# -*- Makefile -*- # This Makefile template gets processed by the 'configure' script using # @contrib_commandline@ # If you edit the processed version, any changes will be lost after the next configure # (for developers, make sure any edits fit with the rest of the build system) # installation setup SUBDIRS=@CONTRIB_BUILD_LIST@ SUBDIRS.all=$(SUBDIRS:=.all) # get any variables defined in the contrib-wide include -include .Makefile.inc SUBMAKE=$(MAKE) .PHONY: $(SUBDIRS) $(SUBDIRS.all) clean distclean check install examples all: $(SUBDIRS.all) install: all $(SUBDIRS) examples check clean distclean: $(SUBDIRS) $(SUBDIRS): +$(SUBMAKE) -C $@ $(MAKECMDGOALS) $(SUBDIRS.all): +$(SUBMAKE) -C $(basename $@)