FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
namespace contrib{
/// \mainpage EnergyCorrelator contrib
/// The EnergyCorrelator contrib provides an implementation of energy
/// correlators and their ratios as described in arXiv:1305.0007 by
/// Larkoski, Salam and Thaler. Additionally, the ratio observable
/// D2 described in arXiv:1409.6298 by Larkoski, Moult and Neill
/// is also included in this contrib. Finally, a generalized version of
/// the energy correlation functions is added, defined in
/// arXiv:1609.07483 by Moult, Necib and Thaler, which allow the
/// definition of the M series, N series, and U series observables.
/// There is also a generalized version of D2.
/// There are 4 main classes:
/// - EnergyCorrelator
/// - EnergyCorrelatorRatio
/// - EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio
/// - EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized
There are five classes that define useful combinations of the ECFs.
/// - EnergyCorrelatorNseries
/// - EnergyCorrelatorMseries
/// - EnergyCorrelatorUseries
/// - EnergyCorrelatorD2
/// - EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedD2
There are also aliases for easier access:
/// - EnergyCorrelatorCseries (same as EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio)
/// - EnergyCorrelatorC1 (EnergyCorrelatorCseries with i=1)
/// - EnergyCorrelatorC2 (EnergyCorrelatorCseries with i=2)
/// - EnergyCorrelatorN2 (EnergyCorrelatorNseries with i=2)
/// - EnergyCorrelatorN3 (EnergyCorrelatorNseries with i=3)
/// - EnergyCorrelatorM2 (EnergyCorrelatorMseries with i=2)
/// - EnergyCorrelatorU1 (EnergyCorrelatorUseries with i=1)
/// - EnergyCorrelatorU2 (EnergyCorrelatorUseries with i=2)
/// - EnergyCorrelatorU3 (EnergyCorrelatorUseries with i=3)
/// Each of these classes is a FastJet FunctionOfPseudoJet.
/// EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio (which is equivalent to EnergyCorrelatorCseries)
/// is in particular is useful for quark/gluon discrimination and boosted
/// object tagging.
/// Using the original 2- and 3-point correlators, EnergyCorrelationD2 has
/// been shown to be the optimal combination for boosted 2-prong tagging.
/// The EnergyCorrelatorNseries and EnergyCorrelatorMseries use
/// generalized correlation functions with different angular scaling,
/// and are intended for use on 2-prong and 3-prong jets.
/// The EnergyCorrelatorUseries is useful for quark/gluon discrimimation.
/// See the file for an illustration of usage and
/// for the most commonly used functions.
/// \class EnergyCorrelator
/// ECF(N,beta) is the N-point energy correlation function, with an angular exponent beta.
/// It is defined as follows
/// - \f$ \mathrm{ECF}(1,\beta) = \sum_i E_i \f$
/// - \f$ \mathrm{ECF}(2,\beta) = \sum_{i {
friend class EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized; ///< This allow ECFG to access the energy and angle definitions
///< of this class, which are otherwise private.
enum Measure {
pt_R, ///< use transverse momenta and boost-invariant angles,
///< eg \f$\mathrm{ECF}(2,\beta) = \sum_{i=3 this leads to many expensive recomputations,
///< but has only O(n) memory usage for n particles
storage_array /// the interparticle angles are cached. This gives a significant speed
/// improvement for N>=3, but has a memory requirement of (4n^2) bytes.
/// constructs an N-point correlator with angular exponent beta,
/// using the specified choice of energy and angular measure as well
/// one of two possible underlying computational Strategy
EnergyCorrelator(unsigned int N,
double beta,
Measure measure = pt_R,
Strategy strategy = storage_array) :
_N(N), _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
/// destructor
virtual ~EnergyCorrelator(){}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
/// returns the the part of the description related to the parameters
std::string description_parameters() const;
std::string description_no_N() const;
unsigned int _N;
double _beta;
Measure _measure;
Strategy _strategy;
double energy(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
double angleSquared(const PseudoJet& jet1, const PseudoJet& jet2) const;
double multiply_angles(double angles[], int n_angles, unsigned int N_total) const;
void precompute_energies_and_angles(std::vector const &particles, double* energyStore, double** angleStore) const;
double evaluate_n3(unsigned int nC, unsigned int n_angles, double* energyStore, double** angleStore) const;
double evaluate_n4(unsigned int nC, unsigned int n_angles, double* energyStore, double** angleStore) const;
double evaluate_n5(unsigned int nC, unsigned int n_angles, double* energyStore, double** angleStore) const;
// core EnergyCorrelator::result code in .cc file.
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorRatio
/// A class to calculate the ratio of (N+1)-point to N-point energy correlators,
/// ECF(N+1,beta)/ECF(N,beta),
/// called \f$ r_N^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorRatio : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs an (N+1)-point to N-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorRatio(unsigned int N,
double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _N(N), _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorRatio() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
unsigned int _N;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorRatio::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator = EnergyCorrelator(_N + 1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = EnergyCorrelator(_N, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio
/// Calculates the double ratio of energy correlators, ECF(N-1,beta)*ECF(N+1)/ECF(N,beta)^2.
/// A class to calculate a double ratio of energy correlators,
/// ECF(N-1,beta)*ECF(N+1,beta)/ECF(N,beta)^2,
/// called \f$C_N^{(\beta)}\f$ in the publication, and equal to
/// \f$ r_N^{(\beta)}/r_{N-1}^{(\beta)} \f$.
class EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio(unsigned int N,
double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _N(N), _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {
if (_N < 1) throw Error("EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio: N must be 1 or greater.");
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator double-ratio for a
/// jet's constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
unsigned int _N;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator = EnergyCorrelator(_N - 1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet) * EnergyCorrelator(_N + 1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = pow(EnergyCorrelator(_N, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet), 2.0);
return numerator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorC1
/// A class to calculate the normalized 2-point energy correlators,
/// ECF(2,beta)/ECF(1,beta)^2,
/// called \f$ C_1^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorC1 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs a 2-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorC1(double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorC1() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorC1::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator = EnergyCorrelator(2, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = EnergyCorrelator(1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator/denominator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorC2
/// A class to calculate the double ratio of 3-point to 2-point
/// energy correlators,
/// ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)/ECF(2,beta)^2,
/// called \f$ C_2^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorC2 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs a 3-point to 2-point correlator double ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorC2(double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorC2() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorC2::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator3 = EnergyCorrelator(3, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double numerator1 = EnergyCorrelator(1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = EnergyCorrelator(2, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator3*numerator1/denominator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorD2
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from the ratio of the
/// 3-point and 2-point energy correlators,
/// ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)^3/ECF(2,beta)^3,
/// called \f$ D_2^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorD2 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs an 3-point to 2-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorD2(double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorD2() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorD2::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator3 = EnergyCorrelator(3, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double numerator1 = EnergyCorrelator(1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator2 = EnergyCorrelator(2, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator3*numerator1*numerator1*numerator1/denominator2/denominator2/denominator2;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized
/// A generalized and normalized version of the N-point energy correlators, with
/// angular exponent beta and v number of pairwise angles. When \f$v = {N \choose 2}\f$
/// (or, for convenience, \f$v = -1\f$), EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized just gives normalized
/// versions of EnergyCorrelator:
/// - \f$ \mathrm{ECFG}(-1,1,\beta) = \mathrm{ECFN}(N,\beta) = \mathrm{ECF}(N,\beta)/\mathrm{ECF}(1,\beta)\f$
/// Note that there is no separate class that implements ECFN, though it is a
/// notation that we will use in this documentation. Examples of the low-point normalized
/// correlators are:
/// - \f$\mathrm{ECFN}(1,\beta) = 1\f$
/// - \f$\mathrm{ECFN}(2,\beta) = \sum_{i {
/// constructs an N-point correlator with v_angles pairwise angles
/// and angular exponent beta,
/// using the specified choice of energy and angular measure as well
/// one of two possible underlying computational Strategy
EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(int v_angles,
unsigned int N,
double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _angles(v_angles), _N(N), _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy), _helper_correlator(1,_beta, _measure, _strategy) {};
/// destructor
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(){}
/// returns the value of the normalized energy correlator for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::vector result_all_angles(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
int _angles;
unsigned int _N;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
EnergyCorrelator _helper_correlator;
double energy(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
double angleSquared(const PseudoJet& jet1, const PseudoJet& jet2) const;
double multiply_angles(double angles[], int n_angles, unsigned int N_total) const;
void precompute_energies_and_angles(std::vector const &particles, double* energyStore, double** angleStore) const;
double evaluate_n3(unsigned int nC, unsigned int n_angles, double* energyStore, double** angleStore) const;
double evaluate_n4(unsigned int nC, unsigned int n_angles, double* energyStore, double** angleStore) const;
double evaluate_n5(unsigned int nC, unsigned int n_angles, double* energyStore, double** angleStore) const;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedD2
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from the ratio of the
/// 3-point and 2-point energy correlators,
/// ECFN(3,alpha)/ECFN(2,beta)^3 alpha/beta,
/// called \f$ D_2^{(\alpha, \beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedD2 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs an 3-point to 2-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
double alpha,
double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _alpha(alpha), _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedD2() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _alpha;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedD2::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(-1, 3, _alpha, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(-1, 2, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator/pow(denominator, 3.0*_alpha/_beta);
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorNseries
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from the ratio of the
/// 3-point and 2-point energy correlators,
/// N_n = ECFG(2,n+1,beta)/ECFG(1,n,beta)^2,
/// called \f$ N_i^{(\alpha, \beta)} \f$ in the publication.
/// By definition, N_1^{beta} = ECFG(1, 2, 2*beta), where the angular exponent
/// is twice as big since the N series should involve two pairwise angles.
class EnergyCorrelatorNseries : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs a n 3-point to 2-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
unsigned int n,
double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _n(n), _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {
if (_n < 1) throw Error("EnergyCorrelatorNseries: n must be 1 or greater.");
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorNseries() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
unsigned int _n;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorNseries::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
if (_n == 1) return EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, 2, 2*_beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
// By definition, N1 = ECFN(2, 2 beta)
double numerator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(2, _n + 1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, _n, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator/denominator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorN2
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from the ratio of the
/// 3-point and 2-point energy correlators,
/// ECFG(2,3,beta)/ECFG(1,2,beta)^2,
/// called \f$ N_2^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorN2 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs an 3-point to 2-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorN2(double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorN2() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorN2::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(2, 3, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, 2, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator/denominator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorN3
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from the ratio of the
/// 3-point and 2-point energy correlators,
/// ECFG(2,4,beta)/ECFG(1,3,beta)^2,
/// called \f$ N_3^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorN3 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs an 3-point to 2-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorN3(double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorN3() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorN3::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(2, 4, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, 3, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator/denominator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorMseries
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from the ratio of the
/// 3-point and 2-point energy correlators,
/// M_n = ECFG(1,n+1,beta)/ECFG(1,n,beta),
/// called \f$ M_i^{(\alpha, \beta)} \f$ in the publication.
/// By definition, M_1^{beta} = ECFG(1,2,beta)
class EnergyCorrelatorMseries : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs a n 3-point to 2-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
unsigned int n,
double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _n(n), _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {
if (_n < 1) throw Error("EnergyCorrelatorMseries: n must be 1 or greater.");
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorMseries() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
unsigned int _n;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorMseries::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
if (_n == 1) return EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, 2, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double numerator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, _n + 1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, _n, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorM2
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from the ratio of the
/// 3-point and 2-point energy correlators,
/// ECFG(1,3,beta)/ECFG(1,2,beta),
/// called \f$ M_2^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorM2 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs an 3-point to 2-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorM2(double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorM2() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorM2::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, 3, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, 2, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return numerator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorCseries
/// Calculates the C series energy correlators, ECFN(N-1,beta)*ECFN(N+1,beta)/ECFN(N,beta)^2.
/// This is equivalent to EnergyCorrelatorDoubleRatio
/// A class to calculate a double ratio of energy correlators,
/// ECFN(N-1,beta)*ECFN(N+1,beta)/ECFN(N,beta)^2,
/// called \f$C_N^{(\beta)}\f$ in the publication, and equal to
/// \f$ r_N^{(\beta)}/r_{N-1}^{(\beta)} \f$.
class EnergyCorrelatorCseries : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
EnergyCorrelatorCseries(unsigned int N,
double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _N(N), _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {
if (_N < 1) throw Error("EnergyCorrelatorCseries: N must be 1 or greater.");
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorCseries() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator double-ratio for a
/// jet's constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
unsigned int _N;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorCseries::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double numerator = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(-1, _N - 1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet) * EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(-1, _N + 1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
double denominator = pow(EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(-1, _N, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet), 2.0);
return numerator/denominator;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorUseries
/// A class to calculate the observable used for quark versus gluon discrimination
/// U_n = ECFG(1,n+1,beta),
/// called \f$ U_i^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorUseries : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs a n 3-point to 2-point correlator ratio with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
unsigned int n,
double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _n(n), _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {
if (_n < 1) throw Error("EnergyCorrelatorUseries: n must be 1 or greater.");
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorUseries() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
unsigned int _n;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorUseries::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double answer = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, _n + 1, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return answer;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorU1
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from
/// ECFG(1,2,beta),
/// called \f$ U_1^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorU1 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs a 2-point correlator with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorU1(double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorU1() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorU1::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double answer = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, 2, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return answer;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorU2
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from
/// ECFG(1,3,beta),
/// called \f$ U_2^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorU2 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs a 3-point correlator with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorU2(double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorU2() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorU2::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double answer = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, 3, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return answer;
/// \class EnergyCorrelatorU3
/// A class to calculate the observable formed from
/// ECFG(1,4,beta),
/// called \f$ U_3^{(\beta)} \f$ in the publication.
class EnergyCorrelatorU3 : public FunctionOfPseudoJet {
/// constructs a 4-point correlator with
/// angular exponent beta, using the specified choice of energy and
/// angular measure as well one of two possible underlying
/// computational strategies
EnergyCorrelatorU3(double beta,
EnergyCorrelator::Measure measure = EnergyCorrelator::pt_R,
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy strategy = EnergyCorrelator::storage_array)
: _beta(beta), _measure(measure), _strategy(strategy) {};
virtual ~EnergyCorrelatorU3() {}
/// returns the value of the energy correlator ratio for a jet's
/// constituents. (Normally accessed by the parent class's
/// operator()).
double result(const PseudoJet& jet) const;
std::string description() const;
double _beta;
EnergyCorrelator::Measure _measure;
EnergyCorrelator::Strategy _strategy;
inline double EnergyCorrelatorU3::result(const PseudoJet& jet) const {
double answer = EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized(1, 4, _beta, _measure, _strategy).result(jet);
return answer;
} // namespace contrib