// To run this example, use the following command:
// ./example-GHS [nevmax [njetmax]] < ../data/pythia8_Zq_vshort.dat
// $Id$
// Copyright (c) 2025, Rhorry Gauld, Alexander Huss, Giovanni Stagnitto
// based on initial version by Fabrizio Caola, Radoslaw Grabarczyk,
// Maxwell Hutt, Gavin P. Salam, Ludovic Scyboz, and Jesse Thaler
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/contrib/GHSAlgo.hh"
using namespace std;
using namespace fastjet;
using namespace fastjet::contrib;
// forward declaration to make things clearer
void read_event(vector &event);
int main(int iargc, char **argv){
// give user control over printout (mainly relevant for make check)
// usage: "./example [nevmax [njetmax]] < data/pythia8_Zq_vshort.dat"
unsigned int nevmax = 2;
unsigned int njetmax = 1;
if (iargc > 1) nevmax = stoi(argv[1]);
if (iargc > 2) njetmax = stoi(argv[2]);
// print banner for FastJet at the start, so it doesn't mix
// into the other output
// we start with a base jet definition (here antikt)
double R = 0.4;
JetDefinition base_jet_def(antikt_algorithm, R);
// enable it to track flavours (default is net flavour)
FlavRecombiner flav_recombiner;
// GHS parameters:
double GHS_alpha = 1.0; // < flav-kt distance parameter alpha
double GHS_omega = 2.0; // < omega parameter for GHS_Omega (omega = 0 uses DeltaR_ij^2)
double ptcut = 15.0; // < overall ptcut
cout << "! this analysis considers only b-flavour from input events !" << endl;
cout << "base jet definition: " << base_jet_def.description() << endl;
cout << "GHS jet definition: " << endl
<< " alpha = " << GHS_alpha << endl
<< " omega = " << GHS_omega << endl
<< " (ptcut = " << ptcut << " GeV)" << endl;
// loop over some number of events
unsigned int n_events = 10;
for (unsigned int iev = 0; iev < n_events && iev < nevmax; iev++) {
// read in input particles: see that routine for info
// on how to set up the PseudoJets with flavour information
vector event;
cout << "\n#---------------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << "# read event " << iev << " with " << event.size() << " particles" << endl;
// run the jet clustering with the base jet definition
vector base_jets = base_jet_def(event);
// run the GHS algorithm: require base jets & a hardness cut that should be chosen to match the fiducial selection
vector GHS_jets = run_GHS(base_jets, ptcut, GHS_alpha, GHS_omega, flav_recombiner);
// make sure the sizes are the same (after the ptcut)
Selector select_pt = SelectorPtMin(ptcut);
vector selected_base_jets = select_pt(base_jets);
assert(selected_base_jets.size() == GHS_jets.size());
// ----------------------------------------------------
// loop over the two leading jets and print out their properties
for (unsigned int ijet = 0; ijet < selected_base_jets.size() && ijet < njetmax; ijet++) {
// first print out the original anti-kt jets and the GHS jets
const auto & base_jet = selected_base_jets[ijet];
const auto & GHS_jet = GHS_jets [ijet];
cout << endl;
cout << "base jet " << ijet << ": ";
cout << "pt=" << base_jet.pt() << " rap=" << base_jet.rap() << " phi=" << base_jet.phi();
cout << ", flav = " << FlavHistory::current_flavour_of(base_jet).description() << endl;
cout << "GHS jet " << ijet << ": ";
cout << "pt=" << GHS_jet.pt() << " rap=" << GHS_jet.rap() << " phi=" << GHS_jet.phi();
cout << ", flav = " << FlavHistory::current_flavour_of(GHS_jet).description() << endl;
// for the first event, print out the jet constituents' pt and initial and final flavours
cout << "constituents:" << endl;
for (const auto & c: sorted_by_pt(base_jet.constituents())) {
cout << " pt = " << setw(10) << c.pt();
cout << ", orig. flav = " << setw(8) << FlavHistory::initial_flavour_of(c).description();
cout << ", final flav = " << setw(8) << FlavHistory::current_flavour_of(c).description();
cout << endl;
return 0;
// read in input particles and set up PseudoJets with flavour information
void read_event(vector &event){
// read in the input particles and their PDG IDs
string line;
double px, py, pz, E;
int pdg_id;
while(getline(cin,line)) {
if(line[0] == '#') continue;
istringstream iss(line);
iss >> px >> py >> pz >> E >> pdg_id;
// create a fastjet::PseudoJet with these components and put it onto
// back of the input_particles vector
PseudoJet p(px,py,pz,E);
// assign information about flavour (will be deleted automatically)
FlavInfo flav_info_init(pdg_id);
// we take only b-quarks
// need to cast to const for constructor
p.set_user_info(new FlavHistory(const_cast(flav_info_init)));
if (cin.peek() == '\n' || cin.peek() == EOF) {