// $Id$
// Copyright (c) 2014-, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
// open questions
// - AreaSubtractor::use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom()?
// - examples: do we keep the current one and add a "massive" example
// do we add an example_chs.cc?
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/tools/Transformer.hh"
#include "fastjet/tools/BackgroundEstimatorBase.hh"
namespace contrib{
// The main tools introduced in this file are the
// SafeAreaSubtractor and SafeNpCSubtractor
// classes. Their declaration and description is in this file, right
// after the specification of their common base class SafeSubtractorBase
/// \class SafeSubtractorBase
/// Base class for a series of subtraction methods
/// This class will split the jet constituents in 2 groups: the ones
/// with known vertex origin and the ones with unknown vertex
/// origin. The ones with known vertex origin are then further split
/// into leading-vertex and PU vertices particles.
/// Safety constraints are applied on the result of subtraction: the
/// subtracted pt and, optionally, the subtracted mass mass needs to
/// be at least the pt and mass we know to come from the leading
/// vertex. A few specific cases need special care:
/// - when the subtracted pt goes below the pt known to come from
/// the leading vertex, we set the pt, rapidity and phi to the
/// known contribution from the leading vertex.
/// - when the subtracted jet mass goes below the mass known to come
/// from the leading vertex, we set the pt and azimuthal angle to
/// the ones of the subtracted jet, the mass and rapidity to
/// corresponding values from the leading vertex contribution
/// - If rapidity and phi are ill-defined, we use the one from the
/// original, unsubtracted jet.
/// Derived classes should then overload '_amount_to_subtract' which
/// computes the amount to be subtracted from the full jet based on
/// the three momenta above (note that area information is attached to
/// the 'unknown' component).
/// When 'safe_mass' is set to false, the safety tests on the
/// subtracted jet mass described above are not performed (i.e. the
/// mass is allowed to go below the mass known to be associated with
/// the leading vertex)
/// By default, the Selectors are such that all the particles are of
/// unknown vertex origin, i.e. things behave as for a "full"
/// event. If one wants to apply this to a CHS event, one would
/// typically use a Selector that keeps charged particles as the
/// known-vertex selector (we know the vertex of origin for the
/// charged tracks but not for the neutrals) and a Selector that keeps
/// particles from the leading vertex for selecting, among the charged
/// tracks, the ones originating from the leading vertex.
class SafeSubtractorBase : public Transformer{
/// default ctor:
/// \param selector_known_vertex selects particles of known vertex
/// (leading or pileup)
/// \param selector_leading_vertex among particles of known
/// vertex, select the ones coming
/// from the leading vertex
/// \param safe_mass impose that the mass of the resulting jet is
/// not smaller than the known contribution from
/// the leading vertex
SafeSubtractorBase(Selector selector_known_vertex = !SelectorIdentity(),
Selector selector_leading_vertex = SelectorIdentity(),
bool safe_mass=true)
: _selector_known_vertex(selector_known_vertex),
/// the result of the subtraction
/// \param jet the jet to be subtracted
virtual PseudoJet result(const PseudoJet &jet) const;
/// a reminder from the base class: one has to provide a description!
virtual std::string description() const = 0;
/// compute the amount to be subtracted from the various bits in the jet:
/// \param known_lv momentum known as coming from the leading vertex
/// \param known_pu momentum known as coming from the pu vertices
/// \param unknown momentum of unknown vertex origin
/// each derived class will have to overload this
virtual PseudoJet _amount_to_subtract(const PseudoJet & known_lv,
const PseudoJet & known_pu,
const PseudoJet & unknown) const = 0;
Selector _selector_known_vertex; ///< constituents of known vertex
Selector _selector_leading_vertex; ///< constituents from the leading vertex
bool _safe_mass; ///< pt and mass safety
/// given a selector and a vector of PseudoJet, this returns the
/// 4-vector sum of the jets passing the selection creteria. If the
/// vector is empty, return a 0-momentum PSeudoJet with structural
/// info inherited from 'jet'
PseudoJet _sum(const std::vector &particles,
const PseudoJet &jet) const;
/// \class SafeAreaSubtractor
/// A Transformer that takes an input jet contaminated by pileup,
/// returns a subtracted jet.
/// Compared to FastJet's native Subtractor, its functionality differs
/// in two ways:
/// 1) it also includes the extra correction for massive particles
/// (rho_m in arXiv:1211.2811)
/// 2) in addition to imposing that the subtracted jet pt remains
/// positive, it also optionally ensures that the subtracted jet
/// has a non-negative mass.
/// 3) it also allows for the treatment of CHS-type of events, where
/// subtraction should only be applied to the part of the event
/// with no vertexing information. In this case, the pt and
/// optionally the mass of the subtracted jet are prevented from
/// going smaller than the part that is known for sure to come from
/// the leading vertex. See the SafeSubtractorBase class for more
/// details.
class SafeAreaSubtractor : public SafeSubtractorBase{
/// default ctor
/// Parameters specific to area subtraction :
/// \param bge a (pointer to) the BackgroundEstimator used to
/// estimate rho
/// \param bge_m a (pointer to) the BackgroundEstimator used to
/// estimate rho_m [the contriobution from the
/// particle masses]. It should support density
/// classes.
/// Parameters inherited from the base class:
/// \param selector_known_vertex selects particles of known vertex
/// (leading or pileup)
/// \param selector_leading_vertex among particles of known
/// vertex, select the ones coming
/// from the leading vertex
/// \param safe_mass impose that the mass of the resulting jet is
/// not smaller than the known contribution from
/// the leading vertex
/// See the SafeSubtractorBase declaration above for more details.
SafeAreaSubtractor(fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase * bge,
fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase * bge_m = 0,
Selector selector_known_vertex = !SelectorIdentity(),
Selector selector_leading_vertex = SelectorIdentity(),
bool safe_mass=true)
: SafeSubtractorBase(selector_known_vertex, selector_leading_vertex, safe_mass),
_bge(bge), _bge_m(bge_m){}
/// class description
virtual std::string description() const;
/// compute the amount to be subtracted from the various bits in the jet:
/// \param known_lv momentum known as coming from the leading vertex
/// \param known_pu momentum known as coming from the pu vertices
/// \param unknown momentum of unknown vertex origin
virtual PseudoJet _amount_to_subtract(const PseudoJet &known_lv,
const PseudoJet &known_pu,
const PseudoJet &unknown) const;
mutable BackgroundEstimatorBase *_bge; ///< estimation of the pileup pt
mutable BackgroundEstimatorBase *_bge_m; ///< estimation of the contribution
/// from PU particle masses
/// \class NpCSubtractor
/// a version of SubtractorBase that estimates the amount to subtract
/// from the component of unknown vertex oigin from the contribution
/// that is known to come from PU.
/// The proportionality constant is obtained from the average fraction
/// of the PU that has a known vertex of origin. It can be specified
/// either as a constant of as a double-valued function of PseudoJet.
class SafeNpCSubtractor : public SafeSubtractorBase{
/// ctor with fraction of known PU specified as a constant
/// Parameters specific to area subtraction:
/// \param gamma the average fraction of PU which is from a
/// known vertex
/// Note that if the known-vertex particles account for a fraction,
/// say, gamma0 of the total, the estimated amount to subtract will
/// be taken as 1/gamma0 (times the known pu). Now, if known PU
/// particles have been scaled down by a factor epsilon (e.g. if one
/// is working with the CHS event), then that fraction of known PU
/// will be
/// epsilon gamma0 / (1 - gamma0 + epsilon gamma0)
/// [GPS: I'm finding this a bit confusing. How about we have a
/// parameter total_to_known_PU_ratio, and then we give two
/// examples: if charged fraction is gamma, then without CHS we use
/// total_to_known_PU_ratio = 1/gamma
/// Instead, in a CHS context
/// total_to_known_PU_ratio = (1-gamma)/(epsilon gamma) - 1
/// ]
/// Parameters inherited from the base class:
/// \param selector_known_vertex selects particles of known vertex
/// (leading or pileup)
/// \param selector_leading_vertex among particles of known
/// vertex, select the ones coming
/// from the leading vertex
/// \param safe_mass impose that the mass of the resulting jet is
/// not smaller than the known contribution from
/// the leading vertex
/// See the SafeSubtractorBase declaration above for more details.
SafeNpCSubtractor(double gamma,
Selector selector_known_vertex = !SelectorIdentity(),
Selector selector_leading_vertex = SelectorIdentity(),
bool safe_mass=true)
: SafeSubtractorBase(selector_known_vertex, selector_leading_vertex, safe_mass),
_gamma(gamma), _gamma_fct(0){}
/// ctor with fraction of known PU specified as a function of the
/// PseudoJet
/// See above ctor for a detailed description.
SafeNpCSubtractor(FunctionOfPseudoJet * gamma_fct,
Selector selector_known_vertex = !SelectorIdentity(),
Selector selector_leading_vertex = SelectorIdentity(),
bool safe_mass=true)
: SafeSubtractorBase(selector_known_vertex, selector_leading_vertex, safe_mass),
_gamma(1.0), _gamma_fct(gamma_fct){}
/// class description
virtual std::string description() const;
/// compute the amount to be subtracted from the various bits in the jet:
/// \param known_lv momentum known as coming from the leading vertex
/// \param known_pu momentum known as coming from the pu vertices
/// \param unknown momentum of unknown vertex origin
virtual PseudoJet _amount_to_subtract(const PseudoJet &known_lv,
const PseudoJet &known_pu,
const PseudoJet &unknown) const;
const double _gamma; ///< the traction of PU from known vertices
const FunctionOfPseudoJet *_gamma_fct; ///< the fraction of PU from known vertices
///< (now expressed as a function of a PJ)
} // namespace contrib
#endif // __SAFE_SUBTRACTOR_HH__