2025-01-24: release of 1.101 with * new contrib SDFPlugin, v. 1.0.1 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.01109) * new contrib GHSAlgo, v. 1.0.0 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.11138 (v2)) * small fixes to build system 2024-12-13: release of 1.100 with * new functionality to allow for dependencies between contribs - new contrib template now uses FJCONTRIB.cfg file to specify version and dependencies, and Makefile template has been updated to indicate where to place dependencies - in new-format contribs, the include files should be placed in include/fastjet/contrib. This reduces the chances of conflicts with system headers when a contrib is used as a dependency and ensures that example programs use header locations that are consistent with those that would be available from an installed version of the contrib * inclusion of new IFNPlugin 1.0.4, for interleaved flavour neutralisation jet algorithm, https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.07314 * inclusion of new CMPPlugin 1.0.0, for the Czakon-Mitov-Poncelet flavour jet algorithm, https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.11879 * update of RecursiveTools to version 2.0.4, which moves it into the new contrib format. * update of LundPlane to version 2.1.2, resolving some linking issues and moving to the new contrib format 2024-10-07: release of 1.056 with * update of RecursiveTools to 2.0.3, with bug fix that resolves use of wrong Recluster.hh in RecursiveSoftDrop.hh 2024-06-26: release of 1.055 with * update of SignalFreeBackgroundEstimator to 1.0.1, with bug fix for updates of signal seeds and new option to disable weights in median 2024-02-29: release of 1.054 with * addition of new SignalFreeBackgroundEstimator contrib, version 1.0.0 (see https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.08383) * LundPlane updated to version 2.1.1, with bug fixes for delta psibar calculations in opposite hemispheres and for compilation issues on some systems * Nsubjettiness updated to 2.3.2 with change in recommended axes away from OnePass, and addition of HalfKT axes options recommended for beta = 2. This release also fixes a few compiler warnings. * ConstituentSubtractor updated to version 1.4.7, which resolves rounding-error induced failures of make check on Mac M2 systems * RecursiveTools updated to 2.0.2, addressing rounding-error induced make check issues on Mac M2 systems * EnergyCorrelator updated to 1.3.2, addressing rounding-error induced make check issues on Mac M2 systems * configure script now sorts contribs alphabetically to ensure reproducibility of build order (thanks to Stefan Bruns) * make check now correctly gives a non-zero return code if any of the underlying contribs fail their tests 2023-09-29: release of 1.053 with * update of LundPlane to 2.0.4 which fixes a const-correctness issue and adds a new LundPlane.hh header, which acts as a shortcut to the other headers. 2023-05-18: release of 1.052 with * update of ConstituentSubtractor to v1.4.6, which brings small bug fixes 2023-03-01: release of 1.051 with * new KTClusCXX (1.0.1), a C++ re-implementation of the interface and features of Mike Seymour's Fortran ktclus package (including DIS algorithms and various hadron-collider distance measures). Provided by Andrii Verbytskyi * Update of LundPlane to 2.0.3, to fix missing header installation 2022-08-20: release of 1.050 with * updated LundPlane to 2.0.2, fixing compilation issues with g++-12 2022-06-15: release of 1.049 with * updated Nsubjettiness to 2.2.6, with thread-safety improvements 2021-12-08: release of 1.048 with * inclusion of C++11 check files (fixes bug reported by Andrii Verbytskyi) 2021-12-06: release of 1.047 with LundPlane updated to v2.0.1 * adds RecursiveLundEEGenerator for e+e- studies, with examples from spin-correlation analyses of arXiv:2103.16526 and arXiv:2111.01161 * Note: fjcontrib now requires a compiler that supports C++11 or higher. The configure scripts attempts to add CXXFLAGS arguments to enable this if not already enabled. Please report any issues you encounter. 2021-08-21: release of 1.046 with RecursiveTools updated to v2.0.1 * added rare divide-by-zero in calculation of mu2 2020-08-04: release of 1.045 with * first release of Centauro (DIS jet algorithm plugin), v 1.0.0 2020-03-07: release of 1.044 with * update of RecursiveTools to 2.0.0 (relative to 2.0.0-beta2, brings documentation improvements) 2020-02-23: release of 1.043 with * updates of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.4.5 and LundPlane to 1.0.3 to fix c++98 compatibility issues 2019-07-18: release of 1.042 with * update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.4.4 (updates to function naming, treatment of massive inputs, selectors for correcting specific sets of particles, use of ability to use primary-particle info in CS distance) 2018-12-04: release of 1.041 with * update of ValenciaPlugin to 2.0.2 (bug fix for negative beta) 2018-12-04: release of 1.040 with * update of ValenciaPlugin to 2.0.1 (bug fix for treatment massive particles) 2018-10-31: release of 1.039 with * update of LundPlane to 1.0.2 (only affects python code) * documentation and scripts updated for new HEPForge phabricator system 2018-08-30: release of 1.038 with * new LundPlane contrib, version 1.0.1 2018-07-20: release of 1.037 with * update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.3.1 2018-06-06: release of 1.036 with * update of Nsubjettiness to 2.2.5, fixing bug involving undefined pointer in AxesDefinition 2018-05-28: release of 1.035 with * update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.7 (ability to correct just phase space defined by fastjet::Selector, change of grid size possible with subtract_event_using_charged_info, updated examples) * update of RecursiveTools to 2.0.0-beta2 with bug fix for recent clang compilers. 2018-05-18: release of 1.034 with * update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.5 (big fixing + support for "pt,y,phi" inputs) * minor modification to the template Makefile for new contribs 2018-02-15: release of 1.033 with * update of EnergyCorrelator to 1.3.1 (memory leak fixed, functionality unchanged) 2018-01-17: release of 1.032 with * update of EnergyCorrelator to 1.3.0 (Speed up of core ECF code, functionality unchanged) 2017-12-20: release of 1.031 with * update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.4 (which adds back in the full set of example programs) 2017-10-13: release of 1.030 with * update of RecursiveTools to 2.0.0-beta1 (included RecursiveSoftDrop, IteratedSoftDrop, BottomUpSoftDrop, as well as ee versions) 2017-09-10: release of 1.029 with * release of FlavorCone 1.0.0 * update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.3 2017-08-30: release of 1.028 with * update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.2 (added back an erronously-renamed function) 2017-08-10: release of 1.027 with * update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.2.1 (new behaviour for massive particles and speed improvements for whole-event subtraction) 2017-01-25: release of 1.026 with * update of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.1.5 (new pileup subtraction options and rho-rescaling) 2016-10-07: release of 1.025 with * update of EnergyCorrelator to 1.2.0 (with new generalized energy correlation functions) 2016-06-21: release of version 1.024 with * update of Nsubjettiness to version 2.2.4 (fixed bug with multi-pass axes) * update of VariableR to version 1.2.1 (fixed documentation and comments) 2016-04-28: release of version 1.023 with * update of Nsubjettiness to version 2.2.3 (fixed bug with tau_N for jets with less than N constituents) 2016-03-30: release of version 1.022 with * VariableR version 1.2.0 (faster clustering when used with FastJet>=3.2.0) * ConstituentSubtractor version 1.1.1 (FastJet rho_m support, faster algorithm, ...) * Nsubjettiness version 2.2.2 (replaces deprecated features in FastJet) * GenericSubtractor version 1.3.1 (replaces deprecated use of auto_ptr) 2015-10-12: release of version 1.021 with * new contrib: QCDAwarePlugin, version 1.0.0 (from A.Buckley and C.Pollard) 2015-10-05: release of version 1.020 with * update of Nsubjettiness to version 2.2.1 (fixes a bug in the Makefile that broke building of shared libraries) * install permissions of libfastjetcontribfragile.so switched from 0644 to 0755 2015-09-21: release of version 1.019 with * update of GenericSubtractor to version 1.3.0 (adds rho_m support for FastJet v3.1) 2015-09-07: release of version 1.018 with * update of Nsubjettiness to version 2.2.0 (inclusion of the XCone jet algorithm; inclusion of new measures; interface improvements; bugs fixed) 2015-05-05: release of version 1.017 with * new contrib: ClusteringVetoPlugin, version 1.0.0 2015-04-07: release of version 1.016 with * new contrib: ValenciaPlugin, version 2.0.0 (new e+e- clustering algorithms) 2014-11-25: release of version 1.015 with * update of EnergyCorrelator to 1.1.0 (adds C1, C2 and D2 observables) 2014-08-17: release of version 1.014 with * new contrib: SoftKiller 1.0.0 pileup removal tool (from Matteo Cacciari, Gavin Salam and Gregory Soyez) * update of JetCleanser to version 1.0.1, fixing a C++11 compilation issue 2014-07-09: release of version 1.013 with * Nsubjettiness updated to version 2.1.0 (from 1.0.3). Maintains backward compatibility and adds a new recommended interface. * new contrib: RecursiveTools with v1.0.0 including ModifiedMassDropTagger and SoftDrop (from Gavin Salam, Gregory Soyez and Jesse Thaler) 2014-06-03: release of version 1.012 with * VariableR updated to version 1.1.1 (from 1.0.1), with optimized code and new recommended interface. 2014-04-06: release of version 1.011 with * new contrib: ConstituentSubtractor (from Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller and Rupert Leitner) 2014-02-26: release of version 1.010 with * new contrib: JetsWithoutJets (from Daniele Bertolini, Tucker Chan, Jesse Thaler) 2014-02-03: release of version 1.009 with * new make targets fragile-shared and fragile-shared-install which build and install a single libfastjetcontribfragile.so for the whole of fjcontrib. This is a temporary fix to provide a shared lib and will change at some future date. 2013-09-24: release of version 1.008, with * new contrib: JetCleanser 1.0.0 (from David Krohn, Matthew Low, Matthew D. Schwartz, and Lian-Tao Wang) * replacement of the data file with pileup in data/, so as to also include particle ID and charge information 2013-09-03: release of version 1.007, with * new contrib: SubjetCounting 1.0.1 (from Sonia El Hedri, Anson Hook, Martin Jankowiak, Jay G. Wacker) * fix for a bug that was preventing configuration with explicit inclusion or exclusion of more than one contrib 2013-08-27: release of version 1.006 with * Nsubjettiness updated to 1.0.3 (compiler fixes, minor code reorganisation) 2013-06-04: release of version 1.005 with * new contrib: ScJet 1.1.0 (from Jeff Tseng) 2013-05-28: release of version 1.004 with * GenericSubtractor updated to version 1.2.0 (new constructors, example bug-fix) 2013-05-01: release of version 1.003 with * new contrib: EnergyCorrelator 1.0.1 (from Jesse Thaler, Gavin Salam and Andrew Larkoski) 2013-04-12: release of version 1.002, with * GenericSubtractor updated to version 1.1.0 (fixes an important bug wrt 1.0.0) 2013-02-23: release of version 1.001, with * new contrib: VariableR 1.0.1 (from Jesse Thaler) * new contrib: Nsubjettiness 1.0.2 (from Jesse Thaler) * improved output from configure, fixes of typos in documentation 2013-02-07: release of version 1.000, containing * JetFFMoments, version 1.0.0 * GenericSubtractor, version 1.0.0