Guidelines for the FastJet Contrib area --------------------------------------- The FastJet contrib area is intended for developers of FastJet-related C++ tools, so as to provide easy access to their work in a common, publicly accessible location. If you wish to add code to the fastjet-contrib repository, please follow the guidelines indicated below, intended to give users a reasonably uniform experience and to facilitate versioning and quality control. For further information about making contributions, please contact ====================================================================== Basic developer usage ===================== # to get started you will need a hepforge account. Go to # # # # to create it. # # Then you will need to set up access through an ssh key. Go to # # # # (replace USERNAME with your actual username), click on # "SSH Key Actions" and select "Upload Public Key". # check out the overall contrib directory svn checkout fjcontrib cd fjcontrib # get the existing contribs (optional, but useful) scripts/ # start your new contrib, choosing your own "ContribName" (*) # Running this script produces a template for the new contrib # in the form of a new ContribName/ subdirectory of fjcontrib, # including a basic Makefile (further info below) scripts/ ContribName # once you have something worth committing, write to the fastjet contrib # maintainers at to get write access to the # fjcontrib svn. We will need your username. # and then run scripts/ ContribName # within your pre-existing ContribName/ directory you can now "svn # add" your files, commit them etc. # you should probably also run "svn propset svn:keywords Id *.cc *.hh" # so that their $Id$ tag automatically gets updated when you commit # when you're ready to make a versioned release, make sure that # # - all required files (AUTHORS, COPYING, NEWS etc.) are up to date # - FJCONTRIB.cfg includes the version number for the release # - "make check" and "make install" both work # - everything is committed # # At this point the fjcontrib maintainers are usually happy to have a # quick look through your code and provide comments based on # experience with other contribs. # # Once you're ready to make a release, run scripts/ ContribName # send a mail to with a request for # that version to be made public (*) Note that if you have previously "registered" your contrib (i.e. you have run "scripts/ ContribName") you can get it in a fresh checkout of the overall fjcontrib directory by running scripts/ ContribName trunk Please refrain from developing other people's contribs without first consulting them! Note: currently there is no mechanism for handling external dependencies (ROOT, gsl, etc.), because this would limit the range of systems on which fjcontrib could be straightforwardly be built. For handling dependencies between different contribs, see below. IMPORTANT NOTE: by releasing a contrib in fjcontrib, you acknowledge that the maintainers for the fjcontrib project may occasionally make changes and new releases of your code. This may be in order to fix bugs or to make it compatible with new versions of fjcontrib, for example with updated build systems. The fjcontrib maintainers will always endeavour to consult with individual contrib authors before making such changes. However in the absence of a response, or current means of contacting the authors, they reserve the right (compatibly with the GPL license) to proceed with such necessary changes. ====================================================================== Further details =============== Each contribution is the responsibility of its authors. The FastJet authors will not provide direct support. Each contribution must be in a directory of its own. The name of the directory will also by default be used for the library component. Each contribution should be made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v2 or later), or if the author wishes, under a more permissive license that is compatible with the GNU GPL. Each contribution should include the following files (automatically put in place when you run scripts/, see below): - COPYING: giving license information - AUTHORS: names of authors, including current email addresses - README: giving a basic explanation of the scope and usage of the contrib and indication of which work should be cited by users of your code. Please mention any external dependencies, e.g. ROOT, GSL, Boost, etc. - at least one example program (e.g. using the contrib tool or plugin, together with a file containing the expected output (example.ref). - FJCONTRIB.cfg: * it should at least contain a line such as "version: 1.0.x", which would be updated to 2.0.x in the event of a major change. * it may also contain a line such as "dependencies: ContribName(1.3.4)" to signal dependencies on other contribs and their minimal required version. * it may also contain a line such as "minimal_fastjet_version: 3.4.1" to signal that the contrib needs to be compiled with a fastjet version equal or higher to the one indicated. - NEWS: to indicate what has changed in each new version - ChangeLog: finer grained details of day-to-day changes ====================================================================== Build system ============ Each contribution should include a Makefile. A reasonable default is generated when you run scripts/ A few variables appearing at the top of the Makefile may need to be modified: - NAME - SRCS - EXAMPLES - INSTALLED_HEADERS - DEPENDS_ON (optional) Additionally you will need to ensure that "make check" works. By default it does the following: - builds the "example" program, - runs it, reading ../data/single-event.dat from standard input - compares the output to the "example.ref" file (after stripping lines that started with "#") In most cases, to get "make check" to work, it is sufficient to replace the template's example.ref file with the correct output from your program. If you want to use a different input file, modify the relevant line in the Makefile. You may also write your own Makefile (or adapt one from scripts/internal/Template/Makefile ). In this case - It should prominently define a variable FASTJETCONFIG near the beginning of the file. By default FASTJETCONFIG should be set to fastjet-config, i.e. the contribution should build out of the box if fastjet-config is in the user's path. - It should include the following targets . all . check . install . examples . clean . distclean ====================================================================== Structure of the svn repository =============================== The repository at svn+ssh:// (read-write) (browse) is organised as follows: # area for the overall fastjet-contrib scripts and information about # currently used version of individual contribs. Currently only # maintainers of the overall fjcontrib area have write acces # trunk/ # development version tags/ # official releases branches/ # branches # areas for individual contribs. Developers each have access # to all contribs by default (for simplicity) contribs/ContribName/trunk # development version contribs/ContribName/tags # official releases contribs/ContribName/branches # branches Within the main fastjet contrib directory, the file "contribs.svn" file indicates which contribs (and their version) are to be extracted by scripts/ ====================================================================== Guidelines for reviewing contribs ================================= [This part of the guidelines is in the process of being drafted] - Does the contrib do something non-trivial? I.e. does it do something that cannot already be easily done with a few lines of FJ code? - Is the contrib well documented? All classes, constructors, member functions, etc., that are exposed to the user should have an instructive comment about what they do (or be so well named that a comment is redundant). - Does the example(s) demonstrate all the main features of the code? - Does the example indicate what command-line should be used to run it? - Does the contrib make sensible use of existing FastJet features and, where relevant, does its interface follow the pattern of standard FJ3 interfaces? (E.g. with FunctionOfPseudoJet, Selectors, etc.). Conforming with existing interfaces helps give users a uniform experience. - Are namings logical and similar to those in FastJet: e.g. if the contrib is simply a plugin, the class name should end in "Plugin" and the contrib name should probably be the same as the class name. - Are the tests carried out as part of make check reasonably exhaustive? Are the contents of the reference results file sufficient to have a reasonable chance of spotting future changes? (E.g. a single bool as the output has a 50% chance of coming out right even if the code is misbehaving). - If you run the example with valgrind, does it run free of errors and memory leaks? We've found that valgrind tests are often better carried out on linux machines than on macs. - Does "make fragile-shared" work? Some people rely on it. - Are the README, AUTHORS, NEWS and ChangeLog files sensible? Are line lengths suitable for web viewing (e.g. no more than 80 characters per line). - Are the $Id$ tags set correctly in the files? You can set them by doing the following in your directory svn propset svn:keywords Id *.cc *.hh