!! A module that provides access to a quicksort form of sorting !! routine. !! !! Not clear that it is very efficient (e.g. compared to C++ stdlib !! sort). It is based on the ideas behind NR indexx, but has been !! rewritten (without looking at the NR f90 code) to avoid copyright !! issues. Considerable tests have been performed [but no guarantees !! are provided...!] !! module sort use types use warnings_and_errors use assertions implicit none private interface indexx module procedure indexx_dp, indexx_int end interface public :: indexx interface swap module procedure swap_int, swap_dp end interface contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! A non-recursive version of the quick sort algorithm. It returns !! an array idx such that array(idx) is sorted. !! !! Following NR outline, it uses insertion for for sorting small !! sub-segments, sentinels to reduce the number of checks when !! pivoting and median of first, middle and last elements in order !! to select the pivot, to reduce the chances of the worst case !! (N^2) occurring. !! !! Note it uses a fixed-size stack, which is not so great an idea... !! (recursion would have had the advantage that this would not have !! been a problem). subroutine indexx_dp(array,idx) real(dp), intent(in) :: array(:) integer, intent(out) :: idx(size(array)) !---------------------------------- integer, parameter :: insertion_threshold = 7, stack_size = 50 type lrpair integer :: l, r end type lrpair type(lrpair) :: stack(stack_size) integer :: nmid, i, j, l, r, ixstack, medidx, n real :: medval !n = size(array) !if (n/=size(idx)) stop 'array and idx are different sizes' n = assert_eq(size(idx),size(array),'indexx_dp') forall(i=1:n) idx(i) = i ! push the whole array section onto the stack ixstack = 1 stack(1) = lrpair(1,n); ixstack = 1 do ! pull an array section off the stack l = stack(ixstack)%l r = stack(ixstack)%r ixstack = ixstack - 1 ! get to work on it if (r-l < insertion_threshold) then ! run an inlined insertion sort. do i = l+1, r medidx = idx(i) medval = array(medidx) ! look for the place where we should insert the element "medval", ! and as we go about it, shift the other elements up by one do j = i-1, l, -1 if (medval < array(idx(j))) then idx(j+1) = idx(j) else exit end if end do ! insert medval in its correct location idx(j+1) = medidx end do else ! NR idea is to take the median value of first, middle and ! last elements, so do a little insertion sort to get these ! three elements into order nmid = (l+r)/2 ! first place the middle element in position l+1 call swap(idx(l+1),idx(nmid)) if (array(idx(l+1)) < array(idx(1)) ) call swap(idx(l+1),idx(1)) if (array(idx(r)) < array(idx(l+1))) then call swap(idx(r),idx(l+1)) if (array(idx(l+1)) < array(idx(1))) call swap(idx(l+1),idx(1)) end if medidx = idx(l+1) medval = array(medidx) ! Then run up from first (non-trivial) element, and down from last ! element, swapping things as need be until i and j cross i = l+1; j = r do do i = i + 1 if (array(idx(i)) >= medval) exit end do do j = j - 1 if (array(idx(j)) <= medval) exit end do if (i > j) exit call swap(idx(i), idx(j)) end do ! now insert medval (the partitioning element) into the ! correct position idx(l+1) = idx(j) idx(j) = medidx ! now put things onto the stack if (ixstack+2 > stack_size) stop 'stack too small' stack(ixstack+1) = lrpair(l,j-1) stack(ixstack+2) = lrpair(j,r) ixstack = ixstack + 2 end if if (ixstack == 0) exit end do end subroutine indexx_dp !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! A non-recursive version of the quick sort algorithm. It returns !! an array idx such that array(idx) is sorted. !! !! Following NR outline, it uses insertion for for sorting small !! sub-segments, sentinels to reduce the number of checks when !! pivoting and median of first, middle and last elements in order !! to select the pivot, to reduce the chances of the worst case !! (N^2) occurring. !! !! Note it uses a fixed-size stack, which is not so great an idea... !! (recursion would have had the advantage that this would not have !! been a problem). subroutine indexx_int(array,idx) integer, intent(in) :: array(:) integer, intent(out) :: idx(size(array)) !---------------------------------- integer, parameter :: insertion_threshold = 7, stack_size = 50 type lrpair integer :: l, r end type lrpair type(lrpair) :: stack(stack_size) integer :: nmid, i, j, l, r, ixstack, medidx, n real :: medval !n = size(array) !if (n/=size(idx)) stop 'array and idx are different sizes' n = assert_eq(size(idx),size(array),'indexx_dp') forall(i=1:n) idx(i) = i ! push the whole array section onto the stack ixstack = 1 stack(1) = lrpair(1,n); ixstack = 1 do ! pull an array section off the stack l = stack(ixstack)%l r = stack(ixstack)%r ixstack = ixstack - 1 ! get to work on it if (r-l < insertion_threshold) then ! run an inlined insertion sort. do i = l+1, r medidx = idx(i) medval = array(medidx) ! look for the place where we should insert the element "medval", ! and as we go about it, shift the other elements up by one do j = i-1, l, -1 if (medval < array(idx(j))) then idx(j+1) = idx(j) else exit end if end do ! insert medval in its correct location idx(j+1) = medidx end do else ! NR idea is to take the median value of first, middle and ! last elements, so do a little insertion sort to get these ! three elements into order nmid = (l+r)/2 ! first place the middle element in position l+1 call swap(idx(l+1),idx(nmid)) if (array(idx(l+1)) < array(idx(1)) ) call swap(idx(l+1),idx(1)) if (array(idx(r)) < array(idx(l+1))) then call swap(idx(r),idx(l+1)) if (array(idx(l+1)) < array(idx(1))) call swap(idx(l+1),idx(1)) end if medidx = idx(l+1) medval = array(medidx) ! Then run up from first (non-trivial) element, and down from last ! element, swapping things as need be until i and j cross i = l+1; j = r do do i = i + 1 if (array(idx(i)) >= medval) exit end do do j = j - 1 if (array(idx(j)) <= medval) exit end do if (i > j) exit call swap(idx(i), idx(j)) end do ! now insert medval (the partitioning element) into the ! correct position idx(l+1) = idx(j) idx(j) = medidx ! now put things onto the stack if (ixstack+2 > stack_size) stop 'stack too small' stack(ixstack+1) = lrpair(l,j-1) stack(ixstack+2) = lrpair(j,r) ixstack = ixstack + 2 end if if (ixstack == 0) exit end do end subroutine indexx_int subroutine swap_dp(a,b) real, intent(inout) :: a,b real :: dummy dummy=a a=b b=dummy end subroutine swap_dp subroutine swap_int(a,b) integer, intent(inout) :: a,b integer :: dummy dummy=a a=b b=dummy end subroutine swap_int end module sort