// JetsWithoutJets Package
// Questions/Comments? danbert@mit.edu jthaler@mit.edu
// Copyright (c) 2013
// Daniele Bertolini and Jesse Thaler
// $Id$
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
#include "EventStorage.hh"
using namespace std;
namespace jwj {
// ParticleStorage
// find distance in rapidity-azimuth plane between this particle and other
double ParticleStorage::deltaRsq(const ParticleStorage & other) const {
double deltaRap=rap()-other.rap();
double deltaPhi=abs(phi()-other.phi());
if(deltaPhi > pi) deltaPhi=twopi-deltaPhi;
// LocalStorage
// Creates storage array
void LocalStorage::establishStorage(const std::vector & myParticles, double Rjet, double ptcut) {
// set radius and ptcut
_Rjet = Rjet;
_ptcut = ptcut;
// Dividing up Phase Space to bins of (approximate) size 2R by 2R
// Actually makes bins of size bigger than 2R by 2R such that /
// we have equal spacing of regions.
// (This index scheme need to be synced with getRapIndex/getPhiIndex)
_maxRapIndex = (int) floor((_rapmax)/_Rjet);// 2 rapmax / 2 Rjet
_rapSpread = 2.0*_rapmax/(floor((_rapmax)/_Rjet));
_maxPhiIndex = (int) floor((M_PI)/_Rjet); // 2 pi / 2 Rjet
_phiSpread = 2.0*M_PI/(floor((M_PI)/_Rjet));
// Initializing storage
for (int rapIndex = 0 ; rapIndex < _maxRapIndex ; rapIndex++) {
for (int phiIndex = 0; phiIndex < _maxPhiIndex; phiIndex++) {
// looping through particles and assigning to bins
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < myParticles.size(); i++) {
double rap = myParticles[i].rap();
double phi = myParticles[i].phi();
// find index for particle
int lowRap = (int) floor((rap + _rapmax)/_rapSpread);
int highRap = (int) ceil((rap + _rapmax)/_rapSpread);
int lowPhi = (int) floor(phi/_phiSpread);
int highPhi = (int) ceil(phi/_phiSpread);
if (highPhi >= _maxPhiIndex) highPhi = highPhi - _maxPhiIndex; // loop around
// if out of bounds, set to be in bounds.
if (lowRap < 0) lowRap = 0;
if (lowRap >= _maxRapIndex) lowRap = _maxRapIndex-1;
if (highRap < 0) highRap = 0;
if (highRap >= _maxRapIndex) highRap = _maxRapIndex-1;
// Fill in storage. For particles at periphery in rapidity, only fill two bins instead of four. If phi overlaps, do the same thing.
if (lowPhi != highPhi) _regionStorage[lowRap][highPhi].push_back(i);
if (lowRap != highRap) _regionStorage[highRap][lowPhi].push_back(i);
if (lowRap != highRap && lowPhi != highPhi) _regionStorage[highRap][highPhi].push_back(i);
// store whether above ptCut values
for (int rapIndex = 0; rapIndex < _maxRapIndex; rapIndex++) {
for (int phiIndex = 0; phiIndex < _maxPhiIndex; phiIndex++) {
_aboveCutBool[rapIndex][phiIndex] = (getSumPt(myParticles,_regionStorage[rapIndex][phiIndex]) >= ptcut);
// What is the rapidity index? (Sync with LocalStorage::establishStorage)
int LocalStorage::getRapIndex(const ParticleStorage & myParticle) const {
double rap = myParticle.rap();
int rapIndex = round((rap + _rapmax)/_rapSpread);
if (rapIndex < 0) rapIndex = 0;
if (rapIndex >= _maxRapIndex) rapIndex = _maxRapIndex - 1;
return rapIndex;
// what is the phi index? (Sync with LocalStorage::establishStorage)
int LocalStorage::getPhiIndex(const ParticleStorage & myParticle) const {
double phi = myParticle.phi();
int phiIndex = round(phi/_phiSpread);
if (phiIndex >= _maxPhiIndex) phiIndex = phiIndex - _maxPhiIndex;
return phiIndex;
const vector & LocalStorage::getStorageFor(const ParticleStorage & myParticle) const {
return _regionStorage[getRapIndex(myParticle)][getPhiIndex(myParticle)];
bool LocalStorage::aboveCutFor(const ParticleStorage & myParticle) {
return _aboveCutBool[getRapIndex(myParticle)][getPhiIndex(myParticle)];
double LocalStorage::getSumPt(const std::vector & Particles, const std::vector myIds) const {
double myPt = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i & particles){
for(unsigned int i=0; i* myLocalRegion = &_ids;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<_storage.size(); i++){
double pt_in_Rjet,pt_in_Rsub,m_in_Rjet;
vector neighbors;
if (_useLocalStorage) { // start from rapidity/phi blocks
if (!myLocalStorage.aboveCutFor(_storage[i])) continue; //don't do any further analysis if not above jet pTcut
// if using local storage (and the region is above ptcut) then region of interest
// where to look for the neighborhood (i.e. Rjet/Rsub circles) of the particle is
// given by the local storage (2R_jet by 2R_jet region)
else myLocalRegion = &myLocalStorage.getStorageFor(_storage[i]);
// helper function to get all of the relevant information about neighbors
_get_local_info(i, myLocalRegion, pt_in_Rjet, pt_in_Rsub, m_in_Rjet,neighbors);
// See if there is enough pt in the neighborhood to pass _ptcut
if (pt_in_Rjet < _ptcut) continue;
assert(_Rsub <= _Rjet);
if (pt_in_Rsub/pt_in_Rjet < _fcut) continue;
_storage[i].set_m_in_Rjet(m_in_Rjet); // empty information if _storeMass is off
_storage[i].set_neighbors(neighbors); // empty information if _storeNeighbors is off
// helper function to calculate local info around each particle.
// myLocalregion tells where to look, either the whole set of particles or a 2Rx2R
// local region if LocalStorage is in use
// Note that this function is calculating more information than is strictly necessary
// but this is helpful if information has to be reused.
void EventStorage::_get_local_info(const unsigned int id, const vector* myLocalRegion, double & pt_in_Rjet, double & pt_in_Rsub, double & m_in_Rjet, std::vector & neighbors) const {
double Rjetsq = _Rjet*_Rjet;
double Rsubsq = _Rsub*_Rsub;
pt_in_Rjet = 0.0;
pt_in_Rsub = 0.0;
m_in_Rjet = 0.0;
PseudoJet pj_in_Rjet(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
for (unsigned int i=0; isize(); i++) {
double deltaRsq=_storage[id].deltaRsq(_storage[myLocalRegion->at(i)]);
if(deltaRsq <= Rjetsq) {
pt_in_Rjet += _storage[myLocalRegion->at(i)].pt();
if (_storeMass) pj_in_Rjet += _storage[myLocalRegion->at(i)].pseudoJet();
if (_storeNeighbors) neighbors.push_back(myLocalRegion->at(i));
if (deltaRsq <= Rsubsq) pt_in_Rsub += _storage[myLocalRegion->at(i)].pt();
m_in_Rjet = pj_in_Rjet.m();
} // namespace jwj