ConstituentSubtractor is part of the fastjet-contrib project. The ConstituentSubtractor class corrects jets for background contamination at particle-level as described in Particle-level pileup subtraction for jets and jet shapes Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller, Rupert Leitner arXiv:1403.3108 The code illustrates how to use the class on individual jets. It can be built using make example makes use of an input datafile which is provided in the /data directory, and it should be run with ./example < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat The expected output can be found in example.ref The code illustrates how to use the class on the whole event - before jet clustering. It can be built using make example_whole_event makes use of an input datafile which is provided in the /data directory, and it should be run with ./example_whole_event < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat The expected output can be found in example_whole_event.ref