C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Program that takes an initial condition from LHAPDF at some scale, C creates a hoppet tabulation by evolving it from that scale, and C then compares the result at some other scale. C C This provdes a way of cross checking the evolution implicitly C contained in public PDF sets C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- program compare_lhapdf_hoppet implicit none !--- variables defining the grid and evolution parameters double precision dy, ymax, Qmin, Qmax, dlnlnQ integer nloop, order !--------------- external evolvePDF double precision x, Q, lhapdf(-6:6), ourpdf(-6:6) double precision asmz, Q0, xmu integer iloop, nf, iflv, i, scheme ! initialise an LHAPDF set call InitPDFsetByName("cteq61.LHgrid") call InitPDF(0) ! start the dglap evolution/convolution package ymax = 14d0 ! max value of ln 1/x dy = 0.1d0 ! the internal grid spacing (smaller->higher accuarcy) ! 0.1 should provide at least 10^{-3} accuracy Qmin = 1.0d0 ! smallest Q value in tabulation Qmax = 1d4 ! largest Q value in tabulation dlnlnQ = 0.025d0 ! tabulation spacing in dlnlnQ (dy/4 recommended) nloop = 2 ! the number of loops to initialise (max=3!) order = -6 ! numerical interpolation order (-6 is a good choice) scheme = 1 ! 1=unpol-MSbar, 2=unpol-DIS, 3=Pol-MSbar ! call this once at the beginning of your program call hoppetStartExtended(ymax,dy,Qmin,Qmax,dlnlnQ,nloop,order, $ scheme) ! initialise our PDF using the LHAPDF subroutine for PDF-access ! at the starting scale Q0, assuming as(mz)=0.118 and evolve to ! the other scales. You can replace the LHAPDF routine with your ! own one (with the same interface) ! ! Call this routine each time you want to change ! input PDFs asmz = 0.118d0 Q0 = 20.0d0 xmu = 1.0d0 !call hoppetSetVFN(1.5d0,4.7d0,175d0) call hoppetEvolve(asmz,91.2d0,nloop,xmu,evolvePDF,Q0) ! alternatively if you need to repeat the same evolution on very ! many pdf sets, used a cached evolution (set up once, use many times ! and gain a factor 3-4 in speed. !call hoppetPreEvolve(asmz,91.2d0,nloop,xmu,Q0) !call hoppetCachedEvolve(evolvePDF) x = 1d-3 Q = 100.0d0 ! extract the pdf at this x,Q directly from LHAPDF call evolvePDF(x,Q,lhapdf) ! extract the pdf at this x,Q via our copy of the pdf call hoppetEval(x,Q,ourpdf) ! print it all write(6,*) 'x = ', x, ', Q = ', Q write(6,'(a5,4a17)') 'iflv','lhapdf','hoppet' do iflv = -6, 6 write(6,'(i5,4f17.7)') iflv, $ lhapdf(iflv),ourpdf(iflv) end do end