// $Id$
// Copyright (c) 2012-, Matteo Cacciari, Jihun Kim, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequenceAreaBase.hh"
#include "fastjet/tools/JetMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
#include "fastjet/config.h"
#include "GenericSubtractor.hh"
#include "SimpleGhostRescaler.hh"
#include "ShapeWithPartition.hh"
using namespace std;
// - do we set use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom to true if the BGE
// has support for rhom? [I'd say no since Subtractor does not do
// that either but we should make that clear]
// - do we change the example [I'd say no]
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
namespace contrib{
LimitedWarning GenericSubtractor::_warning_depracated_use_common_bge;
LimitedWarning GenericSubtractor::_warning_unused_rhom;
// implementation of Genericsubtractor
const double GenericSubtractor::_invalid_rho = -numeric_limits::infinity();
// Constructor that takes an externally supplied value for rho and,
// optionally, for rho_m. The latter defaults to zero.
GenericSubtractor:: GenericSubtractor(double rho, double rhom) :
_bge_rho(0), _bge_rhom(0),_jet_pt_fraction(0.01),
_common_bge(false), _rhom_from_bge_rhom(false),
_rho(rho), _rhom(rhom), _externally_supplied_rho_rhom(true) {
assert(_rho >= 0);
assert(_rhom >= 0);
// the action on a given jet for a given shape
double GenericSubtractor::operator()(const FunctionOfPseudoJet &shape,
const PseudoJet &jet) const{
GenericSubtractorInfo dummy_info;
return (*this)(shape, jet, dummy_info);
// the action on a given jet for a given shape
double GenericSubtractor::operator()(const FunctionOfPseudoJet &shape,
const PseudoJet &jet, GenericSubtractorInfo &info) const{
// make sure we have a BGE or a rho value
if (!_bge_rho && !_externally_supplied_rho_rhom)
throw Error("GenericSubtractor::operator(): generic subtraction needs a JetMedianBackgroundEstimator or a value for rho");
// if the shape is of the "ShapeWithPartition" type, first compute
// the partition and work with that
const ShapeWithPartition * shape_with_partition_ptr = dynamic_cast(&shape);
PseudoJet working_jet = (shape_with_partition_ptr != 0)
? shape_with_partition_ptr->partition(jet) : jet;
// for a shape with components, we will recursively use a separation
// function that recursively calls the subtraction on the different
// components and then assembles them.
const ShapeWithComponents * shape_ptr = dynamic_cast(&shape);
if (shape_ptr != 0) {
return _component_subtraction(shape_ptr, working_jet, info);
// compute the average ghost scale (as a reference)
vector ghosts = SelectorIsPureGhost()(working_jet.constituents());
if (ghosts.size() == 0){
// Note: no need to worry about any potential partitioning at this stage
// we just do it for efficiency (in case it has been computed already
info._unsubtracted = (shape_with_partition_ptr != 0)
? shape_with_partition_ptr->result_from_partition(working_jet) : shape(jet);
info._first_order_subtracted = info._unsubtracted;
info._second_order_subtracted = info._unsubtracted;
info._third_order_subtracted = info._unsubtracted;
info._first_derivative = info._second_derivative = info._third_derivative = 0.0;
info._ghost_scale_used = 0;
return info._unsubtracted;
double ghost_scale=0.0;
for (vector::iterator git=ghosts.begin(); git!=ghosts.end();git++) {
ghost_scale += git->perp();
ghost_scale /= ghosts.size();
// compute once and for all the "unsubtracted" shape
double f0 = _shape_with_rescaled_ghosts(shape, working_jet, ghost_scale, ghost_scale, 0);
info._unsubtracted = f0;
// estimate the background (both pt and dt=mt-pt) densities
double ghost_area = ghosts[0].area();
double rho, rhom;
if ( _externally_supplied_rho_rhom ) {
rho = _rho;
rhom = _rhom;
} else {
rho = _bge_rho->rho(jet);
// rho_m may be evaluated from a dedicated background estimator or
// from a modification of the jet density class of the "rho" background estimator;
// if neither of those options is chosen, we set it to zero.
if (_bge_rhom){
if (_rhom_from_bge_rhom){
rhom = _bge_rhom->rho_m(jet);
throw(Error("GenericSubtractor::operator(): _rhom_from_bge_rhom not allowed for FJ<3.1"));
#endif // end of code specific to FJ >= 3.1
} else {
rhom = _bge_rhom->rho(jet);
} else if (_common_bge){ // a single BGE, common to both
// since FJ 3.1.0, some background estimators have an automatic
// internal calculation of rho_m
// check if the BGE has internal support for rho_m
if (_bge_rho->has_rho_m()){
rhom = _bge_rho->rho_m(jet);
} else {
#endif // end of code specific to FJ >= 3.1
BackgroundJetPtMDensity _m_density;
JetMedianBackgroundEstimator *jmbge = dynamic_cast(_bge_rho);
const FunctionOfPseudoJet * orig_density = jmbge->jet_density_class();
rhom = jmbge->rho(jet);
} else { // a single bge, only rho requested
// In FJ3.1 and BGE with rho_m support, add a warning, similar to that in Subtractor
double const rho_m_warning_threshold = 1e-5;
if (_bge_rho->has_rho_m() &&
_bge_rho->rho_m(jet) > rho_m_warning_threshold * rho){
_warning_unused_rhom.warn("GenericSubtractor::operator(): Background estimator indicates non-zero rho_m, but the generic subtractor does not use rho_m information; consider calling set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(true) to include the rho_m information");
rhom = 0.0;
info._rho = rho;
info._rhom = rhom;
double rho_sum = rho + rhom;
double rho_pt_fraction = (rho_sum == 0) ? 0.0 : rho/rho_sum;
// compute the average ghost scale (as a reference)
_compute_derivatives(shape, working_jet, ghost_scale, ghost_area, f0, rho_pt_fraction, info);
info._first_order_subtracted = f0 - rho_sum * info._first_derivative;
info._second_order_subtracted = info._first_order_subtracted + 0.5 * pow(rho_sum,2) * info._second_derivative;
info._third_order_subtracted = info._second_order_subtracted - pow(rho_sum,3)/6.0 * info._third_derivative;
return info._second_order_subtracted;
void GenericSubtractor::set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(bool value){
if (value){
// make sure we only have one bge
if (_bge_rhom)
throw Error("GenericSubtractor::use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() is not allowed in the presence of an existing background estimator for rho_m.");
// make sure we are not using externally supplied values for tho and rhom
if (_externally_supplied_rho_rhom)
throw Error("GenericSubtractor::use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() is not allowed when supplying externally the values for rho and rho_m.");
// since FJ 3.1.0, some backgroudn estimators have an automatic
// internal calculation of rho_m
if (!_bge_rho->has_rho_m()){
// check the background estimator type
JetMedianBackgroundEstimator *jmbge = dynamic_cast(_bge_rho);
if (!jmbge)
throw Error("GenericSubtractor::use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() is currently only allowed for background estimators of JetMedianBackgroundEstimator type.");
// NOTE: this is DEPRECATED and kept only for backwards
// compatibility reasons. Use 'set_use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom'
// instead.
void GenericSubtractor::use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(bool value){
// issue a warning
_warning_depracated_use_common_bge.warn("GenericSubtractor::use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(bool value) is deprecated (as of version 1.3.0 of GenericSubtractor) and should be replaced by set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(value). It may be removed in a future release.");
// when the GenericSubtractor has been created with two background
// estimators (one for rho, the second for rho_m), setting this to
// true will result in rho_m being estimated using
// bge_rhom->rho_m() instead of bge_rhom->rho()
void GenericSubtractor::set_use_bge_rhom_rhom(bool value){
// first handle the trivial case where the value us set to false
if (!value){
// if the value is true, first test that we're using FJ3.1
throw Error("GenericSubtractor::use_rhom_from_bge_rhom() can only be used with FastJet >=3.1.");
// now make sure we do have a bge_rhom
if (!_bge_rhom){
throw Error("GenericSubtractor::use_rhom_from_bge_rhom() requires a background estimator for rho_m.");
// and make sure the rho_m BGE has support for rho_m
// We need to put this within an ifdef to avoid compiler errors for
// FJ<3.1
if (!(_bge_rhom->has_rho_m())){
throw Error("GenericSubtractor::use_rhom_from_bge_rhom() requires rho_m support for the background estimator for rho_m.");
// a description of what this class does
string GenericSubtractor::description() const{
ostringstream descr;
if ( _externally_supplied_rho_rhom){
descr << "GenericSubtractor using externally supplied rho = " << _rho << " and rho_m = " << _rhom << " to describe the background";
} else {
if (_bge_rhom) {
descr << "GenericSubtractor using [" << _bge_rho->description() << "] and [" << _bge_rhom->description() << "] to estimate the background";
} else {
descr << "GenericSubtractor using [" << _bge_rho->description() << "] to estimate the background";
return descr.str();
// tools to help compute the derivatives
// do the computation of the various derivatives
// rho_pt_fraction is rho/(rho + rho_m) is used to know along
// which trajectory in the (rho, rho_m) plane one must estimate
// the derivative.
void GenericSubtractor::_compute_derivatives(
const FunctionOfPseudoJet &shape,
const PseudoJet &jet,
const double original_ghost_scale,
const double ghost_area,
const double f0,
const double rho_pt_fraction,
GenericSubtractorInfo &info) const{
// here's how we proceed:
// 1. compute the 1st and 2nd derivatives in (rho+rho_m) at various step sizes
// 2. search for the optimal step size
// 3. recompute the 1st, 2nd and 3rd derivatives and store them in info
// compute the optimal step sizes
double cached_functions[4];
// the maximum step is chosen such that the sum of the ghosts will have a
// pt equal to the jet's pt.
double step_max = jet.pt() / (jet.area()/ghost_area);
// go and compute the optimal step-size in pt
double h = _optimize_step(shape, jet, original_ghost_scale, ghost_area,
rho_pt_fraction, f0, cached_functions, step_max);
double f1 = cached_functions[0];
double f2 = cached_functions[1];
double f3 = cached_functions[2];
double f4 = cached_functions[3];
info._ghost_scale_used = h;
// compute all the derivatives these points
double d1 = (f1-f0)*8;
double d2 = (f2-f0)*4;
double d3 = (f3-f0)*2;
double d4 = (f4-f0);
info._first_derivative = (64.0/21.0*d1 - 8.0/3.0*d2 + 2.0/3.0*d3 - 1.0/21.0*d4)/h * ghost_area;
double s1 = 8*(d2/h-d1/h);
double s2 = 4*(d3/h-d2/h);
double s3 = 2*(d4/h-d3/h);
info._second_derivative = (8.0/3.0*s1-2.0*s2+1/3.0*s3)/(h/2) * ghost_area * ghost_area;
double t1 = (s2-s1)/h;
double t2 = (s3-s2)/h;
info._third_derivative = (4*t1-t2)/(h/8) * ghost_area * ghost_area * ghost_area;
// make a sweep in stepsize to determine which step is the most precise
// Note that this returns the values of the function at the points
// needed to compute the derivatives
double GenericSubtractor::_optimize_step(
const FunctionOfPseudoJet &shape,
const PseudoJet &jet,
const double original_ghost_scale,
const double ghost_area,
const double x_fraction,
const double f0,
double cached_functions[4],
const double max_step=1.0) const{
// do the scale sweep for the 1st derivative in x
// we need to compute the derivative using steps
// h_i = 2^{-i} h0 i=0, ..., nh
// Even with a very good numerical precision, a scale of
// h=1e-3..1e-4 gave very good results, so we shall use h0=pt,
// nh=28 (to have a margin of security and go down to 1e-6 for pt=1000)
// For each of these stepsizes, we need to compute the derivative at
// x, x+h_i/8, x+h_i/4, x+h_i/2, x+h_i
// We start by computing the derivatives at each scale
// Note that one may perhaps want to use a forward rule i.e. not use
// the shape at x to estimate the derivatives.
const int nh=28;
const double h0 = max_step;
double ref_pt = _jet_pt_fraction * jet.perp();
double d1[nh+1], d2[nh+1], stab[nh+1], fcts[nh+4];
double f1, f2, f3, f4;
double h = h0*pow(2.0,-nh);
fcts[0] = f1 = _shape_with_rescaled_ghosts(shape, jet, original_ghost_scale,
x_fraction*h/8, (1-x_fraction)*h/8);
fcts[1] = f2 = _shape_with_rescaled_ghosts(shape, jet, original_ghost_scale,
x_fraction*h/4, (1-x_fraction)*h/4);
fcts[2] = f3 = _shape_with_rescaled_ghosts(shape, jet, original_ghost_scale,
x_fraction*h/2, (1-x_fraction)*h/2);
for (int i=0;i<=nh;i++){
fcts[i+3] = f4 = _shape_with_rescaled_ghosts(shape,jet,original_ghost_scale,
x_fraction*h, (1-x_fraction)*h);
// apply a forward 5-point rule (including f0)
double D1 = (f1-f0)/(h/8);
double D2 = (f2-f0)/(h/4);
double D3 = (f3-f0)/(h/2);
double D4 = (f4-f0)/h;
d1[nh-i] = (64.0/21.0*D1 - 8.0/ 3.0*D2
+ 2.0/ 3.0*D3 - 1.0/21.0*D4) * ghost_area;
double S1 = (D2-D1)/(h/8);
double S2 = (D3-D2)/(h/4);
double S3 = (D4-D3)/(h/2);
d2[nh-i] = (2*(8.0/3.0*S1-2.0*S2+1/3.0*S3)) * ghost_area * ghost_area;
stab[nh-i] = ref_pt * (abs(d1[nh-i]) + ref_pt*abs(d2[nh-i]));
// some of the points can be reused for the next scale
h = h0*pow(2.0,-nh+i+1);
f1 = f2;
f2 = f3;
f3 = f4;
int n_plateau = 4;
double mindiff = numeric_limits::max();
int n_mindiff = 0;
for (int iscale = n_plateau/2; iscale <= ((int) nh)-n_plateau/2+1; iscale++){
// this was mostly Gavin and Matteo's original code. I've replaced
// it by a test discarding when the diff is 0. That gives better
// results for the 2nd derivative as all its building blocks can
// be 0 (in which case we'd better increase the step size).
// // ignore cases where one of the derivatives is zero (could this
// // get us into trouble if the derivative is genuinely zero?)
// if (stab[iscale-1] == 0 || stab[iscale] == 0 || stab[iscale+1] == 0) break;
double diff=0;
for (int i = -n_plateau/2+1; i <= n_plateau/2-1; i++)
diff += abs(stab[iscale+i] - stab[iscale+i-1]);
if ((diff>0) && (diff < mindiff)){
mindiff = diff;
n_mindiff = iscale;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<4;i++)
cached_functions[i] = fcts[nh-n_mindiff+i];
return h0*pow(2.0,-n_mindiff);
// the function that does the rescaling
double GenericSubtractor::_shape_with_rescaled_ghosts(
const FunctionOfPseudoJet &shape,
const PseudoJet &jet,
double original_ghost_scale,
double new_ghost_scale,
double new_dmass_scale) const{
const ShapeWithPartition * shape_with_partition_ptr = dynamic_cast(&shape);
if (shape_with_partition_ptr != 0)
return shape_with_partition_ptr->result_from_partition(SimpleGhostRescaler(new_ghost_scale,
return shape(SimpleGhostRescaler(new_ghost_scale,
// perform subtractor on individual components of a shape; currently
// not necessarily the most efficient of all possible implementations (e.g.
// scaling is repeated for each of the individual components, etc.)
double GenericSubtractor::_component_subtraction(
const ShapeWithComponents * shape_ptr,
const PseudoJet & jet,
GenericSubtractorInfo &info) const {
unsigned n = shape_ptr->n_components();
// prepare vectors to contain (un)subtracted results of individual components
vector subtracted1_components(n);
vector subtracted2_components(n);
vector subtracted3_components(n);
vector unsubtracted_components(n);
// then perform subtraction of each of the components
GenericSubtractorInfo component_info;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// make a subsiduary shape that returns just the i^{th} component
// (a SharedPtr makes sure memory usage is safe)
SharedPtr > shape(shape_ptr->component_shape(i));
subtracted2_components[i] = (*this)(*shape, jet, component_info);
subtracted1_components[i] = component_info.first_order_subtracted();
subtracted3_components[i] = component_info.third_order_subtracted();
unsubtracted_components[i] = component_info.unsubtracted();
// obtain (un)subtracted results by combining components.
info._unsubtracted = shape_ptr->result_from_components(unsubtracted_components);
info._first_order_subtracted = shape_ptr->result_from_components(subtracted1_components);
info._second_order_subtracted = shape_ptr->result_from_components(subtracted2_components);
info._third_order_subtracted = shape_ptr->result_from_components(subtracted3_components);
// final result (without any care for safety estimates)
double result_subtracted = info._second_order_subtracted;
// there is no straightforward way of evaluating individual derivatives for
// the combination of the components, so these are set to zero.
info._first_derivative = info._second_derivative = info._third_derivative = 0.0;
return result_subtracted;
} // namespace contrib