// Nsubjettiness Package
// Questions/Comments? jthaler@jthaler.net
// Copyright (c) 2011-14
// Jesse Thaler, Ken Van Tilburg, Christopher K. Vermilion, and TJ Wilkason
// $Id$
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
#include "Njettiness.hh"
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
namespace contrib {
// Main Njettiness Class
LimitedWarning Njettiness::_old_measure_warning;
LimitedWarning Njettiness::_old_axes_warning;
// Constructor
Njettiness::Njettiness(const AxesDefinition & axes_def, const MeasureDefinition & measure_def)
: _axes_def(axes_def.create()), _measure_def(measure_def.create()) {}
// setAxes for Manual mode
void Njettiness::setAxes(const std::vector & myAxes) {
if (_axes_def->needsManualAxes()) {
_currentAxes = myAxes;
} else {
throw Error("You can only use setAxes for manual AxesDefinitions");
// Calculates and returns all TauComponents that user would want.
// This information is stored in _current_tau_components for later access as well.
TauComponents Njettiness::getTauComponents(unsigned n_jets, const std::vector & inputJets) const {
if (inputJets.size() <= n_jets) { //if not enough particles, return zero
_currentAxes = inputJets;
// Put in empty tau components
std::vector dummy_jet_pieces;
_current_tau_components = TauComponents(UNDEFINED_SHAPE,
_seedAxes = _currentAxes;
_currentPartition = TauPartition(n_jets); // empty partition
} else {
assert(_axes_def); // this should never fail.
if (_axes_def->needsManualAxes()) { // if manual mode
// take current axes as seeds
_seedAxes = _currentAxes;
// refine axes if requested
_currentAxes = _axes_def->get_refined_axes(n_jets,inputJets,_seedAxes, _measure_def.get());
} else { // non-manual axes
//set starting point for minimization
_seedAxes = _axes_def->get_starting_axes(n_jets,inputJets,_measure_def.get());
// refine axes as needed
_currentAxes = _axes_def->get_refined_axes(n_jets,inputJets,_seedAxes, _measure_def.get());
// NOTE: The above two function calls are combined in "AxesDefinition::get_axes"
// but are separated here to allow seed axes to be stored.
// Find and store partition
_currentPartition = _measure_def->get_partition(inputJets,_currentAxes);
// Find and store tau value
_current_tau_components = _measure_def->component_result_from_partition(_currentPartition, _currentAxes); // sets current Tau Values
return _current_tau_components;
// Below is code for backward compatibility to use the old interface.
// May be deleted in a future version
Njettiness::Njettiness(AxesMode axes_mode, const MeasureDefinition & measure_def)
: _axes_def(createAxesDef(axes_mode)), _measure_def(measure_def.create()) {}
// Convert from MeasureMode enum to MeasureDefinition
// This returns a pointer that will be claimed by a SharedPtr
MeasureDefinition* Njettiness::createMeasureDef(MeasureMode measure_mode, int num_para, double para1, double para2, double para3) const {
_old_measure_warning.warn("Njettiness::createMeasureDef: You are using the old MeasureMode way of specifying N-subjettiness measures. This is deprecated as of v2.1 and will be removed in v3.0. Please use MeasureDefinition instead.");
// definition of maximum Rcutoff for non-cutoff measures, changed later by other measures
double Rcutoff = std::numeric_limits::max(); //large number
// Most (but not all) measures have some kind of beta value
double beta = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN();
// The normalized measures have an R0 value.
double R0 = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN();
// Find the MeasureFunction and set the parameters.
switch (measure_mode) {
case normalized_measure:
beta = para1;
R0 = para2;
if(num_para == 2) {
return new NormalizedMeasure(beta,R0);
} else {
throw Error("normalized_measure needs 2 parameters (beta and R0)");
case unnormalized_measure:
beta = para1;
if(num_para == 1) {
return new UnnormalizedMeasure(beta);
} else {
throw Error("unnormalized_measure needs 1 parameter (beta)");
case geometric_measure:
throw Error("This class has been removed. Please use OriginalGeometricMeasure, ModifiedGeometricMeasure, or ConicalGeometricMeasure with the new Njettiness constructor.");
case normalized_cutoff_measure:
beta = para1;
R0 = para2;
Rcutoff = para3; //Rcutoff parameter is 3rd parameter in normalized_cutoff_measure
if (num_para == 3) {
return new NormalizedCutoffMeasure(beta,R0,Rcutoff);
} else {
throw Error("normalized_cutoff_measure has 3 parameters (beta, R0, Rcutoff)");
case unnormalized_cutoff_measure:
beta = para1;
Rcutoff = para2; //Rcutoff parameter is 2nd parameter in normalized_cutoff_measure
if (num_para == 2) {
return new UnnormalizedCutoffMeasure(beta,Rcutoff);
} else {
throw Error("unnormalized_cutoff_measure has 2 parameters (beta, Rcutoff)");
case geometric_cutoff_measure:
throw Error("This class has been removed. Please use OriginalGeometricMeasure, ModifiedGeometricMeasure, or ConicalGeometricMeasure with the new Njettiness constructor.");
return NULL;
// Convert from AxesMode enum to AxesDefinition
// This returns a pointer that will be claimed by a SharedPtr
AxesDefinition* Njettiness::createAxesDef(Njettiness::AxesMode axes_mode) const {
_old_axes_warning.warn("Njettiness::createAxesDef: You are using the old AxesMode way of specifying N-subjettiness axes. This is deprecated as of v2.1 and will be removed in v3.0. Please use AxesDefinition instead.");
switch (axes_mode) {
case wta_kt_axes:
return new WTA_KT_Axes();
case wta_ca_axes:
return new WTA_CA_Axes();
case kt_axes:
return new KT_Axes();
case ca_axes:
return new CA_Axes();
case antikt_0p2_axes:
return new AntiKT_Axes(0.2);
case onepass_wta_kt_axes:
return new OnePass_WTA_KT_Axes();
case onepass_wta_ca_axes:
return new OnePass_WTA_CA_Axes();
case onepass_kt_axes:
return new OnePass_KT_Axes();
case onepass_ca_axes:
return new OnePass_CA_Axes();
case onepass_antikt_0p2_axes:
return new OnePass_AntiKT_Axes(0.2);
case onepass_manual_axes:
return new OnePass_Manual_Axes();
case min_axes:
return new MultiPass_Axes(100);
case manual_axes:
return new Manual_Axes();
return NULL;
} // namespace contrib