README for the pdf-conv directory --------------------------------- This is a version of the PDFevln package that additionally provides a f77 interface to allow a simple determination of convolutions of splitting functions with a given pdf set. This is useful in various contexts such as inclusion of factorization scale dependence in a-posteriori inclusion of PDFs for jet calculations; or for matching between fixed-order and resummed calculations. To see what routines are available, and which other parameters are around, examine src/f77_pdftab.f90 Note that compilation requires a fortran 90 compiler -- those that have been tested (to varying extents) include ifort, lf95, g95 and gfortran, some of which (all but lf95) are available freely to varying extents; for initialisation g95 is found to be quite a bit slower than the other compilers. Complaints and questions should be addressed to Gavin Salam On request the f77 interface may be extended to include easy access to the evolution part of the package. #----------------------------------------------------------------- # To compile library: #------------------- > cd src # edit fortran 90 compiler in Makefile if need be > make # then to compile example program #-------------------------------- > cd ../example_f77 # edit Makefile so as to include the appropriate f90 and LHAPDF libraries > make # then run it as follows and check output against what is below > ./convolution_example ************************************* * LHAPDF Version 5.0 * ************************************* >>>>>> PDF description: <<<<<< CTEQ6.1 Reference: J. Pumplin, D.R. Stump, J. Huston, H.L. Lai W.K. Tung, S. Kuhlmann, J. Owens hep-ph/0303013 This set has 41 member PDF mem=0 --> central value (cteq61m) mem=1-40 --> 20 sets of +ve/-ve error values >>>>>> <<<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------- This is the PDFevln package Written by Gavin P. Salam (2001-2006) It is made available under the GNU public license, with the additional restriction that if you use it or any derivative of it then you should cite: M. Dasgupta and G.P. Salam, Eur.Phys.J.C24:213-236,2002. You are also encouraged to cite the original references, for LO, NLO and NNLO splitting functions, the QCD 1, 2 and 3 loop beta functions and the coupling and PDF mass threshold matching functions. ----------------------------------------------------------- x = 0.1, Q = 30. iflv lhapdf ourpdf PLO_conv_ourpdf PNLO_conv_ourpdf -6 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 -5 0.0148786 0.0148821 0.0921542 0.1938882 -4 0.0314312 0.0314340 0.0528865 0.0249562 -3 0.0608825 0.0608848 -0.0095773 -0.2567813 -2 0.0885760 0.0885775 -0.0763528 -0.5440898 -1 0.1214880 0.1214896 -0.1300409 -0.8175595 0 0.9779542 0.9779997 -2.2731258 1.6135916 1 0.3832341 0.3832380 -0.3130459 -2.1597162 2 0.6185498 0.6185565 -0.2770019 -2.6512379 3 0.0608825 0.0608848 -0.0095773 -0.2567813 4 0.0314312 0.0314340 0.0528865 0.0249562 5 0.0148786 0.0148821 0.0921542 0.1938882 6 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000