The VariableR package is based on the physics described in: Jets with Variable R. David Krohn, Jesse Thaler, and Lian-Tao Wang. JHEP 0906:059 (2009), arXiv:0903.0392. --- Since version 1.2, one uses the following constructor for creating a VariableRPlugin (see the VariableRplugin.hh header file for more details, thanks to Nikola Whallon for feedback and a prototype version with faster clustering times) VariableRPlugin(double rho, double min_r, double max_r, ClustType clust_type, bool precluster=false, Strategy strategy=VARIABLE_R_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); with rho : mass parameter of VR algorithm, where the effective radius is R~rho/pT. min_r: minimum allowed jet radius max_r: maximum allowed jet radius clust_type: AKTLIKE, CALIKE, KTLIKE, for determining the cluster ordering. For generalized-kt-like behavior, you can enter an arbitrary double which is matched to the p value of generalized kt. Recommended usage is AKTLIKE = -1.0 precluster: true to build small kT jets of size min_r before applying VR strategy : specify the internal clustering strategy. NNFJN2Tiled, the default for FastJet>=3.2.0 is expected to be faster. Other options are NNFJN2Plain, NNH, and Native. For FastJet<3.2.0, or when pre-clustering is requested, the Native strategy is used by default. The VariableRPlugin can be used via the standard FastJet plugin mechanism. Note that pre-clustering is deprecated: one should rather use the FastJet NestedDefs plugin along the following lines: #include #include std::list jet_defs; jet_defs.push_back(JetDefinition(kt_algorithm, min_r)); contrib::VariableRPlugin vr_plugin(rho,min_r,max_r,clust_type); jet_defs.push_back(JetDefinition(&vr_plugin)); NestedDefsPlugin nd_plugin(jet_defs); JetDefinition jet_def(&nd_plugin); For backwards compatibility with Version 1.0, we define the AKTVR and CAVR classes with fewer options (plus a KTVR for consistency). These are available in the VariableR.hh header. AKTVR(double rho, double max_r): variable-R anti-kT algorithm CAVR(double rho, double max_r): variable-R Cambridge-Aachen algorithm KTVR(double rho, double max_r): variable-R kT algorithm --- Note: - Version 1.2 is based on the NNFJN2Tiled and NNFJN2Plain pairwise clustering classes available in FastJet>=3.2.0. For earlier versions of FastJet (or when pre-clustering is requested), one reverts back to David Krohn's implementation ("Native" strategy) - Version 1.1 is based on a new clustering code written by David Krohn, which should be faster than the previous version. - Version 1.0 had a CoreJetAlgorithm, which allowed the definition of generic pairwise recombination scheme. This functionality is now available in the FastJet NNH class, so CoreJetAlgorithm is no longer needed.