!! !! Parameters describing the range of possible "options" in the !! DGLAP evolution. Options refer both to physical choices (such !! as schemes, polarization) as well as technical choices (choice of !! approximation used for NNLO splitting function). !! !! GPS: adapted from qcd.f90 18/09/2004 !! module dglap_choices implicit none private integer, parameter, public :: nnlo_splitting_exact = -2 integer, parameter, public :: nnlo_splitting_param = -1 ! these three should keep their numerical values because ! of a correspondence with vogt imod values integer, parameter, public :: nnlo_splitting_nfitav = 0 integer, parameter, public :: nnlo_splitting_nfiterr1 = 1 integer, parameter, public :: nnlo_splitting_nfiterr2 = 2 integer, public :: nnlo_splitting_variant = nnlo_splitting_param integer, parameter, public :: nnlo_nfthreshold_exact = -12 integer, parameter, public :: nnlo_nfthreshold_param = -11 integer, public :: nnlo_nfthreshold_variant = nnlo_nfthreshold_param integer, parameter, public :: factscheme_MSbar = 1 integer, parameter, public :: factscheme_DIS = 2 integer, parameter, public :: factscheme_PolMSbar = 3 ! have these on split lines so that they are not caught ! by naming routines. integer, parameter,& & public :: factscheme_default = factscheme_MSbar integer, parameter, & &public :: factscheme_Poldefault = factscheme_PolMSbar public :: dglap_Set_nnlo_splitting public :: dglap_Set_nnlo_nfthreshold contains !-------- overkill ---------------------------------------- subroutine dglap_Set_nnlo_splitting(variant) integer, intent(in) :: variant nnlo_splitting_variant = variant end subroutine dglap_Set_nnlo_splitting !-------- overkill ---------------------------------------- subroutine dglap_Set_nnlo_nfthreshold(variant) integer, intent(in) :: variant nnlo_nfthreshold_variant = variant end subroutine dglap_Set_nnlo_nfthreshold end module dglap_choices