// $Id$
// Copyright (c) 2017, Philip Ilten, Nicholas Rodd, Jesse Thaler,
// and Michael Williams
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see .
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
namespace contrib{
/** \mainpage FlavorCone contrib
The FlavorCone contrib is a lightweight tool to cluster jets of
fixed radius around a given number of seeds, where overlapping jets
are partitioned by nearest neighbor. The contrib consists of the
following files:
- contrib::FlavorConePlugin
- contrib::FlavorConePlugin::Extras
- example.cc provides usage examples
/// \class FlavorConePlugin
/// Plugin to take input seeds and particles and create FlavorCone
/// jets.
/// On construction, one must supply seeds and an rcut value. To obtain
/// the jets call ClusterSequence::inclusive_jets(). The seed for
/// each jet can be accessed via ClusterSequence::extras() with the
/// method FlavorConeExtras::seed(jet), where jet is from the returned
/// jet vector.
class FlavorConePlugin : public JetDefinition::Plugin {
/// \class Extras
/// Hold extras for FlavorConePlugin.
/// Access the seed for a given jet constructed with the
/// FlavorConePlugin.
class Extras : public ClusterSequence::Extras {
/// Main constructor for the FlavorCone Extras class.
/// Return the seed for a jet. A seed returned with an energy of
/// -1 indicates the jet has no valid seed.
const PseudoJet& seed(const PseudoJet &jet) const;
/// Map which holds the seed for each jet.
std::map _seeds;
/// Stored jet to return when no seed is found.
const PseudoJet _invalid_seed;
/// Warning when no seed is found.
static LimitedWarning _warn_seed;
friend class FlavorConePlugin;
/// Main constructor for the FlavorCone Plugin class.
FlavorConePlugin(const std::vector &seeds, double rcut);
/// Copy constructor.
FlavorConePlugin(const FlavorConePlugin & plugin);
// Methods required by base class.
/// Brief description of FlavorCone for self-documentation (gives
/// number of seeds and rcut).
virtual std::string description() const;
/// Run the FlavorCone clustering.
virtual void run_clustering(ClusterSequence &cs) const;
/// Returns rcut value.
virtual double R() const;
/// Exclusive sequence is not meaningful for this algorithm.
virtual bool exclusive_sequence_meaningful() const;
/// At the moment, FlavorCone only works for pp, not e+e-.
virtual bool is_spherical() const;
double _rcut; ///< Jet radius cut.
std::vector _seeds; ///< Vector of seeds.
} // namespace contrib