2014-05-15 Gregory Soyez * VERSION: set version number to 2.0.0-alpha-PUWS14.1 in preparation for a fastjet-contrib release for the pileup-workshop at CERN on May 2014. 2014-04-30 Gregory Soyez * SafeSubtractor.hh: * README: * example_areasub.cc: *** ADDED *** * example_npcsub.cc: *** ADDED *** added 2 examples for area and NpC subtraction, trying to incorporate parts of this afternoon's discussion with Matteo. + reformulated some of the comments in README and SafeSubtractor.hh 2014-04-29 Gregory Soyez * SafeSubtractor.hh: clarified a bit the comments in the SafeAreaSubtractor class description 2014-04-29 Gavin Salam * SafeSubtractor.hh (contrib): small changes to comments. 2014-04-29 Gregory Soyez * example.cc: AreaSubtractor -> SafeAreaSubtractor * SafeSubtractor.cc: * SafeSubtractor.hh: . Renamed the classes SafeSubtractorBase, SafeAreaSubtractor, SafeNpCSubtractor . safety tests for pt are now always included and only the mass tests remain optional, with the ctor flag now named safe_mass. . improved some comments. . introduce SafeSubtractorBase::_sum to avoid having to use Selector::sum(). 2014-04-28 Gavin Salam * SafeSubtractor.hh|cc: numerous queries about comments, small typo fixes. * NEWS: added a placeholder for the release 2014-04-25 Gregory Soyez * SafeSubtractor.hh: *** ADDED *** * SafeSubtractor.cc: *** ADDED *** * README: * example.cc: * Makefile: added a first version of the SafeSubtractor containing a base class (SafeSubtractorBase), an area-median variant (AreaSubtractor) and a neutral-propto-charged variant (NpCSubtractor). 2013-05-28 Gavin Salam * NEWS: * VERSION: release of version 1.2.0 2013-05-16 Matteo Cacciari * VERSION Bumped to 1.2-devel * GenericSubtractor.hh|cc Added constructor with rho and rhom values. Thanks to Peter Berta for the suggestion. Added methods to retrieve from GenericSubtractorInfo the values of the rho and rhom used in the subtraction * example.cc|ref Fixed bug in the example (it was being passed a subtracted jet, should have gotten an unsubtracted one), updated the reference output 2013-04-12 Gregory Soyez * VERSION: Release of version 1.1.0 * GenericSubtractor.cc (contrib): corrected typo in comment 2013-04-11 Gregory Soyez * GenericSubtractor.cc (contrib): Fixed the maximal rescaling for the ghosts so that the total pt added to the jet is at most the jet pt (as the comment in the code says). The previous version added a maxmimal amount equal to the jet pt multiplied by the number of in-jet ghosts squared. This resulted in poor derivative estimates and consequently poor subtraction. [Thanks to David Miller and Peter Berta for reporting the issue] 2013-02-07 Matteo Cacciari * VERSION Release of version 1.0.0 2013-02-06 Gavin SALAM + Matteo * Makefile: fixed this to work with latest set of changes to build system 2013-02-01 Gavin Salam * VERSION: * NEWS: upped version to 0.99.1 * Makefile: now uses ../.Makefile.inc (if it exists) to get default variables 2013-01-31 Gregory Soyez * README: added some text! * Makefile: pointed to the correct installation script location * AUTHORS: specified the correct email address * COPYING: specified the correct arXiv number for scientific reference 2013-01-31 Gavin SALAM + Matteo + Gregory * moved reference outputs (for make check) from a ".out" to a ".ref" extension. 2013-01-30 Gavin SALAM * NEWS: *** ADDED *** prepared for 0.99 release * Makefile: update check to work with new check script location 2013-01-28 Gregory Soyez * SimpleGhostRescaler.hh: * GenericSubtractor.hh: * ShapeWithComponents.hh: * ShapeWithPartition.hh * ExampleShapes.{hh,cc}: * example_with_components.cc: * example.cc: included FastJet headers using "fastjet/..." rather than 2013-01-28 Gregory Soyez * example_with_components.cc: made use of the fact that NSubjettinessNumerator is a ShapeWithPartition in NSubjettinessRatio * ExampleShapes.{cc,hh}: moved NSubjettinessNumerator to a ShapeWithPartition * GenericSubtractor.cc: added support for ShapeWithPartition * ShapeWithPartition.hh: removed unnecessary headers * ExampleShapes.{hh,cc}: removed unnecessary headers; fixed a few warnings * Makefile: fixed typos + updated dependencies * ShapeWithPartition.hh: *** ADDED *** * Shapes.{hh|cc} --> ExampleShapes.{hh|cc}: * example_with_components.cc: * example.cc: Extracted the ShapeWithPartition class in a file of its own (and reworked it a little bit) Renamed Shapes (with the definitions of a series of shapes) into ExampleShapes. This now also contains the NSubjettinessNumerator used in one of the examples (that has been updated accordingly) 2013-01-28 Gavin Salam + Gregory * ShapeWithComponents.hh (contrib): ShapeWithComponents::component_shape has been made virtual and now returns a pointer to a generic FunctionOfPseudoJet * (rather than a ComponentShape). 2012-12-17 Gregory Soyez * Makefile (distclean): added the missing .a extension to the name of te library to be removed * COPYING: set the correct GPLv2 file (instead of a copy of what is in FastJet and contains info avout the plugins) 2012-12-12 Gregory Soyez * Makefile (install): added a missing semicolon in the loop over headers to be installed 2012-12-10 Gregory Soyez * example.cc: * example_with_components.cc: limited te precision to 4 decimal figures + reorganised a few details to make things clearer * example_with_components.out: * example.out: updated to reflect the changes above 2012-12-08 Gregory Soyez * example.cc: the step size is now output as a comment 2012-12-05 Gregory Soyez * example_with_components.out: *** ADDED *** * example.out: *** ADDED *** added expecteed outputs for "make check" * Makefile: . added the check and distclean targets . cleaned a few details here and there (prefix, installed headers) * example_with_components.cc: used just the rho BGE (instead of twice the same BGE for rho and rhom) 2012-11-30 Gavin Salam + Matteo Cacciari * Makefile: separated out example and example_with_components targets * Doxyfile: *** ADDED *** * GenericSubtractor.hh|cc: reworked the info class to have 1st, 2nd and 3rd order results, and corresponding derivatives, with a uniform naming scheme + worked on comments. * SimpleGhostRescaler.hh: worked on comments * ShapeWithComponents.hh: worked on comments 2012-11-30 Gregory Soyez * GenericSubtractor.cc: used jet_pt/n_ghost_in_jet as the maximal ghost scale used to compute the derivative * example.cc: moved back to the use of just rho, neglecting rhom + added a commented line about using a common one for rho and rhom * example.cc: now uses two different background estimators for rho and rhom. * GenericSubtractor.{hh,cc}: uses a BackgrounmdEstimatorBase rather than a JetMedianBackgroundEstimator + allowed to compute both rho and rhom from the same BackgroundEstimator (if only one is specified)