// $Id: JetFFMoments.hh 3602 2012-09-25 13:03:36Z salam $
// Copyright (c) 2012-, Matteo Cacciari, Paloma Quiroga-Arias, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/FunctionOfPseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequenceAreaBase.hh"
#include "fastjet/tools/JetMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
#include "fastjet/config.h"
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
namespace contrib{
/// \class JetFFMoments
/// class that computes the moments of a jet fragmentation function,
/// optionally including background subtraction as described in
/// arXiv:1209.6086.
/// This class computes the moments of the jet fragmentation function
/// \f[
/// M_N = \frac{\sum_i p_{t,i}^N}{({\rm norm})^N}
/// \f]
/// where the sum runs over the jet constituents and several options
/// exist for the normalisation:
/// - by default, 'norm' is the scalar pt sum of the jet constituents.
/// - calling use_scalar_sum(false) causes the transverse momentum of
/// the jet to be used, instead of the scalar pt sum.
/// - calling set_return_numerator(true) causes the numerator only to be
/// returned i.e. norm=1.
/// - calling set_denominator(norm) with 'norm' positive, causes that
/// value to be used as the normalisation. This is particularly
/// useful e.g. in photon+jet events where the transverse momentum of the
/// photon is used to normalise the moments.
/// The values of 'N' at which one wants the computation to be performed
/// are passed as a constructor argument, and the result of this class
/// will be a vector containing the jet fragmentation moments computed
/// at these values of N.
/// When an optional JetMedianBackgroundEstimator is passed to the
/// constructor, the returned moments are subtracted according to the
/// method described in arXiv:1209.6086. The subtraction can include an "improvement"
/// corrects for the effect of fluctuations when the jet spectrum
/// is some steeply function (.
/// Additional remarks:
/// - jets are required to have constituents. If subtraction is to be
/// performed, jets are also required to have area.
/// - FastJet version compatibility: this class is meant to be
/// compatible with FastJet 3.0 and higher. However it uses features
/// that are still preliminary in FastJet 3.0.
/// . For usage with FastJet 3.0, please make sure that both the
/// jets and the background estimator have (or do not have)
/// explicit ghosts if you want to compute multiplicities (M_0).
/// . The interface may evolve in future versions of FastJet.
class JetFFMoments : public FunctionOfPseudoJet >{
/// constructor from a vector of N values
/// \param ns the vector of N values
/// \param bge an optional background estimator
JetFFMoments(const std::vector & ns,
JetMedianBackgroundEstimator *bge=0);
/// constructor using regularly-spaced values of N
/// \param nmin the minimum N value
/// \param nmax the maximum N value (must be larger than nmin)
/// \param nn the number of N values (at least 1, nmin used if nn==1)
/// \param bge an optional background estimator
JetFFMoments(double nmin, double nmax, unsigned int nn,
JetMedianBackgroundEstimator *bge=0);
/// default destructor (virtual to allow safe polymorphism)
virtual ~JetFFMoments(){}
// configuration handles
/// when 'return_numerator' is set to true, just compute (and
/// return) the numerator of the moments
inline void set_return_numerator(bool return_numerator){
/// Set a fixed value ('norm') for the denominator instead of
/// calculating it from the jet.
/// When 'norm' is specified (and positive) and subtraction is
/// requested, no subtraction is applied to the denominator.
/// A negative value for 'norm' means that the denominator is
/// calculated internally from the jet, typically as its (scalar)
/// transverse momentum. This is the default behaviour.
inline void set_denominator(double norm){ _norm = norm;}
/// Use a scalar sum of the pt of the jet consituents to calculate
/// the denominator (when appropriate). This is the default.
/// The alternative is to use the transverse component of the full
/// jet momentum.
inline void use_scalar_sum(bool use_scalar_sum = true){
_use_scalar_sum = use_scalar_sum;
/// Turn on "improved" subtraction and provide the information that
/// it requires.
/// - mu is the \mu of d\sigma/dpt parametrised as sigma_0
/// exp(-pt/mu) in the neighbourhood of the pt of the jet (see
/// Section 5 of arXiv:1209.6086).
/// If mu is negative, improved subtraction is turned off (the default).
/// NB: with versions of FJ prior to FJ3.1, the improved subtraction
/// also needs explicit information about the jets used for
/// background estimation; this can be supplied with the alternative
/// set_improved_subtraction(...) given below.
inline void set_improved_subtraction(double mu){
_mu = mu;
/// Turn on "improved" subtraction and provide the information that
/// it requires.
/// - mu is the \mu of d\sigma/dpt parametrised as sigma_0
/// exp(-pt/mu) in the neighbourhood of the pt of the jet (see
/// Section 5 of arXiv:1209.6086).
/// If mu is negative, improved subtraction is turned off (the default).
/// The other inputs are needed so that the class can establish
/// which jets were used in estimating the background subtraction,
/// so that they can be used to determine the correlation between
/// numerator and denominator of the FF moment.
/// From FJ v 3.1 upwards, the information about the jets used for
/// background estimation is available automatically from the bge
/// provided in the constructor, and so this version of
/// set_improved_subtraction is usually redundant.
void set_improved_subtraction(double mu,
const Selector &rho_range,
const ClusterSequenceAreaBase &csa);
/// Turn on "improved" subtraction and provide the information that
/// it requires.
/// - mu is the \mu of d\sigma/dpt parametrised as sigma_0
/// exp(-pt/mu) in the neighbourhood of the pt of the jet (see
/// Section 5 of arXiv:1209.6086).
/// If mu is negative, improved subtraction is turned off (the default).
/// The other parameters are needed so that the class can establish
/// which jets were used in estimating the background subtraction,
/// so that they can be used to determine the correlation between
/// numerator and denominator of the FF moment.
/// If correcting FF's for multiple jets in the same event, the
/// version that takes a rho_range and csa will be more efficient.
/// From FJ v 3.1 upwards, the information about the jets used for
/// background estimation is available automatically from the bge
/// provided in the constructor, and so this version of
/// set_improved_subtraction is usually redundant.
void set_improved_subtraction(double mu,
const Selector & rho_range,
const std::vector & particles,
const JetDefinition & rho_jet_def,
const AreaDefinition & rho_area_def);
// basic methods from FunctionOfPseudoJet (+ variants)
/// description of the class
virtual std::string description() const;
// pre-declaration of subclass Info
class Info;
/// the computation for a given jet
/// Requirement: the jet 'jet' needs to have constituents. If
/// subtraction is requested (bge!=0) it also needs to have an area
virtual std::vector result(const PseudoJet &jet) const {
Info dummy_info;
return (*this)(jet, dummy_info);
virtual std::vector operator()(const PseudoJet &jet, Info & info) const;
// because we've introduced a new operator() with an "info" argument, we
// also need to redefine the other operator() members
virtual std::vector operator()(const PseudoJet &jet) const {return result(jet);}
virtual std::vector > operator()(const std::vector & jets) const {
return FunctionOfPseudoJet >::operator()(jets);
// access to extra information
/// return the moment N value for the i^{th} moment
inline double N(unsigned int i) const{
if (i>=_Ns.size())
throw Error("JetFFMoments: out-of-range value of n requested");
return _Ns[i];
/// return the vector of the values of N
inline std::vector Ns() const{ return _Ns;}
// internal class to store bits of info that might be of "diagnostic"
// interest
class Info {
const std::vector & rhoNs() const {return _rhoNs;}
const std::vector & sigmaNs() const {return _sigmaNs;}
const std::vector & rNs() const {return _rNs;}
const std::vector & ptshift_term() const {return _ptshift_term;};
const std::vector & correl_term() const {return _correl_term ;};
double rho() const {return _rho;}
double sigma() const {return _sigma;}
void resize(unsigned int n) {
_rNs.resize(n, 0.0);
_ptshift_term.resize(n, 0.0);
_correl_term.resize(n, 0.0);
std::vector _rhoNs;
std::vector _sigmaNs;
std::vector _rNs;
std::vector _ptshift_term;
std::vector _correl_term;
double _rho, _sigma;
friend class JetFFMoments;
std::vector _Ns;
JetMedianBackgroundEstimator *_bge;
bool _return_numerator; ///< just compute the numerator
double _norm; ///< use a user-provided (unsubtracted) denominator
bool _use_scalar_sum; ///< use scalar pt sum for the denominator
double _mu; ///< use this value of mu for the improved_sub correction
std::vector _jets_for_improved_sub;
mutable Selector _rho_range_for_improved_sub; // mutable as it can take a reference
static LimitedWarning _warnings_negative_pt;
/// initialisation of the internal behaviour
void _initialise();
/// This function returns the transverse momentum to be used in the denominator
/// of the definition of the moments of a fragmentation function for a jet, e.g.
/// in eq.(3) of arXiv:1209.6086
/// This can be
/// 1. the (subtracted) jet pt
/// 2. the (subtracted) scalar sum of the pt of the constituents of the jet [this is the default]
/// 3. just the number 1, in case one is interested only in the numerator.
double _compute_normalisation(const PseudoJet &jet,
const std::vector &constituents,
double &rho, double &sigma) const;
} // contrib namespace