#! /usr/bin/perl #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generates a Makefile from the f95/f95 and f77 sources in the current # directory (and optionally other directories) and includes specific # options to help linking with g77 libs for a range of compilers. # # USAGE: makef95makefile default_progname [options] # # first arg = PROGNAME (or a library name, for making a lib of all OBJ) # Subsequent options: # -comp xxx sets compiler # FC="..." alternative way to set compiler # # FFLAGS="..." sets compiler flags # LDFLAGS="..." sets compiler flags # # --prefix="..." sets the install prefix # --install-script="..." # indicates where to find the script install-sh; # if not specified, then install target will be left empty # # -lcern sets cernlib options # # -lpcern sets cernlib + packlib options # # -g77libs includes the g77 libraries # # -lio sets options for using libiof90.a # # -lla95 sets options for using lapack95 (only lf95 supported) # # -post x.f90 file x.f90 is added after all libs # (only one file allowed for time being) # # -remake "a non-default command for regenerating makefile" # # -srcdir dir adds the directory to the list of places # to search for files # # -postlib adds command after all else # # allows presence of multiple (up to 7) "use module_x" on one line, # separated by semi-colons # # avoids dependencies on one's self. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Old info and incomplete changelog. # # Generate a Makefile from the sources in the current directory. The source # files may be in either C, FORTRAN 77, Fortran 90 or some combination of # these languages. If the F90 compiler specified is cray or parasoft, then # the Makefile generated will conform to the conventions of these compilers. # To run makemake, it will be necessary to modify the first line of this script # to point to the actual location of Perl on your system. # # Written by Michael Wester February 16, 1995 # Cotopaxi (Consulting), Albuquerque, New Mexico # # Modified 28/03/2000 by Gavin Salam to ??? # # Modified 16/12/2000 by GPS to be a single script for a range of op sys # # Modified ??/??/2004 by GPS to allow one to make libraries # # Modified 14/02/2005 by GPS so that Makefile now allows one to type # make progname [rather than make PROG=progname] # make ALL [all programs and libraries] # make make [to regenerate the makefile] # # Modified 12/08/2005 (and a bit in between) # added -srcdir option #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # following allows use of meaningful names for predefined vars use English; #-- work out a default compiler according to the operating system, hostname if ($OSNAME eq 'dec_osf') { $compiler="compaq"; $make="make"; } elsif ($OSNAME eq 'linux') { $hostname = `hostname`; chomp($hostname); print "We are on: ".$hostname."\n"; #if ($hostname eq "pcth70") { $compiler="portland";} ($libg2cDIR = `locate libg2c.a | head -1`) =~ s/\/libg2c.a//; chomp($libg2cDIR); print "libg2cDIR is $libg2cDIR\n"; # set the default compiler to be g95 #$compiler = "g95"; $compiler = "gfortran"; #if ($hostname =~ "pcth[0-9]+" || $hostname =~ "lxplus.*") { # $compiler="portland";} #elsif ($hostname =~ ".*lpthe.*" || $hostname =~ "thalie" ){ # $compiler="intel"; #} #else { # #$compiler = "absoft"; # $compiler="laheycern"; #} $make="gmake"; } # not always in the obvious place # need to work around the fact that thalie does not give lpthe in hostname... $LPTHE=($hostname =~ ".*lpthe.*" || $hostname =~ "thalie" ); $LAPTOP=($hostname =~ "localhost.*" || $hostname =~ "voltaire" || $hostname =~ "bison"); if ($LPTHE){ $CERNLIBLOC = "/maia/cern/2000/lib";} else { $CERNLIBLOC = "/cern/pro/lib";} #-- allow compiler to be specified as a dot file. if (open(COMPILER, "<.compiler")) { if ($comptemp = ) { chomp($comptemp); $compiler = $comptemp; } close(COMPILER); } #-- parse command line; very basic for now --- $PROG = $ARGV[0]; $MAKELIB = ($PROG =~ /\.a$/); if ($MAKELIB) { $LIBNAME = $PROG; $PROG = ''} else { $LIBNAME = ''; } #-- possible libraries to be included $cernlib = ""; $g77libs = 0; $iolib=0; $lapack=0; $xtralibs=""; $xtraincl=""; $postlibs=""; $remake=""; $prefix="/usr/local"; $userFFLAGS=""; $userLDLAGS=""; $installScript=""; #-- $i=1; # extra directories @extra_dirs=(); while ($i <= $#ARGV) { $OPT = $ARGV[$i++]; chomp($OPT); if ($OPT eq '-comp') { $compiler = $ARGV[$i++];} elsif ($OPT eq '-lcern') { $cernlib = "-lmathlib -lkernlib"; } elsif ($OPT eq '-lpcern') { $cernlib = "-lmathlib -lkernlib -lpacklib"; } elsif ($OPT eq "-g77libs") { $g77libs=1; } elsif ($OPT eq "-lio") { $iolib=1; } elsif ($OPT eq "-lla95") { $lapack=1; } elsif ($OPT eq "-post") { $postfile=$ARGV[$i++]; } elsif ($OPT eq "-remake") { $remake=$ARGV[$i++];} elsif ($OPT eq "-srcdir") { push @extra_dirs,$ARGV[$i++]."/";} elsif ($OPT eq "-postlib") { $postlibs .= $ARGV[$i++]." ";} elsif ($OPT =~ /^-I/) { $xtraincl .= $OPT." ";} elsif ($OPT =~ /^-+prefix$/) { $prefix= $ARGV[$i++];} elsif ($OPT =~ /^-+install-script$/) { $installScript=$ARGV[$i++];} elsif ($OPT =~ /^-+prefix=(.*)/) { $prefix= $1;} elsif ($OPT =~ /^-+install-script=(.*)/) { $installScript=$1;} elsif ($OPT =~ /^FC=(.*)/) { $compiler = $1;} elsif ($OPT =~ /^FFLAGS=(.*)/){ $userFFLAGS = $1;} elsif ($OPT =~ /^LDLAGS=(.*)/){ $userLDLAGS = $1;} else { $xtralibs .= $OPT." "; } } #print "Compiler is ".$compiler."\n"; #====================================================================== # here we define the properties of various compilers if ($compiler eq 'absoft') { $FC = "f90"; $FFLAGS = "-YEXT_NAMES=ASIS -B108 -B100 -O"; $F90 = "f90"; $F90FLAGS = "-YEXT_NAMES=ASIS -B108 -B100 -O"; $LDFLAGS = "-YEXT_NAMES=ASIS -B108 -B100 -O"; $IOINC = "-p".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90"; $IOLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90 -liof90"; $IOPOST = 0; $CRNLIBPRE = "-L$CERNLIBLOC"; $CRNLIBPOST = "-L$libg2cDIR -lg2c -lm"; $LAPACKINC = "-p_NON_EXISTENT_FOR_NOW"; $LAPACKLIB = "-L/usr/local/lib/LAPACK3/ -llapack95 -llapack -lblas"; } elsif ($compiler eq 'lf95' || $compiler eq 'lahey' || $compiler eq 'laheycern') { $FC = "lf95"; $F90 = "lf95"; #$FFLAGS = "-O --tp4 --x - --prefetch 2 --sse2 --trap"; #$F90FLAGS = "-O --tp4 --x - --prefetch 2 --sse2 --trap"; #$FFLAGS = "-O --tp4 --x - --prefetch 2 --sse2"; #$F90FLAGS = "-O --tp4 --x - --prefetch 2 --sse2"; $FFLAGS = "-O"; $F90FLAGS = "-O"; if ($LPTHE || $LAPTOP) { #$LDFLAGS = "--staticlink"; $LDFLAGS = ""; $CRNLIBPOST = "-lfj9i6 -L$libg2cDIR -lg2c -lm"; } else { $LDFLAGS = ""; #$CRNLIBPOST = "-L/usr/lib/ -lf2c -lm"; $CRNLIBPOST = "-L$libg2cDIR -lg2c -lm"; } $IOINC = "-I".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-lh"; $IOLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-lh -liof90"; $IOPOST = 1; $CRNLIBPRE = "-L$CERNLIBLOC"; # need to include the lapack libraries statically for command line # parameters to have an effect $LAPACKINC = "-p_NON_EXISTENT_FOR_NOW"; $LAPACKLIB = "-L/usr/local/lib/LAPACK3/ -llapack95 -llapack -lblas"; } elsif ($compiler eq 'compaq') { $FC = "f95"; $FFLAGS = "-O"; $F90 = "f95"; $F90FLAGS = "-O"; $LDFLAGS = ""; $IOINC = "-I".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90"; $IOLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90 -liof90"; $IOPOST = 0; $CRNLIBPRE = "-L$CERNLIBLOC"; $CRNLIBPOST = ""; $LAPACKINC = "-p_NON_EXISTENT_FOR_NOW"; $LAPACKLIB = "-L/usr/local/lib/LAPACK3/ -llapack95 -llapack -lblas"; } elsif ($compiler eq 'g95') { $FC = "g95"; $FFLAGS = "-g -O3"; $F90 = "g95"; $F90FLAGS = "-g -O3"; # automatically include flags for i686 where relevant if (-x "/bin/uname" && `/bin/uname -a` =~ /-686 /) { $FFLAGS .= " -march=i686"; $F90FLAGS .= " -march=i686"; } $LDFLAGS = ""; $IOINC = "-I".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-g95"; $IOLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-g95 -liof90"; $IOPOST = 0; $CRNLIBPRE = "-L$CERNLIBLOC"; $CRNLIBPOST = "-L$libg2cDIR -lg2c -lm"; $LAPACKINC = "-p_NON_EXISTENT_FOR_NOW"; $LAPACKLIB = "-L/usr/local/lib/LAPACK3/ -llapack95 -llapack -lblas"; } elsif ($compiler eq 'gfortran') { $FC = "gfortran"; $FFLAGS = "-O3"; $F90 = "gfortran"; $F90FLAGS = "-O3"; $LDFLAGS = ""; $IOINC = "-I".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-gfortran"; $IOLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-gfortran -liof90"; $IOPOST = 0; $CRNLIBPRE = "-L$CERNLIBLOC"; $CRNLIBPOST = "-L$libg2cDIR -lg2c -lm"; $LAPACKINC = "-p_NON_EXISTENT_FOR_NOW"; $LAPACKLIB = "-L/usr/local/lib/LAPACK3/ -llapack95 -llapack -lblas"; } elsif ($compiler eq 'nag') { $FC = "f95"; $FFLAGS = "-O3 -w=x95 -maxcontin=99 -dcfuns"; $F90 = "f95"; $F90FLAGS = "-O3 -w=x95"; $LDFLAGS = ""; $IOINC = "-I".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-nag"; $IOLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-nag -liof90"; $IOPOST = 0; $CRNLIBPRE = "-L$CERNLIBLOC"; $CRNLIBPOST = "-L$libg2cDIR -lg2c -lm"; $LAPACKINC = "-p_NON_EXISTENT_FOR_NOW"; $LAPACKLIB = "-L/usr/local/lib/LAPACK3/ -llapack95 -llapack -lblas"; } elsif ($compiler eq 'intel' || $compiler eq 'ifort') { # -fp_port seems to solve various problems, but can slow things down # enormously; so one may want to include it, but only on restricted # occasions. if (`which ifort` =~ /no ifort/) { $FC = "ifc"; $FFLAGS = "-O"; $F90 = "ifc"; $F90FLAGS = "-O"; $LDFLAGS = ""; $IOINC = "-I".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-ifc"; $IOLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-ifc -liof90 -lPEPCF90"; $IOPOST = 0; $CRNLIBPRE = "-L$CERNLIBLOC"; $CRNLIBPOST = "-L$libg2cDIR -lg2c"; $LAPACKINC = "-p_NON_EXISTENT_FOR_NOW"; $LAPACKLIB = "-L/usr/local/lib/LAPACK3/ -llapack95 -llapack -lblas"; $POSTLIB = ""; } else { $FC = "ifort"; $FFLAGS = "-O"; $F90 = "ifort"; $F90FLAGS = "-O"; $LDFLAGS = ""; $IOINC = "-I".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-ifc"; $IOLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90-ifc -liof90"; $IOPOST = 0; $CRNLIBPRE = "-L$CERNLIBLOC"; $CRNLIBPOST = "-L$libg2cDIR -lg2c"; $LAPACKINC = "-I".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/LAPACK95/lapack95_modules"; # NB: lapack and blas are installed by default on the system... $LAPACKLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/LAPACK95/ -llapack95 -llapack -lblas"; $POSTLIB = ""; } } elsif ($compiler eq 'portland') { $FC = "pgf77"; $FFLAGS = "-O"; $F90 = "pgf90"; $F90FLAGS = "-O"; $LDFLAGS = ""; $IOINC = "-I".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90"; $IOLIB = "-L".$ENV{HOME}."/utils/libf90 -liof90"; $IOPOST = 0; $CRNLIBPRE = "-L$CERNLIBLOC"; $CRNLIBPOST = "-g77libs"; $LAPACKINC = "-p_NON_EXISTENT_FOR_NOW"; $LAPACKLIB = "-L/usr/local/lib/LAPACK3/ -llapack95 -llapack -lblas"; } else { #====================================================================== print STDERR "Unknown compiler: ".$compiler.". Attempting to set reasonable defaults\n"; $FC = $compiler; $F90 = $compiler; $FFLAGS = "-O"; $F90FLAGS = "-O"; } # allow for user-set options if ($userFFLAGS) { $FFLAGS = $userFFLAGS; $F90FLAGS = $userFFLAGS; } if ($userLDFLAGS) { $LDFLAGS = $userLDFLAGS; } #--------------------------------------------- print "Using '".$compiler."' compiler\n"; # now build things up $INCLUDE=$xtraincl; $LIBS=""; #-- where should these go? if ($iolib && !($IOPOST)) { print "iolibs will be included\n"; $INCLUDE = $INCLUDE.$IOINC." "; $LIBS = $LIBS.$IOLIB." "; } #-- not sure of best place to put these? #$LIBS = $LIBS.$xtralibs." "; #-- order is a nightmare if ($cernlib || $lapack || $g77libs) { if ($cernlib) {$LIBS = $LIBS.$CRNLIBPRE." ";} $LIBS = $LIBS.$xtralibs." "; if ($cernlib) { print "cernlib will be included\n"; $LIBS = $LIBS.$cernlib." "; } if ($lapack) { print "lapack will be included\n"; $LIBS = $LIBS.$LAPACKLIB." "; $INCLUDE = $INCLUDE.$LAPACKINC." ";} # $CRNLIBPOST actually contains things needed for linking with g77 $LIBS = $LIBS.$CRNLIBPOST." ";} else { $LIBS = $LIBS.$xtralibs." "; } if ($iolib && $IOPOST) { print "iolibs will be included\n"; $INCLUDE = $INCLUDE.$IOINC." "; $LIBS = $LIBS.$IOLIB." "; } # finally add any libraries that MUST go at the end $LIBS .= $postlibs; #print $LAPACKINC."\n"; # if ($cernlib) { # $LIBS = $LIBS.$CRNLIBPRE." ".$xtralibs." ".$cernlib." ".$CRNLIBPOST; } else { # $LIBS = $LIBS.$xtralibs." ";} # #-- make a copy of any old Makefile if ( -e 'Makefile') { if ( -e 'Makefile.bak') {unlink 'Makefile.bak';} print "Moving old Makefile to Makefile.bak\n"; rename('Makefile', 'Makefile.bak');} open(MAKEFILE, "> Makefile"); #-- first document things (there MUST be a better way of doing this...) print MAKEFILE "# Makefile generated automatically with\n"; print MAKEFILE "# ".$0; $i = 0; $commandArgs = ""; while ($i <= $#ARGV) { $commandArgs .= " \"".$ARGV[$i++]."\"" } print MAKEFILE $commandArgs; print MAKEFILE "\n"; if ($remake eq "") { $remake = $0." $commandArgs"; } #-- wince use ARGV[0] to set the compiler, want to remove this line print MAKEFILE "# default program to compile\n"; print MAKEFILE "PROG =\t$ARGV[0]\n\n"; # # Source listing # # want files containing program to not be included in list if (@extra_dirs) {print MAKEFILE "VPATH = ".join(":",@extra_dirs)."\n";} push @extra_dirs, ""; foreach (@extra_dirs) {push @ffiles,<$_*.f $_*.f90 $_*.F>} foreach (@extra_dirs) {push @cinclude,<$_*.h $_*.hh>} # now get object name for each source name foreach (@ffiles) { ($ofile = $_) =~ s/(.*\/)*(.+)\.\w{1,3}$/$2.o/; $objname{$_} = $ofile; #print "$_ $ofile\n"; } foreach $file (@ffiles) { #$file = $_; if ($file eq $postfile) {push @postsrcs,$file;} else { open(FILE,$file) || warn "Cannot open $file: $!\n"; $nprog = 0; while () { if (/^\s*program/i) { $nprog = $nprog + 1;}} if ($nprog == 0) {push @srcs,$file;} else {push @allprog,$file;}} } #-- get program objects @allprog_obj = @allprog; foreach (@allprog_obj) { s/(.*\/)*(.+)\.\w{1,3}$/$2.o/ }; # get list of program names... @allprog_exec = @allprog_obj; foreach (@allprog_exec) { s/\.o$// }; print MAKEFILE "ALLPROG = \t"; &PrintWords(8, 0, @allprog_exec); print MAKEFILE "\n\n"; #-- will be used later on in time to remove executables with realclean print MAKEFILE "# This will be used one day...\n"; print MAKEFILE "ALLPROGSRC =\t"; &PrintWords(8, 0, @allprog); print MAKEFILE "\n\n"; print MAKEFILE "ALLPROGOBJ =\t"; &PrintWords(8, 0, @allprog_obj); print MAKEFILE "\n\n"; print MAKEFILE "SRCS =\t"; #push @srcs,'$(PROG).f90' unless $MAKELIB; foreach (<*.c>) {push @srcs,$_}; &PrintWords(8, 0, @srcs); print MAKEFILE "\n\n"; print MAKEFILE "POSTSRCS =\t"; &PrintWords(8, 0, @postsrcs); print MAKEFILE "\n\n"; # # Object listing # print MAKEFILE "OBJS =\t"; @objs = @srcs; #foreach (@objs) { s/\.[^.]+$/.o/ }; foreach (@objs) { s/(.*\/)*(.+)\.\w{1,3}$/$2.o/ }; &PrintWords(8, 0, @objs); print MAKEFILE "\n\n"; # other object listing print MAKEFILE "POSTOBJS =\t"; @postobjs = @postsrcs; foreach (@postobjs) { s/(.*\/)*(.+)\.\w{1,3}$/$2.o/ }; &PrintWords(8, 0, @postobjs); print MAKEFILE "\n"; print MAKEFILE "POSTLIB = ".$POSTLIB; print MAKEFILE "\n\n"; # # Define common macros # #print MAKEFILE "LIBS =\t\n\n"; print MAKEFILE "LIBS = ".$LIBS."\n\n"; print MAKEFILE "CC = cc\n"; print MAKEFILE "CFLAGS = -O\n"; # was f77 print MAKEFILE "FC = ".$FC."\n"; print MAKEFILE "FFLAGS = ".$FFLAGS." ".$INCLUDE."\n"; print MAKEFILE "F90 = ".$F90."\n"; print MAKEFILE "F90FLAGS = ".$F90FLAGS." ".$INCLUDE."\n"; print MAKEFILE "LDFLAGS = ".$LDFLAGS." \n\n"; # # make # $ALLXTRAS=''; if ($MAKELIB) { print MAKEFILE "all: $LIBNAME\n\n"; print MAKEFILE "$LIBNAME: \$(OBJS)\n"; print MAKEFILE "\tar cru $LIBNAME \$(OBJS)\n"; print MAKEFILE "\tranlib $LIBNAME\n\n"; $ALLXTRAS = "$LIBNAME "; } else { #print MAKEFILE "all: \$(PROG)\n\n"; # #print MAKEFILE "\$(PROG): \$(PROG).o \$(OBJS) \$(POSTOBJS) \n"; #print MAKEFILE "\t\$(", &LanguageCompiler($ARGV[1], @srcs); #print MAKEFILE ") \$(LDFLAGS) -o \$@ \$(PROG).o \$(OBJS) \$(LIBS) \$(POSTOBJS) \$(POSTLIB)\n\n"; #print MAKEFILE "# Trick to enable old 'make PROG=xxx' form to still work\n"; #print MAKEFILE "all: \$(PROG)__\n\n"; print MAKEFILE "all: \$(ALLPROG)\n\n"; #print MAKEFILE "\$(PROG)__: \$(PROG)\n\n"; } print MAKEFILE "ALL: $ALLXTRAS \$(ALLPROG)\n\n"; foreach (@allprog_exec) { print MAKEFILE "$_: $_.o \$(OBJS) \$(POSTOBJS) \n"; print MAKEFILE "\t\$(", &LanguageCompiler($ARGV[1], @srcs); print MAKEFILE ") \$(LDFLAGS) -o $_ $_.o \$(OBJS) \$(LIBS) \$(POSTOBJS) \$(POSTLIB)\n\n"; } # # make for libraries (keep .mod files) # print MAKEFILE "libclean:\n"; print MAKEFILE "\trm -f \$(ALLPROGOBJ) \$(OBJS) \$(POSTOBJS) \n\n"; # # make clean # print MAKEFILE "clean:\n"; print MAKEFILE "\trm -f \$(ALLPROGOBJ) \$(OBJS) \$(POSTOBJS) *.mod *.d\n\n"; # # make distclean # print MAKEFILE "distclean: realclean\n"; print MAKEFILE "\trm -f Makefile\n"; # # make realclean # print MAKEFILE "realclean:\n"; print MAKEFILE "\trm -f $LIBNAME \$(ALLPROG) \$(ALLPROGOBJ) \$(OBJS) \$(POSTOBJS) *.mod *.d\n\n"; # # # make make # print MAKEFILE "make:\n"; print MAKEFILE "\t$remake\n\n"; # # make install (ignores the .mod files for now...) # only done if installScript was specified on command line # if ($installScript) { print MAKEFILE "install: $LIBNAME $PROG ".join(" ",@cinclude)."\n"; if ($LIBNAME) { print MAKEFILE "\t$installScript $LIBNAME $prefix/lib/$LIBNAME\n"; } if ($PROG) { print MAKEFILE "\t$installScript $PROG $prefix/$PROGNAME\n"; } foreach (@cinclude) {print MAKEFILE "\t$installScript $_ $prefix/include/$_\n"}; print MAKEFILE "\n"; } else { print MAKEFILE "install:\n\n"; } # # Make .f90 a valid suffix # print MAKEFILE ".SUFFIXES: \$(SUFFIXES) .f90\n\n"; # # .f90 -> .o # # this does not seem to work on linux: #print MAKEFILE ".f90.o:\n"; # so change to if ($make eq 'gmake') { print MAKEFILE "%.o: %.f90 \n"; print MAKEFILE "\t\$(F90) \$(F90FLAGS) -c \$<\n\n";} else { print MAKEFILE ".f90.o:\n"; print MAKEFILE "\t\$(F90) \$(F90FLAGS) -c \$<\n\n";} # # Dependency listings # #&MakeDependsf90($ARGV[1]); &MakeDependsf90(@ffiles); # these things should now be checked for in MakeDependsf90($ARGV[1]) # let us hope nothing goes too haywire! #&MakeDepends("*.f *.F", '^\s*include\s+["\']([^"\']+)["\']'); &MakeDepends("*.c", '^\s*#\s*include\s+["\']([^"\']+)["\']'); # # &PrintWords(current output column, extra tab?, word list); --- print words # nicely # sub PrintWords { local($columns) = 78 - shift(@_); local($extratab) = shift(@_); local($wordlength); # print MAKEFILE @_[0]; $columns -= length(shift(@_)); foreach $word (@_) { $wordlength = length($word); if ($wordlength + 1 < $columns) { print MAKEFILE " $word"; $columns -= $wordlength + 1; } else { # # Continue onto a new line # if ($extratab) { print MAKEFILE " \\\n\t\t$word"; $columns = 62 - $wordlength; } else { print MAKEFILE " \\\n\t$word"; $columns = 70 - $wordlength; } } } } # # &LanguageCompiler(compiler, sources); --- determine the correct language # compiler # sub LanguageCompiler { local($compiler) = &toLower(shift(@_)); local(@srcs) = @_; # if (length($compiler) > 0) { CASE: { grep(/^$compiler$/, ("fc", "f77")) && do { $compiler = "FC"; last CASE; }; grep(/^$compiler$/, ("cc", "c")) && do { $compiler = "CC"; last CASE; }; $compiler = "F90"; } } else { CASE: { grep(/\.f90$/, @srcs) && do { $compiler = "F90"; last CASE; }; grep(/\.(f|F)$/, @srcs) && do { $compiler = "FC"; last CASE; }; grep(/\.c$/, @srcs) && do { $compiler = "CC"; last CASE; }; $compiler = "???"; } } $compiler; } # # &toLower(string); --- convert string into lower case # sub toLower { local($string) = @_[0]; $string =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $string; } # # &uniq(sorted word list); --- remove adjacent duplicate words # sub uniq { local(@words); foreach $word (@_) { if ($word ne $words[$#words]) { push(@words, $word); } } @words; } # # &MakeDepends(language pattern, include file sed pattern); --- dependency # maker # sub MakeDepends { local(@incs); local($lang) = @_[0]; local($pattern) = @_[1]; # foreach $file (<${lang}>) { open(FILE, $file) || warn "Cannot open $file: $!\n"; while () { /$pattern/i && push(@incs, $1); } if (defined @incs) { $file =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.o/; print MAKEFILE "$file: "; &PrintWords(length($file) + 2, 0, @incs); print MAKEFILE "\n"; undef @incs; } } } # # &MakeDependsf90(f90 compiler); --- FORTRAN 90 dependency maker # sub MakeDependsf90 { #local($compiler) = &toLower(@_[0]); #local(@files) = @_; @files = @_; local(@dependencies); local(%filename); local(@incs); local(@modules); local($objfile); # # Associate each module with the name of the file that contains it # #foreach $file (<*.f90 *.f>) { foreach $file (@files) { open(FILE, $file) || warn "Cannot open $file: $!\n"; while () { if (/^\s*module\s+([^\s!]+)/i) { $modname = $1; ($filename{&toLower($modname)} = $file) =~ s/(.*\/)*(.+)\.\w{1,3}$/$2.o/; #&& # ($filename{&toLower($1)} = $file) =~ s/(.*\/)*(.+)\.\w{1,3}$/$2.o/ && } } } # # Print the dependencies of each file that has one or more include's or # references one or more modules # $a='[^!;]*;'; foreach $file (@files) { open(FILE, $file); while () { # method used for modules is a very nasty hack -- but do not # quite know what else to do... # will actually break in the case of something like "print ' ; use x'" /^\s*include\s+["\']([^"\']+)["\']/i && push(@incs, $1); #" #add this comment to get font-lock-fontify working again /^\s*use\s+([^\s,!;]+)/i && push(@modules, &toLower($1)); /^$a\s*use\s+([^\s,!;]+)/i && push(@modules, &toLower($1)); /^$a$a\s*use\s+([^\s,!;]+)/i && push(@modules, &toLower($1)); /^$a$a$a\s*use\s+([^\s,!;]+)/i && push(@modules, &toLower($1)); /^$a$a$a$a\s*use\s+([^\s,!;]+)/i && push(@modules, &toLower($1)); /^$a$a$a$a$a\s*use\s+([^\s,!;]+)/i && push(@modules, &toLower($1)); /^$a$a$a$a$a$a\s*use\s+([^\s,!;]+)/i && push(@modules, &toLower($1)); /^$a$a$a$a$a$a$a\s*use\s+([^\s,!;]+)/i && push(@modules, &toLower($1)); } if (defined @incs || defined @modules) { # very nasty hack to get .f .F and .f90 # it will also get .f90000000, .F99999990 etc... # but this shouldn't matter because there should be no # files with those names. ($objfile = $file) =~ s/(.*\/)*(.+)\.\w{1,3}$/$2.o/; print MAKEFILE "$objfile: "; undef @dependencies; foreach $module (@modules) { if ($filename{$module} ne $objfile) {push(@dependencies, $filename{$module});} } @dependencies = &uniq(sort(@dependencies)); &PrintWords(length($objfile) + 2, 0, @dependencies, &uniq(sort(@incs))); print MAKEFILE "\n"; undef @incs; undef @modules; # # # # Cray F90 compiler # # # if ($compiler eq "cray") { # print MAKEFILE "\t\$(F90) \$(F90FLAGS) -c "; # foreach $depend (@dependencies) { # push(@modules, "-p", $depend); # } # push(@modules, $file); # &PrintWords(30, 1, @modules); # print MAKEFILE "\n"; # undef @modules; # } # # # # ParaSoft F90 compiler # # # if ($compiler eq "parasoft") { # print MAKEFILE "\t\$(F90) \$(F90FLAGS) -c "; # foreach $depend (@dependencies) { # $depend =~ s/\.o$/.f90/; # push(@modules, "-module", $depend); # } # push(@modules, $file); # &PrintWords(30, 1, @modules); # print MAKEFILE "\n"; # undef @modules; # } } } }