Plans/ideas for improvements to fjcontrib: ------------------------------------------ - scripts/ ContribName has some option to list available versions - some ability for contribs to require a minimal FJ version? - get an fjcontrib-config script working ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Older/obsolete things --------------------- For a first release - check each contribution: - release them - decide/set version number of full contrib - tools for checking content of release??? --------------------- - fjcontrib-config (--libs | ...) ??? g++ `fjcontrib-config --cxxflags` That could also hold version information overall package version: 0.001 contribs: JetFFMoments 1.0.1 GenericSubtractor trunk@revision Questions: ---------- - do we want to check that we're in the trunk? Mailing lists -------------------- - [=Gregory,Matteo,Gavin + possible volunteers] anyone can write to it, subscriptions are restricted - current is used to make announcements about it - - it's for the librarians to contact contrib authors - anyone signed up can write to it (or just librarians?) - only those who have requested write access to the svn get signed up to it