The EnergyCorrelator package is based on the physics described in: Energy Correlation Functions for Jet Substructure. Andrew J. Larkoski, Gavin Salam, and Jesse Thaler. JHEP 1306, 108 (2013) arXiv:1305.0007. Additional information and a new observable formed from the energy correlation functions was described in Power Counting to Better Jet Observables. Andrew J. Larkoski, Ian Moult, and Duff Neill. JHEP 1412, 009 (2014) arXiv:1409.6298. Additional observables based on generalizations of the energy correlation functions are described in New Angles on Energy Correlation Functions. Ian Moult, Lina Necib, and Jesse Thaler. arXiv:1609.07483. This FastJet-contrib package contains a number of classes derived from FunctionOfPseudoJet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The core classes from 1305.0007, and defined since version 1.0, are: EnergyCorrelator(int N, double beta, Measure measure) Called ECF(N,beta) in arXiv:1305.0007. Corresponds to the N-point correlation function, with beta the angular exponent, while measure = pt_R (default) or E_theta sets how energies and angles are determined. EnergyCorrelatorRatio(int N, double beta, Measure measure) Called r_N^(beta) in arXiv:1305.0007. Equals ECF(N+1,beta)/ECF(N,beta). EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio(int N, double beta, Measure measure) Called C_N^(beta) in arXiv:1305.0007. Equals r_N/r_{N-1}. This observable provides good boosted N-prong object discrimination. (N=1 for quark/gluon, N=2 for boosted W/Z/H, N=3 for boosted top) Also given in EnergyCorrelatorCseries as of version 1.2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The D2 observable from 1409.6298, as well as C1 and C2 alias classes, were added in version 1.1: EnergyCorrelatorC1(double beta, Measure measure) This calculates the double ratio observable C_1^(beta) which is useful for quark versus gluon discrimination. EnergyCorrelatorC2(double beta, Measure measure) This calculates the double ratio observable C_2^(beta) which is useful for boosted W/Z/H identification. EnergyCorrelatorD2(double beta, Measure measure) Called D_2^(beta) in arXiv:1409.6298. Equals ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)^3/ECF(2,beta)^3. This is the recommended function for boosted 2-prong object discrimination (boosted W/Z/H). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generalized energy correlators were introduced in 1609.07483 and appear in version 1.2. They are defined in the class: EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(int angles, int N, double beta, Measure measure) Called {}_v e_n^{(beta)} in 1609.07483, but will be denoted here as ECFG(angles,N,beta), where v=angles and n=N. As for EnergyCorrelator, beta is the angular exponent, while measure = pt_R (default) or E_theta sets how energies and angles are determined. The integer angles determines the number of angles in the observable. The choice angles=-1 sets angles = N choose 2, which corresponds to the N-point normalized (dimensionless) correlation function, with ECFN(N,beta) = ECFG(N choose 2,N,beta) = ECF(N,beta)/ECF(1,beta)^N From the generalized correlators, a variety of useful ratios are defined. They are mainly organized by series, with special values highlighted for recommended usage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedD2(double alpha, double beta, Measure measure) Called D_2^(alpha, beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFN(3,alpha)/ECFN(2,beta)^(3 alpha/beta). Useful for groomed 2-prong object tagging. We recommend the use of alpha=1 and beta=2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnergyCorrelatorNseries(int i, double beta, Measure measure) Called N_i^(beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFG(2,n+1,beta)/ECFN(1,n,beta)^2. EnergyCorrelatorN2(double beta, Measure measure) Called N_2^(beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFG(2,3,beta)/ECFG(1,2,beta)^2. Useful for groomed and ungroomed 2-prong object tagging. EnergyCorrelatorN3(double beta, Measure measure) Called N_3^(beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFG(2,4,beta)/ECFG(1,3,beta)^2. Useful for groomed 3-prong object tagging. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnergyCorrelatorMseries(int i, double beta, Measure measure) Called M_i^(beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFG(1,n+1,beta)/ECFG(1,n,beta). EnergyCorrelatorM2(double beta, Measure measure) Called M_2^(beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFG(1,3,beta)/ECFG(1,2,beta). Useful for groomed 2-prong object tagging. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnergyCorrelatorUseries(int i, double beta, Measure measure) Called U_i^(beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFG(1,n+1,beta). EnergyCorrelatorU1(double beta, Measure measure) Called U_1^(beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFG(1,2,beta). Useful for quark vs. gluon discrimination. EnergyCorrelatorU2(double beta, Measure measure) Called U_2^(beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFG(1,3,beta). Useful for quark vs. gluon discrimination. EnergyCorrelatorU3(double beta, Measure measure) Called U_3^(beta) in arXiv:1609.07483 Equals ECFG(1,4,beta). Useful for quark vs. gluon discrimination. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The argument Measure in each of the above functions sets how energies and angles are defined in the observable. The measure pt_R uses hadron collider coordinates (transverse momenta and boost-invariant angles). The "energy" in this case is defined as the pT of the jet, and the "angle" is the distance between the jets in phi, eta space. The measure E_theta uses particle energies and angles and is appropriate for e+e- collider applications. The "energy" is the jet energy and the angle between 2 jets is computed from the dot product of the 3 vectors p1 and p2. The measure E_inv uses particle energies and angles and is also appropriate for e+e- collider applications. In this case “theta” is replaced by Mandelstam invariants with the same behavior in the collinear limits, leading to a more calculation friendly observables. The "energy" is defined as the jet energy and the "angle squared" is defined as (2p_i \cdot p_j/E_i E_j), where p_i,p_j are the momenta of the jets i adn j, and E_i, E_j are their respective energies. General usage is shown in the program, and recommended usage is shown in