1.2.1 (2016-05-31): Small fixes to documentation and comments 1.2.0 (2016-03-29): Added an implementation based on the NNFJN2Tiled (and similar) classes in FastJet, bringing sizable speed improvements. It is introduced through a "Strategy" argument and requires FastJet>=3.2.0 ["Native" clustering used for older versions or to recover the previous behavior]. Please use fastjet::NestedDefsPlugin whenever pre-clustering is needed. (Thanks to Nikola Whallon for feedback, tests and contributions to early-stages developments) 1.1.1 (2014-06-02): Added VariableRPlugin.cc/.hh to conform to recommended FastJet naming structure. Old VariableR.hh header preserved for backwards compatibility. 1.1.0 (2014-04-18): New version incorporates optimized code from David Krohn, which should be faster than the old version. The AKTVR and CAVR interfaces are the same as v1.0 (with identical results). An additional VariableRPlugin interface is available, which is now recommended. This new interface offers the possibility of setting a min_r > 0 as well as using kT preclustering for speed gains. 1.0.1 (2013-02-23): Fixed memory management and potential dependency issue (thanks FJ authors) 1.0.0 (2013-02-22): New release using FastJet contrib framework. All of the code has been merged into the VariableR.hh and VariableR.cc files (whereas previously there were separate files for AKT, CA, and the CoreJetAlgorithm classes). The example program runs both AKTVR and CAVR. Previous version available from: http://jthaler.net/jets/VRPlugins.tar.gz