// JetsWithoutJets Package
// Questions/Comments? danbert@mit.edu jthaler@mit.edu
// Copyright (c) 2013
// Daniele Bertolini and Jesse Thaler
// $Id$
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
namespace jwj {
// ParticleStorage
// ParticleStorage
// ParticleStorage stores information about single particles.
// By default it stores the full pseudojet, rapidity, phi, pt, mass, px and py.
// This information is used multiple times, so it is convenient to cache it.
// By design, we are storing redundant information (i.e. the full pseudo jet as well as rap/phi, px/py, etc.)
// because we don't want to be ever rely on the internal way the PseudoJet stores/computes this information
// In addition, information about the neighborhood of the particle (i.e. within Rjet/Rsub circles),
// such as pT_in_Rjet, pT_in_Rsub, mass_in_Rjet, indices identifying neighbors, can be stored.
// Storing of this additional information is done externally by the EventStorage class.
// Note that the EventStorage class uses data already cached in ParticleStorage to calculate information about neighborhoods.
class ParticleStorage {
PseudoJet _pj;
double _rap,_phi,_pt,_m,_px,_py,_pt_in_Rjet,_pt_in_Rsub,_m_in_Rjet,_weight;
bool _includeParticle;
std::vector _neighbors;
// by default it stores the full pseudojet, rapidity, phi, pt, mass, px and py (need px and py to calculate vector pt) of the particle
// This information is typically set by EventStorage::_establishBasicStorage().
// Also, _pt_in_Rjet,_pt_in_Rsub,_m_in_Rjet,_weight,_includeParticle are initialized to default values. They can be reset through
// corresponding set functions (typically done by EventStorage::_establishDerivedStorage()).
ParticleStorage(const PseudoJet & myParticle): _pj(myParticle),_rap(myParticle.rap()),_phi(myParticle.phi()),_pt(myParticle.pt()),_m(myParticle.m()),_px(myParticle.px()), _py(myParticle.py()),_pt_in_Rjet(0.0),_pt_in_Rsub(0.0),_m_in_Rjet(0.0),_weight(0.0),_includeParticle(false) {}
// return stored information
const PseudoJet & pseudoJet() const {return _pj;}
const double & rap() const {return _rap;}
const double & phi() const {return _phi;}
const double & pt() const {return _pt;}
const double & m() const {return _m;}
const double & px() const {return _px;}
const double & py() const {return _py;}
// deltaRsq returns the squared distance in rapidity-azimuth plane between this particle and other
double deltaRsq(const ParticleStorage & other) const;
// The following functions set and call information about the neighborhood of the particle.
// This information will typically be set by EventStorage::_establishDerivedStorage().
// scalar sum pt in a cone of radius Rjet around this particle
void set_pt_in_Rjet(const double & pt_in_Rjet) {_pt_in_Rjet=pt_in_Rjet;}
const double & pt_in_Rjet() const {return _pt_in_Rjet;}
// scalar sum pt in a cone of radius Rsub around this particle
void set_pt_in_Rsub(const double & pt_in_Rsub) {_pt_in_Rsub=pt_in_Rsub;}
const double & pt_in_Rsub() const {return _pt_in_Rsub;}
// mass in a cone of radius Rjet around this particle
void set_m_in_Rjet(const double & m_in_Rjet) {_m_in_Rjet=m_in_Rjet;}
const double & m_in_Rjet() const {return _m_in_Rjet;}
// weight=pt/pt_in_Rjet for this particle
void set_weight(const double & weight) {_weight=weight;}
const double & weight() const {return _weight;}
// true if pt_in_Rjet >= ptcut
void set_includeParticle(const bool & includeParticle) {_includeParticle=includeParticle;}
const bool & includeParticle() const {return _includeParticle;}
// vector of indices of particles within a distance Rjet from this particle
void set_neighbors(const std::vector & neighbors) {_neighbors=neighbors;}
const std::vector & neighbors() const {return _neighbors;}
// Local Storage (to reduce computation time)
// LocalStorage
// This class divides an event into (overlapping) regions of size 2R x 2R
// and caches the partition for later use. Partitions that are below
// the ptcut can be ignored entirely. This saves some computational time by
// avoiding having to calculate irrelevant distances. For speed purposes, this
// class uses ParticleStorage information (instead of PseudoJets)
class LocalStorage {
double _Rjet;
double _ptcut;
LocalStorage() : _Rjet(0.0) {
// at the moment, this value is hard coded
_rapmax = 10.0;
// make the local storage
void establishStorage(const std::vector & myParticles, double Rjet, double ptcut);
// give the 2R x 2R region relevant for a given particle
const std::vector & getStorageFor(const ParticleStorage & myParticle) const;
// give whether the 2R x 2R region has enough pT to merit further examination
bool aboveCutFor(const ParticleStorage & myParticle);
// storage for partitions of particles
std::vector > > _regionStorage;
// bool for whether region needs to be considered
std::vector > _aboveCutBool;
double _rapmax;
int _maxRapIndex;
double _rapSpread;
int _maxPhiIndex;
double _phiSpread;
// helper functions to determine which region a pseudo jet is in
int getRapIndex(const ParticleStorage & myParticle) const;
int getPhiIndex(const ParticleStorage & myParticle) const;
// helper function to determine sum scalar pt of a subset of particles identifed by myIds
double getSumPt(const std::vector & Particles, const std::vector myIds) const;
// EventStorage
// EventStorage
// This class is a wrapper for a vectors of ParticleStorages.
// It uses default information stored in ParticleStorage to calculate additional infomation
// such pt_in_Rjet,pt_in_Rsub etc and it stores this information back to ParticleStorage.
// Can choose if want to use LocalStorage to reduce computation time (on by default)
class EventStorage {
double _Rjet,_ptcut,_Rsub,_fcut;
std::vector _ids;
std::vector _storage;
bool _useLocalStorage;
bool _storeNeighbors, _storeMass;
// standard constructor, by default it uses LocalStorage and for each particle it stores particles within a distance Rjet (neighbors) and it does
// not store mass of the jet made of neighbors
EventStorage(double Rjet, double ptcut, double Rsub, double fcut, bool useLocalStorage=true, bool storeNeighbors=true, bool storeMass=false):
_Rjet(Rjet), _ptcut(ptcut), _Rsub(Rsub), _fcut(fcut), _useLocalStorage(useLocalStorage), _storeNeighbors(storeNeighbors), _storeMass(storeMass) {}
// constructor with Rsub and fcut automatically initialized to Rjet and 1.0 respectively.
// By default it uses LocalStorage and for each particle it stores particles within a distance Rjet (neighbors) and it does
// not store mass of the jet made of neighbors.
// Use this constructor if don't need to do trimming.
EventStorage(double Rjet, double ptcut, bool useLocalStorage=true, bool storeNeighbors=true, bool storeMass=false):
_Rjet(Rjet), _ptcut(ptcut), _Rsub(Rjet), _fcut(1.0), _useLocalStorage(useLocalStorage), _storeNeighbors(storeNeighbors), _storeMass(storeMass) {}
~EventStorage() {}
// establish the storage
void establishStorage(const std::vector & particles){
// get general info about the storage
unsigned int size() const {return _storage.size();}
const double & Rjet() const {return _Rjet;}
const double & ptcut() const {return _ptcut;}
const double & Rsub() const {return _Rsub;}
const double & fcut() const {return _fcut;}
const bool & storeNeighbors() const {return _storeNeighbors;}
const bool & storeMass() const {return _storeMass;}
// access individual ParticleStorage through [] operator
ParticleStorage operator[](const unsigned int i) const {return _storage[i];}
// convert stored indices of neighbors (particles within a distance Rjet) into a vector
std::vector particles_near_to(const unsigned int id) const {
std::vector neighbors=_storage[id].neighbors();
std::vector answer;
for(unsigned int i=0; i & particles);
void _establishDerivedStorage();
void _get_local_info(const unsigned int id, const std::vector* myLocalRegion, double & pt_in_Rjet, double & pt_in_Rsub, double & m_in_Rjet, std::vector & neighbors) const;
} // namespace jwj