! $Id: qcd.f90,v 1.13 2004/09/18 14:39:29 salam Exp $ module qcd use types; use consts_dp integer, parameter :: nf_def = 5 real(dp), parameter :: ca_def = 3, cf_def = four/three, tr_def = half real(dp), parameter :: tf_def = tr_def * nf_def !-- the following are all modifiable, but have default values real(dp), public :: ca = ca_def real(dp), public :: cf = cf_def real(dp), public :: tr = tr_def integer, public :: nf_int = nf_def integer, public :: nf_u = nf_def/2 integer, public :: nf_d = (nf_def+1)/2 real(dp), public :: nf = nf_def, tf = tf_def ! HACK TO GET GLUON + SINGLET EVOLUTION in 0 & 1 ! For it to work, quark component in 2 must be zero. !integer, parameter, public :: nf_u = nf_def, nf_d = 0 ! beta2 is from Tarasov JINR P2-82-900 (Dubna 1982) ! Larin NIKHEF-H/92-18 hep-ph/9302240 real(dp), public :: beta0 = (11*ca_def - four*tf_def)/(12*pi) real(dp), public :: twopi_beta0 = (11*ca_def - four*tf_def)/6.0_dp real(dp), public :: beta1 = (17*ca_def**2 - tf_def*(10*ca_def + 6*cf_def))& & / (24*pisq) real(dp), public :: beta2 = (2857*ca_def**3 & & + (54*cf_def**2-615*cf_def*ca_def-1415*ca_def**2)*two*tf_def& & + (66*cf_def + 79*ca_def)*(two*tf_def)**2)/(3456*pi**3) !--- nomenclature is: ! alpha_s(nf+1,mu) = alpha_s(nf,mu) + ! sum_{mn} alphastep_mn * (alphas)^(m+1) ln^n(mu^2/m(mu^2)^2) ! ! taken from hep-ph/9411260; should also refer to ! Bernreuther, Wetzel, NPB197 (1982) 228 ! Bernreuther, Annals of Phys. 151 (1983) 127 ! ! Only use this if (mass_steps_on)? logical, public :: mass_steps_on = .true. !logical, public, parameter :: mass_steps_on = .false. !---- the following is for the MSbar mass ! taken from hep-ph/9411260; should also refer to ! Bernreuther, Wetzel, NPB197 (1982) 228 ! Bernreuther, Annals of Phys. 151 (1983) 127 real(dp), public :: alphastep11 = four*tr_def/(12*pi) real(dp), public :: alphastep22 = (four*tr_def/(12*pi))**2 real(dp), public :: alphastep21 = tr_def*(10*ca_def + 6*cf_def)/(24*pisq) real(dp), public :: alphastep20_msbar=& &(13.0_dp/48.0_dp*cf_def-two/9.0_dp*ca_def)& & *tr_def/pisq !-- for the pole mass, take this from hep-ph/9706430 ! (Chetyrkin, Kniehl and Steinhauser), PRL 79 (1997) 2184 ! though it is not the original referece, just a "container" !-- expression not known for variable colour factors? ! NB: they express nf-1 in terms of nf... !real(dp), public :: alphastep20_pole = 11.0_dp/72.0_dp/pisq !real(dp), public :: alphastep20_pole = 7.0_dp/24.0_dp/pisq real(dp), public :: alphastep20_pole = & &(15.0_dp/16.0_dp*cf_def-two/9.0_dp*ca_def) * tr_def/pisq real(dp), public :: cmw_K = ca_def*(67.0_dp/18.0_dp - pisq/6.0_dp) & & - tf_def * 10.0_dp/9.0_dp !!!! Taken from Moch, Vermaseren & Vogt: NB TR dependence not in... real(dp), parameter :: cmw_K2_def = & & ca_def**2 * ( 245._dp/24._dp - 67._dp/9._dp*zeta2 & & + 11.0_dp/6._dp * zeta3 + 11.0_dp/5._dp * zeta2**2)& &+ two*cf_def*tf_def * (-55._dp/24._dp + 2*zeta3)& &+ two*ca_def*tf_def * (-209._dp/108._dp + 10._dp/9._dp*zeta2 & & - 7._dp/3._dp * zeta3)& &- four*tf_def**2 /27._dp real(dp), public :: cmw_K2 = cmw_K2_def real(dp), public :: mvv_A3 = 16*cf_def*cmw_K2_def real(dp), public :: mvv_A3G = 16*ca_def*cmw_K2_def !--- is it useful to have a fake upper entry? ! put charm quark mass just above sqrt(2) real(dp), public, parameter :: & & quark_masses_def(6) = (/1e-10_dp,1e-10_dp,0.15_dp,& & 1.414213563_dp, 4.5_dp, 175.0_dp/) public :: qcd_SetNf, qcd_SetGroup!, qcd_SetVogtImod contains !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine qcd_SetNf(nf_in) integer :: nf_in nf_int = nf_in nf = nf_int nf_u = nf_int/2 nf_d = (nf_int+1)/2 tf = tr * nf call qcd_set_beta0 end subroutine qcd_SetNf !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine qcd_SetGroup(ca_in,cf_in,tr_in) real(dp), intent(in) :: ca_in,cf_in,tr_in ca = ca_in cf = cf_in tr = tr_in tf = nf * tr call qcd_set_beta0 end subroutine qcd_SetGroup !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine qcd_set_beta0 beta0 = (11*ca - four*tf)/(12*pi) twopi_beta0 = twopi * beta0 beta1 = (17*ca**2 - tf*(10*ca + 6*cf)) / (24*pisq) beta2 = (2857*ca**3 + (54*cf**2-615*CF*CA-1415*ca**2)*two*tf& & + (66*cf + 79*ca)*(two*tf)**2)/(3456*pi**3) !-- matching thresholds ----------------- alphastep11 = four*tr/(12*pi) alphastep22 = (four*tr/(12*pi))**2 alphastep21 = tr*(10*ca + 6*cf)/(24*pisq) alphastep20_msbar = (13.0_dp/48.0_dp*cf-two/9.0_dp*ca)*tr/pisq ! -11.0_dp/72.0_dp/pisq !-- expression not know for variable colour factors !alphastep20_pole = 7.0_dp/24.0_dp/pisq alphastep20_pole = (15.0_dp/16.0_dp*cf-two/9.0_dp*ca)*tr/pisq cmw_K = ca*(67.0_dp/18.0_dp - pisq/6.0_dp) - tf*10.0_dp/9.0_dp cmw_K2 = & & ca**2 * ( 245._dp/24._dp - 67._dp/9._dp*zeta2 & & + 11.0_dp/6._dp * zeta3 + 11.0_dp/5._dp * zeta2**2)& &+ two*cf*tf * (-55._dp/24._dp + 2*zeta3)& &+ two*ca*tf * (-209._dp/108._dp + 10._dp/9._dp*zeta2 & & - 7._dp/3._dp * zeta3)& &- four*tf**2 /27._dp mvv_A3 = 16*cf*cmw_K2 mvv_A3G = 16*ca*cmw_K2 end subroutine qcd_set_beta0 !!$ !-------- overkill ---------------------------------------- !!$ subroutine qcd_SetVogtImod(imod) !!$ integer, intent(in) :: imod !!$ vogt_imod = imod !!$ end subroutine qcd_SetVogtImod end module qcd