GenericSubtractor is part of the fastjet-contrib project. This contribution introduces the following pile-up subtraction tools: - GenericSubtractor : area-median shape subtraction - SafeAreaSubtractor: area-median jet 4-vector subtraction - SafeNpCSubtractor : neutral-proportional-to-charged jet 4-vector subtraction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GenericSubtractor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The GenericSubtractor class (see GenericSubtractor.hh) allows one to subtract pile-up contamination from jet shapes as described in Pileup subtraction for jet shapes Gregory Soyez, Gavin P. Salam, Jihun Kim, Souvik Dutta, Matteo Cacciari. arXiv:1211.2811 The comments in GenericSubtractor.hh give a full description of how the class works. The code illustrates how to use the class in a simple case. It can be built and run using make example ./example < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat The expected output can be found in example.ref A more advanced example (shapes made up of several components) is given in, which can be built and run with make example_with_components ./example_with_components < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat and compared to the expected output example_with_components.ref ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Safe subtractors: SafeAreaSubtractor and SafeNpCSubtractor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 classes are introduced in SafeSubtractor.hh: SafeAreaSubtractor area-median subtraction SafeNpCSubtractor neutral-proportional-to-charge subtraction Compared to the existing Subtractor in FastJet it as several key differences: - for area-median subtraction, it allows to include the effect of particle masses (the \rho_m term in arXiv:1211.2811). - it allows to handle either full or CHS types of events (as discussed in arXiv:1404.7353). - We impose that the subtracted pt remains positive (or at least equal to the pt we can associate to the leading vertex). We further impose that the mass is positive (or at least equal to the mass we can associate to the leading vertex) (as discussed in arXiv:1404.7353). See individual classes for detailed descriptions and for usage.