// Nsubjettiness Package
// Questions/Comments? jthaler@jthaler.net
// Copyright (c) 2011-14
// Jesse Thaler, Ken Van Tilburg, Christopher K. Vermilion, and TJ Wilkason
// $Id$
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
#include "MeasureDefinition.hh"
#include "AxesDefinition.hh"
#include "TauComponents.hh"
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/SharedPtr.hh"
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
namespace contrib {
/** \mainpage Nsubjettiness Documentation
* These Doxygen pages provide automatically generated documentation for the
* Nsubjettiness FastJet contrib. This documentation is being slowly improved.
* \section core_classes Core Classes
* - Nsubjettiness: Calculating N-subjettiness jet shapes
* - NsubjettinessRatio: Calculating N-subjettiness ratios
* - XConePlugin: Running the XCone jet algorithm
* - NjettinessPlugin: Running generic N-jettiness as a jet algorithm
* \subsection core_classes_helper Helper Classes for Core
* - Njettiness: Core code for all N-(sub)jettiness calculations
* - NjettinessExtras: Way to access additional N-jettiness information
* - TauComponents: Output format for all N-(sub)jettiness information
* - TauPartition: Access to N-(sub)jettiness partitioning information
* - PseudoXConePlugin: Testing code to compare to XConePlugin (doesn't use one-pass minimization)
* \section axes_classes Axes Definitions
* \subsection axes_classes_base Base Classes
* - AxesDefinition: Defines generic axes definition
* - ExclusiveJetAxes: Axes finder from exclusive jet algorithm
* - ExclusiveCombinatorialJetAxes: Axes finder from exclusive jet algorithm (with extra axes to test combinatoric options)
* - HardestJetAxes: Axes finder from inclusive jet algorithm
* \subsection axes_classes_derived Derived Classes
* \b OnePass means iterative improvement to a (local) N-(sub)jettiness minimum.
* \b MultiPass means using multiple random seed inputs
* \b Comb means checking N + Nextra choose N combinatorial options
* - KT_Axes / OnePass_KT_Axes: Axes from exclusive kT
* - CA_Axes / OnePass_CA_Axes: Axes from exclusive Cambridge/Aachen
* - AntiKT_Axes / OnePass_AntiKT_Axes: Axes from inclusive anti-kT
* - WTA_KT_Axes / OnePass_WTA_KT_Axes: Axes from exclusive kT, using winner-take-all recombination
* - WTA_CA_Axes / OnePass_WTA_CA_Axes: Axes from exclusive CA, using winner-take-all recombination
* - GenET_GenKT_Axes / OnePass_GenET_GenKT_Axes / Comb_GenET_GenKT_Axes: Axes from exclusive generalized kt, with generalized Et recombination
* - WTA_GenKT_Axes / OnePass_WTA_GenKT_Axes / Comb_WTA_GenKT_Axes: Axes from exclusive generalized kt, with winner-take-all recombination
* - Manual_Axes / OnePass_Manual_Axes / MultiPass_Manual_Axes: Use manual axes
* - MultiPass_Axes: Multiple passes with random input seeds
* \subsection axes_classes_helper Helper Classes for Axes
* - GeneralEtSchemeRecombiner: Generalized Et-scheme recombiner
* - WinnerTakeAllRecombiner: Winner-take-all recombiner (similar functionality now in FastJet 3.1)
* - JetDefinitionWrapper: Wrapper for Jet Definitions to handle memory management
* \section measure_classes Measure Definitions
* \subsection measure_classes_bases Base Classes
* - MeasureDefinition: Defines generic measures
* - DefaultMeasure: Base class for the original N-subjettiness measures
* \subsection measure_classes_derived Derived Classes
* - NormalizedMeasure / UnnormalizedMeasure / NormalizedCutoffMeasure / UnnormalizedCutoffMeasure : Variants on the default N-subjettiness measure.
* - ConicalMeasure: Similar to default measure, but intended as N-jettiness event shape
* - ConicalGeometricMeasure / XConeMeasure: Measure used in XCone jet algorithm
* - OriginalGeometricMeasure / ModifiedGeometricMeasure: Dot product measures useful for theoretical calcualtions
* \subsection measure_classes_helper Helper Classes for Measures
* - LightLikeAxis : Defines light-like axis
// Main Njettiness Class
/// \class Njettiness
/// \brief Core class for N-(sub)jettiness calculations
* The N-jettiness event shape.
* This is the core class used to perform N-jettiness jet finding (via NjettinessPlugin or XConePluggin)
* as well as find the N-subjettiness jet shape (via Nsubjettiness).
* In general, the user should never need to call this object. In addition, its API should not be considered
* fixed, since all code improvements effectively happen from reorganizing this class.
* Njettiness uses AxesDefinition and MeasureDefinition together in order to find tau_N for the event.
* It also can return information about the axes and jets it used in the calculation, as well as
* information about how the event was partitioned.
class Njettiness {
/// Main constructor that uses AxesMode and MeasureDefinition to specify measure
/// Unlike Nsubjettiness or NjettinessPlugin, the value N is not chosen
Njettiness(const AxesDefinition & axes_def, const MeasureDefinition & measure_def);
/// Destructor
~Njettiness() {};
/// setAxes for Manual mode
void setAxes(const std::vector & myAxes);
/// Calculates and returns all TauComponents that user would want.
/// This information is stored in _current_tau_components for later access as well.
TauComponents getTauComponents(unsigned n_jets, const std::vector & inputJets) const;
/// Calculates the value of N-subjettiness,
/// but only returns the tau value from _current_tau_components
double getTau(unsigned n_jets, const std::vector & inputJets) const {
return getTauComponents(n_jets, inputJets).tau();
/// Return all relevant information about tau components
TauComponents currentTauComponents() const {return _current_tau_components;}
/// Return axes found by getTauComponents.
std::vector currentAxes() const { return _currentAxes;}
/// Return seedAxes used if onepass minimization (otherwise, same as currentAxes)
std::vector seedAxes() const { return _seedAxes;}
/// Return jet partition found by getTauComponents.
std::vector currentJets() const {return _currentPartition.jets();}
/// Return beam partition found by getTauComponents.
fastjet::PseudoJet currentBeam() const {return _currentPartition.beam();}
/// Return beam partition found by getTauComponents.
TauPartition currentPartition() const {return _currentPartition;}
/// AxesDefinition to use. Implemented as SharedPtrs to avoid memory management headaches
SharedPtr _axes_def;
/// MeasureDefinition to use. Implemented as SharedPtrs to avoid memory management headaches
SharedPtr _measure_def;
// Information about the current information
// Defined as mutables, so user should be aware that these change when getTau is called.
// TODO: These are not thread safe and should be fixed somehow
mutable TauComponents _current_tau_components; //automatically set to have components of 0; these values will be set by the getTau function call
mutable std::vector _currentAxes; //axes found after minimization
mutable std::vector _seedAxes; // axes used prior to minimization (if applicable)
mutable TauPartition _currentPartition; //partitioning information
/// Warning if the user tries to use v1.0.3 measure style.
static LimitedWarning _old_measure_warning;
/// Warning if the user tries to use v1.0.3 axes style.
static LimitedWarning _old_axes_warning;
// These interfaces are included for backwards compability, and will be deprecated in a future release (scheduled for deletion in v3.0)
/// \deprecated
/// Deprecated enum to determine axes mode
/// The various axes choices available to the user
/// It is recommended to use AxesDefinition instead of these.
enum AxesMode {
kt_axes, // exclusive kt axes
ca_axes, // exclusive ca axes
antikt_0p2_axes, // inclusive hardest axes with antikt-0.2
wta_kt_axes, // Winner Take All axes with kt
wta_ca_axes, // Winner Take All axes with CA
onepass_kt_axes, // one-pass minimization from kt starting point
onepass_ca_axes, // one-pass minimization from ca starting point
onepass_antikt_0p2_axes, // one-pass minimization from antikt-0.2 starting point
onepass_wta_kt_axes, //one-pass minimization of WTA axes with kt
onepass_wta_ca_axes, //one-pass minimization of WTA axes with ca
min_axes, // axes that minimize N-subjettiness (100 passes by default)
manual_axes, // set your own axes with setAxes()
onepass_manual_axes // one-pass minimization from manual starting point
/// \deprecated
/// Deprecated enum to determine measure mode
/// The measures available to the user.
/// "normalized_cutoff_measure" was the default in v1.0 of Nsubjettiness
/// "unnormalized_measure" is now the recommended default usage
/// But it is recommended to use MeasureDefinition instead of these.
enum MeasureMode {
normalized_measure, //default normalized measure
unnormalized_measure, //default unnormalized measure
geometric_measure, //geometric measure
normalized_cutoff_measure, //default normalized measure with explicit Rcutoff
unnormalized_cutoff_measure, //default unnormalized measure with explicit Rcutoff
geometric_cutoff_measure //geometric measure with explicit Rcutoff
/// \deprecated
/// Intermediate constructor (needed to enable v1.0.3 backwards compatibility?)
Njettiness(AxesMode axes_mode, const MeasureDefinition & measure_def);
/// \deprecated
/// Old-style constructor which takes axes/measure information as enums with measure parameters
/// This version absolutely is not recommended
Njettiness(AxesMode axes_mode,
MeasureMode measure_mode,
int num_para,
double para1 = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(),
double para2 = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(),
double para3 = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN())
: _axes_def(createAxesDef(axes_mode)), _measure_def(createMeasureDef(measure_mode, num_para, para1, para2, para3)) {
/// \deprecated
/// Convert old style enums into new style MeasureDefinition
AxesDefinition* createAxesDef(AxesMode axes_mode) const;
/// \deprecated
/// Convert old style enums into new style MeasureDefinition
MeasureDefinition* createMeasureDef(MeasureMode measure_mode, int num_para, double para1, double para2, double para3) const;
} // namespace contrib