GenericSubtractor is part of the fastjet-contrib project. The GenericSubtractor class allows one to subtract pile-up contamination from jet shapes as described in Pileup subtraction for jet shapes Gregory Soyez, Gavin P. Salam, Jihun Kim, Souvik Dutta, Matteo Cacciari. arXiv:1211.2811 Basic Usage ----------- This code introduces a class named GenericSubtractor. The basic usage of this class is as follows: GenericSubtractor gensub(& _some_background_estimator); FunctionOfPseudoJet shape; double subtracted_shape_value = gensub(shape, jet); By default, this only subtracts the transverse momentum density rho (obtained from the background estimator provided to the class). Two options allow also for the inclusion of the "particle mass" contribution to the background density (the "rho_m" term): one can either instruct the GenericSubtractor class to compute rho_m from the same background estimator using gensub.set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(); (1) or explicitly construct gensub with two backgroundestimators GenericSubtractor gensub(& _background_estimator_for_rho, & _background_estimator_for_rhom); (2) Note that since FastJet 3.1, the option (1) will work with any background estimator that internally computes rho_m (and has that computation enabled). For FastJet 3.0, the first option is only available for JetMedianBackgroundEstimator. For the option (2), 'gensub' will obtain rho_m using background_estimator_for_rhom->rho() [NOT rho_m()!] unless one calls gensub.set_use_bge_rhom_rhom() (it requires FJ>=3.1) in which case it will be obtained using background_estimator_for_rhom->rhom() The right choice between these two procedures for option (2) depends on the details of 'background_estimator_for_rhom'. If the background transverse momentum density rho (and optionally rhom) are known, the subtractor can be constructed directly as GenericSubtractor gensub(rho,rhom); Extra information can be retrieved using GenericSubtractorInfo info; double subtracted_shape_value = gensub(shape, jet, info); [see the class definition in GenericSubtractor.hh for details] See for an illustration of the usage of GenericSubtractor. Advanced Usage -------------- In some cases, it is possible to use clever tricks to improve the subtraction or its efficiency. - The first case is the one where the calculation of a shape first partitions the jet into subjets before proceeding to an actual calculation of the shape. To avoid recomputing that partition everytimes GenericSubtraction varies the ghost scale, one can derive such a shape from the ShapeWithPartition class [see ShapeWithPArtition.hh]. To do that, one implements separately the partitioning and the calculation fron the partition by overwriting // compute the partition, returning a conposite jet PseudoJet ShapeWithPartition::partition(const PseudoJet &jet) // compute the shape from the partition double ShapeWithPartition::result_from_partition(const PseudoJet &partit) For such shapes, GenericSubtraction will only compute the partition once. - The second case is the one when a shape is made of several ingredients and one wishes to subtract each of these ingredients independently. A tyical case would be N-subjettiness ratio, say tau21, where one wishes to subtract tau2 and tau1 independently and then take their ratio. To do that, one would derive the shape from ShapeWithComponenents [see ShapeWithComponents.hh] and overwrite the following methods: // returns the number of components unsigned int n_components() const; // returns a vector (of size n_components()) containing the // different components which go into the calculation of the shape. virtual std::vector components(const PseudoJet &jet) const; // given a vector of components, determine the result of the shape virtual double result_from_components(const std::vector &) const = 0; An example using a ShapeWithComponent is provided in Examples -------- The code illustrates how to use the class in a simple case. It can be built using make example makes use of an input datafile which is provided in the /data directory, and it should be run with ./example < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat The expected output can be found in example.ref A more advanced example (shapes made up of several components) is given in, which can be built and run with make example_with_components ./example_with_components < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat and compared to the expected output example_with_components.ref