available. type(evln_operator), pointer :: evops(:) integer :: StartScale_iQlo real(dp) :: StartScale end type pdf_table public :: pdf_table !-- for calculating ln ln Q/lambda_eff real(dp), parameter :: default_lambda_eff = 0.1_dp real(dp), parameter :: default_dlnlnQ = 0.07_dp real(dp), parameter :: warn_tolerance = 1e-3_dp ! used in various contexts for deciding when an interval is ! sufficiently small that it can be ignored... real(dp), parameter :: min_dlnlnQ_singleQ = 1e-10_dp integer, parameter :: def_lnlnQ_order = 4 !integer, parameter :: lnlnQ_order = 2 interface AllocPdfTable module procedure pdftab_AllocTab_, pdftab_AllocTab_fromorig,& & pdftab_AllocTab_1d, pdftab_AllocTab_fromorig_1d end interface interface AddNfInfoToPdfTable module procedure AddNfInfoToPdfTable, pdftab_AssocNfInfo_1d end interface interface FillPdfTable_f90sub module procedure pdftab_InitTabSub_, pdftab_InitTabSub_iset end interface public :: FillPdfTable_LHAPDF interface EvolvePdfTable module procedure pdftab_InitTabEvolve_frompre, EvolvePdfTable end interface interface Delete module procedure pdftab_DelTab_0d, pdftab_DelTab_1d end interface public :: AllocPdfTable, FillPdfTable_f90sub public :: AddNfInfoToPdfTable public :: EvolvePdfTable, PreEvolvePdfTable public :: EvolvePdfTableGen public :: EvalPdfTable_yQ, EvalPdfTable_xQ, EvalPdfTable_Q public :: Delete contains !--------------------------------------------------------- !! Allocate a pdf_table, which covers a range Qmin to Qmax, using !! tabulation uniform in (ln ln Q/Lambda), where Lambda is currently !! a module parameter. !! !! If freeze_at_Qmin is present and .true., distributions are frozen !! at their Qmin value for Q < Qmin. Otherwise they are set to zero !! there. !! !! More sensible extrapolation beyond Q range offers scope for future !! improvement here! !! subroutine pdftab_AllocTab_(grid, tab, Qmin, Qmax, dlnlnQ, lnlnQ_order, freeze_at_Qmin) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid type(pdf_table), intent(out) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: Qmin, Qmax real(dp), intent(in), optional :: dlnlnQ integer, intent(in), optional :: lnlnQ_order logical, intent(in), optional :: freeze_at_Qmin !---------------------------------------------- integer :: iQ tab%grid = grid tab%lambda_eff = min(half*Qmin, default_lambda_eff) tab%lnlnQ_min = lnln(tab,Qmin) tab%lnlnQ_max = lnln(tab,Qmax) tab%default_dlnlnQ = default_or_opt(default_dlnlnQ, dlnlnQ) tab%nQ = ceiling((tab%lnlnQ_max - tab%lnlnQ_min)/tab%default_dlnlnQ) tab%dlnlnQ = (tab%lnlnQ_max - tab%lnlnQ_min)/tab%nQ tab%freeze_at_Qmin = default_or_opt(.false.,freeze_at_Qmin) tab%lnlnQ_order = default_or_opt(def_lnlnQ_order,lnlnQ_order) !-- by default, no extra info is given tab%nf_info_associated = .false. nullify(tab%as2pi) nullify(tab%nf_int) nullify(tab%evops) !write(0,*) 'pdf_table info: Number of Q bins is ',tab%nQ call AllocPDF(grid,tab%tab,0,tab%nQ) allocate(tab%lnlnQ_vals(0:tab%nQ)) allocate(tab%Q_vals(0:tab%nQ)) do iQ = 0, tab%nQ tab%lnlnQ_vals(iQ) = tab%lnlnQ_min + iQ * tab%dlnlnQ tab%Q_vals(iQ) = invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_vals(iQ)) end do end subroutine pdftab_AllocTab_ !--------------------------------------------------------- !! 1d overloaded version of AllocPdfTable subroutine pdftab_AllocTab_1d(grid, tab, Qmin, Qmax, dlnlnQ, lnlnQ_order, freeze_at_Qmin) type(grid_def), intent(in) :: grid type(pdf_table), intent(out) :: tab(:) real(dp), intent(in) :: Qmin, Qmax real(dp), intent(in), optional :: dlnlnQ integer, intent(in), optional :: lnlnQ_order logical, intent(in), optional :: freeze_at_Qmin integer :: i do i = 1, size(tab) call pdftab_AllocTab_(grid, tab(i), Qmin, Qmax, dlnlnQ, lnlnQ_order, freeze_at_Qmin) end do end subroutine pdftab_AllocTab_1d !--------------------------------------------------------------- !! Associate a tab with the nf info from an alpha_s holder !! (i.e. read that info, and copy it into tab). !! !! This involves REALLOCATING the tab pointer so as to allow for !! extra information. !! !! The new tab separates stretches with different nf values. It also !! has extra info in the form of arrays nf_int and as2pi, which make !! it possible to write expressions such as !! !! Dtab%tab = tab%as2pi(:) * (dh%P_LO(iloop,tab%nf_int(:)) .conv. tab%tab) !! !! This is one of the rare cases in which direct access to structure !! components is still allowed... (Lack of finalisation makes it !! difficult to do otherwise). !! !! KNOWN LIMITATIONS: What happens with muM_mQ /= 1? All hell breaks !! loose? subroutine AddNfInfoToPdfTable(tab,coupling) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab type(running_coupling), intent(in) :: coupling !----------------------------------- integer :: nflcl, iQ_prev, iQ real(dp) :: Qlo, Qhi, Qhi_test type(pdfseginfo), pointer :: seginfo !if (tab%nf_info_associated) call wae_error('AddNfInfoToPdfTable',& ! &'nf info already associated: delete it first') ! We will be reallocating everything here, so first clean up call Delete(tab) tab%dlnlnQ = zero ! will no longer be useful... tab%nflo = NfAtQ(coupling, invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_min)) tab%nfhi = NfAtQ(coupling, invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_max)) allocate(tab%seginfo(tab%nflo:tab%nfhi)) ! figure out how we are going to bin things... iQ_prev = -1 do nflcl = tab%nflo, tab%nfhi !write(0,*) 'nflcl',nflcl seginfo => tab%seginfo(nflcl) call QRangeAtNf(coupling, nflcl, Qlo, Qhi_test) call QRangeAtNf(coupling, nflcl, Qlo, Qhi, muM_mQ=one) ! if one weakens this restriction, then one should think about ! the consequences for the determination of alpha_s/2pi, here ! and elsewhere.... if (Qhi_test /= Qhi) call wae_error('AddNfInfoToPdfTable',& &'it seems that coupling has muM_mQ /= one. Currently unsupported.',& &dbleval=Qhi_test/Qhi) ! Include min_dlnlnQ_singleQ to ensure we do not go EXACTLY to the ! mass threshold, where, in evolution one might run into problems. ! BUT, we will later have to worry about what to do when we ! are in between thresholds... seginfo%lnlnQ_lo = max(lnln(tab,Qlo)+min_dlnlnQ_singleQ, tab%lnlnQ_min) seginfo%lnlnQ_hi = min(lnln(tab,Qhi)-min_dlnlnQ_singleQ, tab%lnlnQ_max) seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo = iQ_prev + 1 !write(0,*) 'ill_lo', seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo if ((seginfo%lnlnQ_hi - seginfo%lnlnQ_lo) < two*min_dlnlnQ_singleQ) then ! use just one point seginfo%ilnlnQ_hi = seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo seginfo%dlnlnQ = zero seginfo%lnlnQ_hi = seginfo%lnlnQ_lo else seginfo%ilnlnQ_hi = seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo + max(tab%lnlnQ_order,& & ceiling((seginfo%lnlnQ_hi - seginfo%lnlnQ_lo)/& & tab%default_dlnlnQ)) seginfo%dlnlnQ = (seginfo%lnlnQ_hi - seginfo%lnlnQ_lo)/& & (seginfo%ilnlnQ_hi - seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo) end if !write(0,*) 'ill_hi', seginfo%ilnlnQ_hi, seginfo%dlnlnQ, & ! &invlnln(tab,seginfo%lnlnQ_lo),invlnln(tab,seginfo%lnlnQ_hi), tab%default_dlnlnQ iQ_prev = seginfo%ilnlnQ_hi end do ! this should not happen too often! But check it just in ! case... if (tab%seginfo(tab%nflo)%lnlnQ_lo /= tab%lnlnQ_min .or.& &tab%seginfo(tab%nfhi)%lnlnQ_hi /= tab%lnlnQ_max) & &call wae_error('AddNfInfoToPdfTable',& & 'mismatch in segment and global lnlnQ limits.',& & 'Could be due to coupling having more restricted range?') ! now reallocate things? tab%nQ = tab%seginfo(tab%nfhi)%ilnlnQ_hi call AllocPDF(tab%grid,tab%tab,0,tab%nQ) allocate(tab%lnlnQ_vals(0:tab%nQ)) allocate(tab%Q_vals(0:tab%nQ)) allocate(tab%nf_int(0:tab%nQ)) allocate(tab%as2pi(0:tab%nQ)) ! set up complementary info... do nflcl = tab%nflo, tab%nfhi !write(0,*) 'nflcl',nflcl seginfo => tab%seginfo(nflcl) do iQ = seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo, seginfo%ilnlnQ_hi tab%nf_int(iQ) = nflcl tab%lnlnQ_vals(iQ) = seginfo%lnlnQ_lo & & + (iQ-seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo)*seginfo%dlnlnQ tab%Q_vals(iQ) = invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_vals(iQ)) tab%as2pi(iQ) = Value(coupling,invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_vals(iQ)))/twopi end do end do ! REMEMBER TO COMPLETE FROM ORIG... tab%nf_info_associated = .true. !write(0,*) 'pdf_table info: Number of Q bins changed to ',tab%nQ end subroutine AddNfInfoToPdfTable !--------------------------------------------------------------- !! 1d-overloaded verseion of AddNfInfoToPdfTable subroutine pdftab_AssocNfInfo_1d(tab,coupling) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab(:) type(running_coupling), intent(in) :: coupling !----------------------------------- integer :: i do i = 1, size(tab) call AddNfInfoToPdfTable(tab(i),coupling) end do end subroutine pdftab_AssocNfInfo_1d !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Allocate the memory for a new tab, using as a template an !! preexistent tab (origtab). !! !! Additionally, information concerning any varnf and alphas !! structure copied from origtab to tab. Actual PDF contents of the !! tab are not however copied. !! subroutine pdftab_AllocTab_fromorig(tab, origtab) type(pdf_table), intent(out) :: tab type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: origtab tab = origtab !-- this is the only thing that is not taken care of... call AllocPDF(tab%grid,tab%tab,0,tab%nQ) allocate(tab%lnlnQ_vals(0:tab%nQ)) tab%lnlnQ_vals = origtab%lnlnQ_vals allocate(tab%Q_vals(0:tab%nQ)) tab%Q_vals = origtab%Q_vals if (origtab%nf_info_associated) then allocate(tab%seginfo(tab%nflo:tab%nfhi)) allocate(tab%nf_int(0:tab%nQ)) allocate(tab%as2pi(0:tab%nQ)) tab%seginfo = origtab%seginfo tab%nf_int = origtab%nf_int tab%as2pi = origtab%as2pi end if end subroutine pdftab_AllocTab_fromorig !--------------------------------------------------------- !! 1d-overloaded version of pdftab_AllocTab_fromorig subroutine pdftab_AllocTab_fromorig_1d(tab, origtab) type(pdf_table), intent(out) :: tab(:) type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: origtab integer :: i do i = 1, size(tab) call pdftab_AllocTab_fromorig(tab(i), origtab) end do end subroutine pdftab_AllocTab_fromorig_1d !------------------------------------------------------ !! Initialise the tab with the results of a subroutine (see !! interface). Note that the subroutine takes y = ln1/x and Q as its !! arguments. subroutine pdftab_InitTabSub_(tab, sub) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab interface subroutine sub(y, Q, res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: y, Q real(dp), intent(out):: res(:) end subroutine sub end interface !------------- integer :: iQ real(dp) :: Q do iQ = 0, tab%nQ Q = invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_min + iQ*tab%dlnlnQ) call InitPDFSub(tab%grid, tab%tab(:,:,iQ), sub, Q) end do end subroutine pdftab_InitTabSub_ !------------------------------------------------------ !! Initialise the tab with the results of a subroutine (see !! interface). In addition y = ln1/x and Q, the subroutine takes the !! argument iset, enabling one to initialise from a subroutine that !! provides several "PDF sets". !! subroutine pdftab_InitTabSub_iset(tab, sub, iset) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab integer, intent(in) :: iset interface subroutine sub(y, Q, iset, res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: y, Q integer, intent(in) :: iset real(dp), intent(out):: res(:) end subroutine sub end interface !------------- integer :: iQ real(dp) :: Q do iQ = 0, tab%nQ !Q = invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_min + iQ*tab%dlnlnQ) Q = invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_vals(iQ)) call InitPDFSub(tab%grid, tab%tab(:,:,iQ), sub, Q, iset) end do end subroutine pdftab_InitTabSub_iset !------------------------------------------------------ !! Initialise the tab with the results of a subroutine (see !! interface). Note that the subroutine takes y = ln1/x and Q as its !! arguments. subroutine FillPdfTable_LHAPDF(tab, LHAsub) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab interface subroutine LHAsub(x,Q,res) use types; implicit none real(dp), intent(in) :: x,Q real(dp), intent(out) :: res(*) end subroutine LHAsub end interface !------------- integer :: iQ real(dp) :: Q do iQ = 0, tab%nQ Q = invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_min + iQ*tab%dlnlnQ) call InitPDF_LHAPDF(tab%grid, tab%tab(:,:,iQ), LHAsub, Q) end do end subroutine FillPdfTable_LHAPDF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Given a starting distribution, StartDist, at StartScale and an !! "coupling" determining the behaviour of alphas, fill in the tab with !! the evolution of the starting distribution. Most of the arguments !! have meanings similar to those in the evolution routines !! subroutine EvolvePdfTable(tab, StartScale, StartDist, & & dh, coupling, muR_Q,nloop, untie_nf) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: StartScale real(dp), intent(in) :: StartDist(0:,iflv_min:) type(dglap_holder), intent(in) :: dh type(running_coupling), intent(in) :: coupling real(dp), intent(in), optional :: muR_Q integer, intent(in), optional :: nloop logical, intent(in), optional :: untie_nf !----------------------------------------------------- call EvolvePdfTableGen(tab, StartScale, dh, coupling, & &StartDist=StartDist, muR_Q=muR_Q, nloop=nloop, untie_nf=untie_nf) end subroutine EvolvePdfTable !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Given a starting scale, precalculate the evolution operators that !! are needed to generate the full tab from a distribution at that !! starting scale . Most of the arguments have meanings similar !! to those in the evolution routines !! subroutine PreEvolvePdfTable(tab,StartScale,dh,coupling,muR_Q,nloop,untie_nf) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: StartScale type(dglap_holder), intent(in) :: dh type(running_coupling), intent(in) :: coupling real(dp), intent(in), optional :: muR_Q integer, intent(in), optional :: nloop logical, intent(in), optional :: untie_nf !----------------------------------------------------- call EvolvePdfTableGen(tab, StartScale, dh, coupling, & &precalc = .true., muR_Q=muR_Q, nloop = nloop, untie_nf=untie_nf) end subroutine PreEvolvePdfTable !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Given a starting distribution, StartDist, and assuming that the !! pre-evolution has been carried out for the tab, then generate the !! contents of the table from the StartDist. !! !! NB: alphas will not be updated relative to last true evolution or !! preevolution. So if at any point since doing the preevolution, !! an evolution has been carried out with a different alphas, then !! as2pi will not be correct here. SHOULD THIS BE FIXED? !! subroutine pdftab_InitTabEvolve_frompre(tab, StartDist) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: StartDist(0:,iflv_min:) !----------------------------------------------------- real(dp) :: dist(0:ubound(StartDist,1),iflv_min:ubound(StartDist,2)) integer :: iQ if (.not. associated(tab%evops)) call wae_error(& &'pdftab_InitTabEvolve_frompre',& &'No precalculated evolution is available') dist = StartDist do iQ = tab%StartScale_iQlo, 0, -1 dist = tab%evops(iQ) .conv. dist tab%tab(:,:,iQ) = dist end do dist = StartDist do iQ = tab%StartScale_iQlo+1, tab%nQ dist = tab%evops(iQ) .conv. dist tab%tab(:,:,iQ) = dist end do end subroutine pdftab_InitTabEvolve_frompre !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! General internal routine, which serves both to carry out evolution !! of a parton distribution AND to determine the evops. That way !! everything to do with evolution is concentrated in a single location. !! !! For the user, this routine should probably be accessed via the more !! specific routines, EvolvePdfTable and pdftab_PreCalc. !! !! Given a starting distribution, StartDist, at StartScale and an !! "coupling" determining the behaviour of alphas, fill in the tab with !! the evolution of the starting distribution. !! subroutine EvolvePdfTableGen(tab, StartScale, dh, coupling, & &StartDist, precalc, muR_Q, nloop, untie_nf) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: StartScale type(dglap_holder), intent(in) :: dh type(running_coupling), intent(in) :: coupling !real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: StartDist(0:,iflv_min:) real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: StartDist(:,:) logical, optional, intent(in) :: precalc real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: muR_Q integer, optional, intent(in) :: nloop logical, optional, intent(in) :: untie_nf !----------------------------------------------------- real(dp), allocatable :: dist(:,:) real(dp) :: lnlnQ_norm, lnlnQ, Q_init, Q_end, last_Q integer :: i, iQ_lo, iQ_hi logical :: precalc_lcl precalc_lcl = default_or_opt(.false.,precalc) if (precalc_lcl) then if (associated(tab%evops)) call wae_error('EvolvePdfTableGen',& &'tab%evops has already been calculated. Delete the tab first,',& &'if you want to recalculated it.') allocate(tab%evops(0:tab%nQ)) end if lnlnQ = lnln(tab,StartScale) call request_iQrange(tab, lnlnQ, 1, iQ_lo, iQ_hi, lnlnQ_norm) tab%StartScale = StartScale tab%StartScale_iQlo = iQ_lo ! force this... iQ_hi = iQ_lo + 1 !write(0,*) iQ_lo, iQ_hi !lnlnQ_norm_start = lnln_norm(tab,StartScale) if (present(StartDist)) then allocate(dist(size(StartDist,1),size(StartDist,2))) dist = StartDist end if last_Q = StartScale !do i = floor(lnlnQ_norm_start), 0, -1 do i = iQ_lo, 0, -1 Q_init = last_Q Q_end = invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_vals(i)) !write(0,*) 'doing ev from ',Q_init,' to', Q_end if (present(StartDist)) then call EvolvePDF(dh, dist, & & coupling, Q_init, Q_end, muR_Q, nloop, untie_nf) tab%tab(:,:,i) = dist end if if (precalc_lcl) call EvolveGeneric(dh, & &coupling, Q_init, Q_end, evop=tab%evops(i), & &muR_Q = muR_Q, nloop = nloop, untie_nf = untie_nf) if (tab%nf_info_associated) tab%as2pi(i) = Value(coupling,Q_end)/twopi last_Q = Q_end end do if (present(StartDist)) dist = StartDist last_Q = StartScale !do i = ceiling(lnlnQ_norm_start), tab%nQ do i = iQ_hi, tab%nQ Q_init = last_Q Q_end = invlnln(tab,tab%lnlnQ_vals(i)) !write(0,*) 'doing ev from ',Q_init,' to', Q_end !write(0,*) 'doing ev from ',Q_init,' to', Q_end if (present(StartDist)) then call EvolvePDF(dh, dist,& & coupling, Q_init, Q_end, muR_Q, nloop, untie_nf) tab%tab(:,:,i) = dist end if if (precalc_lcl) call EvolveGeneric(dh, & &coupling, Q_init, Q_end, evop=tab%evops(i), & &muR_Q = muR_Q, nloop = nloop, untie_nf = untie_nf) if (tab%nf_info_associated) tab%as2pi(i) = Value(coupling,Q_end)/twopi last_Q = Q_end end do if (present(StartDist)) deallocate(dist) end subroutine EvolvePdfTableGen !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Sets the vector val(iflv_min:iflv_max) for the PDF at this !! y=ln1/x,Q. subroutine EvalPdfTable_yQ(tab,y,Q,val) type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: y, Q real(dp), intent(out) :: val(iflv_min:) !---------------------------------------- real(dp) :: lnlnQ_wgts(0:tab%lnlnQ_order) real(dp), pointer :: y_wgts(:) real(dp), allocatable :: wgts(:,:) integer :: ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi, nQ,iylo, iQ, iflv integer, save :: warn_id = warn_id_INIT if (ubound(val,dim=1) < iflv_max) call wae_error('pdftab_ValTab',& &'upper bound of val is too low', intval=ubound(val,dim=1)) !-- y weights taken care of elsewhere.... call WgtGridQuant(tab%grid, y, iylo, y_wgts) !-- new routine for getting Q weights; ilnlnQ_lo > ilnlnQ_hi is the ! signal for Q being out of range call get_lnlnQ_wgts(tab, Q, lnlnQ_wgts, ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi) if (ilnlnQ_lo > ilnlnQ_lo) then val = zero return end if nQ = ilnlnQ_hi - ilnlnQ_lo allocate(wgts(lbound(y_wgts,dim=1):ubound(y_wgts,dim=1),0:nQ)) do iQ = 0, nQ wgts(:,iQ) = y_wgts(:) * lnlnQ_wgts(iQ) end do !-- is this order more efficient, or should we not bother to ! calculate wgts? do iflv = iflv_min, iflv_max val(iflv) = sum(wgts*tab%tab(iylo:iylo+size(y_wgts)-1,& & iflv,ilnlnQ_lo:ilnlnQ_hi)) end do !write(0,*) ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi, real(lnlnQ_wgts), val(1) deallocate(y_wgts, wgts) end subroutine EvalPdfTable_yQ !---------------------------------------------------------------- !! sets the vector val(iflv_min:iflv_max) for the PDF at this x,Q. subroutine EvalPdfTable_xQ(tab,x,Q,val) type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: x, Q real(dp), intent(out) :: val(iflv_min:) call EvalPdfTable_yQ(tab,-log(x),Q,val) end subroutine EvalPdfTable_xQ !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Sets the pdf(0:iflv_min:) for the PDF at this value of Q. !! subroutine EvalPdfTable_Q(tab,Q,pdf) type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: Q real(dp), intent(out) :: pdf(0:,iflv_min:) !----------------------------------------------- real(dp) :: lnlnQ_wgts(0:tab%lnlnQ_order) integer :: ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi integer :: iQ ! safety checks if (tab%grid%ny /= ubound(pdf,dim=1) .or.& & ubound(pdf,dim=2) /= ncompmax) call wae_error("EvalPdfTable_Q",& & "pdf argument was not of size consistent with the table") !-- new routine for getting Q weights; ilnlnQ_lo > ilnlnQ_hi is the ! signal for Q being out of range call get_lnlnQ_wgts(tab, Q, lnlnQ_wgts, ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi) if (ilnlnQ_lo > ilnlnQ_lo) then pdf = zero return end if ! by setting the pdf to zero we will then get whatever representation ! is implicity in the table once we do the additions pdf(:,:) = zero do iQ = ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi pdf(:,:) = pdf(:,:) + lnlnQ_wgts(iQ-ilnlnQ_lo) * tab%tab(:, : ,iQ) end do end subroutine EvalPdfTable_Q !----------------------------------------------------------- !! Deletes all allocated info associated with the tabulation subroutine pdftab_DelTab_0d(tab) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab integer :: i deallocate(tab%tab) deallocate(tab%lnlnQ_vals) deallocate(tab%Q_vals) if (tab%nf_info_associated) then deallocate(tab%seginfo) deallocate(tab%nf_int) deallocate(tab%as2pi) end if if (associated(tab%evops)) then do i = 0, tab%nQ call Delete(tab%evops(i)) end do !write(0,*) "CURRENTLY UNABLE TO DELETE EVOP CONTENTS" deallocate(tab%evops) end if end subroutine pdftab_DelTab_0d subroutine pdftab_DelTab_1d(tab) type(pdf_table), intent(inout) :: tab(:) integer :: i do i = 1, size(tab) call pdftab_DelTab_0d(tab(i)) end do end subroutine pdftab_DelTab_1d !-------------------------------------------------------------- !! Service routine used in evaluating the PDF table so as to obtain, !! given Q, the relevant range of ilnlnQ values and weights for !! interpolating the table !! subroutine get_lnlnQ_wgts(tab, Q, lnlnQ_wgts, ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi) type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: Q real(dp), intent(out) :: lnlnQ_wgts(0:) integer, intent(out) :: ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi !------------------------------------------------ real(dp) :: lnlnQ, lnlnQ_norm integer :: nQ integer, save :: warn_id = warn_id_INIT !-- Q weights need some help in finding location etc. lnlnQ = lnln(tab,Q) if (tab%freeze_at_Qmin .and. lnlnQ < tab%lnlnQ_min) then lnlnQ = tab%lnlnQ_min else if (lnlnQ < (one-warn_tolerance)*tab%lnlnQ_min & &.or. lnlnQ > (one+warn_tolerance)*tab%lnlnQ_max) then call wae_warn(default_max_warn, warn_id, & &'get_lnlnQ_wgts: Q out of range; result will be set to zero; Q was:',& &dbleval=Q) ilnlnQ_lo = 0 ilnlnQ_hi = 0 lnlnQ_wgts = zero ! set this to avoid warning return end if call request_iQrange(tab,lnlnQ, tab%lnlnQ_order,& & ilnlnQ_lo, ilnlnQ_hi, lnlnQ_norm) nQ = ilnlnQ_hi - ilnlnQ_lo if (nQ < ubound(lnlnQ_wgts,1)) call wae_error('get_lnlnQ_wgts',& & 'lnlnQ_wgts to small for requested Q interpolation') call uniform_interpolation_weights(lnlnQ_norm, lnlnQ_wgts(0:nQ)) end subroutine get_lnlnQ_wgts !------------------------------------------------------------------ !! Given a tab and lnlnQ value, determine the range of iQ entries, !! iQ_lo:iQ_hi to be used for interpolating the grid. !! !! Where possible (i.e. if there are sufficient Q values in the !! grid) ensure that iQ_hi-iQ_lo = nrequest; for grids with varnf, !! all iQ_lo:iQ_hi values should correspond to the same nf value. !! !! return value of lnlnQ_norm = (lnlnQ - lnlnQ(iQ_lo))/dlnlnQ !! subroutine request_iQrange(tab, lnlnQ, nrequest, iQ_lo, iQ_hi, lnlnQ_norm) type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: lnlnQ integer, intent(in) :: nrequest integer, intent(out) :: iQ_lo, iQ_hi real(dp), intent(out) :: lnlnQ_norm !------------------------------------- real(dp) :: dist, distclosest integer :: nfclosest, nflcl type(pdfseginfo), pointer :: seginfo if (nrequest < 1) call wae_error('request_iQrange',& &'nrequest should be >= 1',intval=nrequest) if (.not. tab%nf_info_associated) then lnlnQ_norm = (lnlnQ-tab%lnlnQ_min)/tab%dlnlnQ iQ_lo = floor(lnlnQ_norm) - nrequest/2 iQ_lo = max(0, min(tab%nQ-nrequest,iQ_lo)) iQ_hi = min(tab%nQ,iQ_lo + nrequest) lnlnQ_norm = lnlnQ_norm - iQ_lo else ! need to find range to which we are closest. There is certainly ! a better way of doing it... distclosest = 1e10_dp do nflcl = tab%nflo, tab%nfhi dist = max(zero,(lnlnQ-tab%seginfo(nflcl)%lnlnQ_hi),& & (tab%seginfo(nflcl)%lnlnQ_lo-lnlnQ)) if (dist < distclosest) then nfclosest = nflcl distclosest = dist end if end do seginfo => tab%seginfo(nfclosest) if (seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo == seginfo%ilnlnQ_hi) then iQ_lo = seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo iQ_hi = iQ_lo lnlnQ_norm = zero else lnlnQ_norm = (lnlnQ-seginfo%lnlnQ_lo)/seginfo%dlnlnQ & &+ seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo !write(0,*) lnlnQ_norm, seginfo%dlnlnQ iQ_lo = floor(lnlnQ_norm) - nrequest/2 iQ_lo = max(seginfo%ilnlnQ_lo, min(seginfo%ilnlnQ_hi-nrequest,iQ_lo)) iQ_hi = min(seginfo%ilnlnQ_hi,iQ_lo + nrequest) lnlnQ_norm = lnlnQ_norm - iQ_lo !write(0,*) iQ_lo, iQ_hi, invlnln(tab,lnlnQ), lnlnQ_norm end if end if end subroutine request_iQrange !------------------------------------- !! conversion from Q to lnlnQ function lnln(tab,Q) type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: Q real(dp) :: lnln if (Q < tab%lambda_eff) then lnln = -1e300_dp else lnln = log(log(Q/tab%lambda_eff)) end if end function lnln !! conversion from lnlnQ to Q function invlnln(tab,lnlnQ) type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: tab real(dp), intent(in) :: lnlnQ real(dp) :: invlnln invlnln = exp(exp(lnlnQ))*tab%lambda_eff end function invlnln !OLD! function lnln_norm(tab,Q) !OLD! type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: tab !OLD! real(dp), intent(in) :: Q !OLD! real(dp) :: lnln_norm !OLD! !OLD! if (tab%nf_info_associated) call wae_error('lnln_norm') !OLD! lnln_norm = (lnln(tab,Q) - tab%lnlnQ_min)/tab%dlnlnQ !OLD! end function lnln_norm !OLD! !OLD! function invlnln_norm(tab,lnlnQ_norm) !OLD! type(pdf_table), intent(in) :: tab !OLD! real(dp), intent(in) :: lnlnQ_norm !OLD! real(dp) :: invlnln_norm !OLD! !OLD! if (tab%nf_info_associated) call wae_error('invlnln_norm') !OLD! invlnln_norm = invlnln(tab, lnlnQ_norm*tab%dlnlnQ + tab%lnlnQ_min) !OLD! end function invlnln_norm end module pdf_tabulate