// $Id$
// Copyright (c) 2013,
// Andrew Larkoski, Simone Marzani, Gregory Soyez, and Jesse Thaler
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
namespace contrib{
// a few forward declarations
class SoftDropTagger;
class SoftDropTaggerStructure;
/// \class SoftDropTagger
/// Class that helps perform the SoftDrop declustering introduced
/// by Andrew Larkoski, Simone Marzani, Gregory Soyez, and Jesse
/// Thaler in arXiv:YYMM.NNNN.
/// The tagger proceeds as follows:
/// 0. recluster the jet with the Cambridge/Aachen algorithm
/// (or any of the generalized kT algorithms.)
/// 1. undo the last step of the clustering step j -> j1 + j2.
/// 2. if the two following conditions are satisfied
/// (i) there is a soft frop, i.e. \f${\rm
/// min}(p_{tj1},p_{tj2})/(p_{tj1},p_{tj2}) > z_{/rm cut}
/// (\Delta R_{j1,j2}/R_0)^\beta\f$,
/// (ii) there is a mass drop, i.e. \f$m_{j1}/m_{j} < \mu\f$
/// keep j as the result of the tagger (with j1 and j2 its 2
/// subjets)
/// In the above conditions, zcut, beta and mu are parameters of
/// the tagger and R0 is the radius parameter of the original jet.
/// 3. otherwise, redefine j to be equal to the largest pt of j1 and
/// j2 and return to step 1.
/// \section desc Options
/// The constructor has the following arguments:
/// - The first argument is the angular exponent beta
/// - The second argument is the soft-drop cut (zcut) [0.1 by default]
/// - The third argument is the minimal mass drop that is required
/// (mu) [1 by default]
/// - The fourth argument is the exponent for the generalized
/// kt algorithm [0 = cambridge_aachen by default]
/// Note that the arguments are in an opposite order as the
/// MassDropTagger. This allows to keep mu=1 as a default.
/// \section input Input conditions
/// - the original jet must have constituents
/// - the current version requires the jet to have an associated
/// ClusterSequence.
/// Note that for future versions we intend to also support more
/// generic jets [e.g. CompositeJets]. [Note for developpers: in
/// practice, this means being a bit more careful with the
/// reculstering + allowing the user to specify R0 explicitly]
/// \section output Output/structure
/// - the 2 subjets are kept as pieces if some substructure is found,
/// otherwise a single 0-momentum piece is returned
/// - the 'mu' and 'z/(\Delta R_{j1,j2}/R_0)^\beta' values
/// corresponding to the unclustering step that passed the tagger's
/// cuts
/// See also example.cc for a usage example.
/// Open question(s) [for developpers]:
/// - Q: R0 can be undefined in some cases [e.g. if the input jet is a
/// composite jet]?
/// A: In a future version, support more generic inputs. For these
/// cases, add a 2nd ctor where one specifies R0.
/// - Q: do we have a set_subtractor for interaction with PU subtraction?
/// A: Yes [to be implemented!]
class SoftDropTagger : public Transformer{
/// default ctor
/// The parameters are the following:
/// \param beta the angular exponent to use for the soft drop criterion
/// \param zcut the energy cut of the soft drop criterion [0.1 by default]
/// \param mu the minimal mass-drop required [1 by default]
/// \param p the exponent in generalized kt [0 = CA by default]
SoftDropTagger(const double beta,
const double zcut=0.1,
const double mu=1.0,
const double p=0.0)
: _beta(beta), _zcut(zcut), _mu(mu), _p(p){ _warn_deprecated();}
/// returns a textual description of the tagger
virtual std::string description() const;
/// runs the tagger on the given jet and
/// returns the tagged PseudoJet if successful, a PseudoJet==0 otherwise
/// \param jet the PseudoJet to tag
/// Note that standard usage is through the () operator rather than
/// directly calling "result"
virtual PseudoJet result(const PseudoJet & jet) const;
/// the type of the associated structure
typedef SoftDropTaggerStructure StructureType;
double _beta; ///< the angular exponent for the soft-drop condition
double _zcut; ///< the energy parameter for the soft-drop condition
double _mu; ///< the parameter of the mass-drop condition
double _p; ///< the value of the generalized kt exponent
/// recluster the input jet with the Cambridge-Aachen algorithm
PseudoJet _recluster(const PseudoJet &jet) const;
static LimitedWarning _warnings_deprecated;
/// As of 2014-07-07, the SoftDrop contrib is deprecated. Use the
/// SoftDrop class in the RecursiveTools contrib instead.
void _warn_deprecated() const;
static LimitedWarning _warnings_recluster;
/// \class SoftDropTaggerStructure
/// the structure returned by the BetaMassDropTagger transformer.
/// See the BetaMassDropTagger class description for the details of what
/// is inside this structure
class SoftDropTaggerStructure : public WrappedStructure{
/// ctor with initialisation
/// \param pieces the pieces of the created jet
/// \param rec the recombiner from the underlying cluster sequence
SoftDropTaggerStructure(const PseudoJet & result_jet) :
_soft_drop(0.0), _mu(0.0), _z(0.0), _Rg(0.0) {}
/// returns the value of z/(\Delta R_{j1,j2}/R_0)^\beta for the
/// splitting that triggered the soft-drop condition
inline double soft_drop() const {return _soft_drop;}
/// returns the mass-drop ratio, pieces[0].m()/jet.m(), for the splitting
/// that triggered the soft-drop condition
inline double mu() const{return _mu;}
/// returns the energy fraction z for the splitting
/// where the soft-drop condition was satisfied
inline double z() const{return _z;}
/// returns the angle between the two groomed subjets
/// at the end of the soft-drop procedure
inline double Rg() const{return _Rg;}
/// returns the maximum z value that was dropped
/// in the grooming procedure
double z_drop_max() const {
return *max_element(_z_drop_values.begin(),_z_drop_values.end());
int num_drop() const {
// minus one because we store a dummy 0.0 for the one that passes
return _z_drop_values.size() - 1;
double _soft_drop; ///< the value of the soft-drop parameter
double _mu; ///< the value of the mass-drop parameter
double _z; ///< the value of the energy fraction
double _Rg; ///< the value of the groomed subjet separation
std::vector _z_drop_values; ///< All of the z values that were dropped.
// allow the tagger to set these
friend class SoftDropTagger;
} // namespace contrib