! keep this outside a module so that we can recompile (e.g. for ! changing version number) without modifying any dependences. ! subroutine HoppetWelcomeMessage write(0,'(a)') '-----------------------------------------------------------' write(0,'(a)') ' Welcome to HOPPET v. 1.1.0 ' write(0,'(a)') ' Higher Order Perturbative Parton Evolution Toolkit ' write(0,'(a)') '' write(0,'(a)') ' Written by Gavin P. Salam (2001-2008)' write(0,'(a)') ' with contributions from Juan Rojo' write(0,'(a)') '' write(0,'(a)') ' It is made available under the GNU public license,' write(0,'(a)') ' with the additional request that if you use it or any' write(0,'(a)') ' derivative of it in scientific work then you should cite:' write(0,'(a)') ' G.P. Salam and J. Rojo, arXiv:0804.3755.' write(0,'(a)') ' ' write(0,'(a)') ' You are also encouraged to cite the original references,' write(0,'(a)') ' for LO, NLO and NNLO splitting functions, the QCD' write(0,'(a)') ' 1, 2 and 3 loop beta functions and the coupling and ' write(0,'(a)') ' PDF and coupling mass threshold matching functions.' write(0,'(a)') '-----------------------------------------------------------' end subroutine HoppetWelcomeMessage