2024/02/01: release of version 1.4.7: - Lowering the number of printed digits in example example_whole_event_using_charged_info.cc to avoid differences when running on Mac with Apple clang 15.0.0 and an M2 (Arm) chip (reported by Gavin Salam on 2024/01/21) - Adding the possibility to use linear interpolation for the rescaling functions defined in RescalingClasses. Using interpolation for rescaling class BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY by default. This should avoid to have differences for example example_background_rescaling.cc when running on Mac with Apple clang 15.0.0 and an M2 (Arm) chip (reported by Gavin Salam on 2024/01/21) - Updating the description in example example_background_rescaling.cc to make clear the possibility to use interpolation. 2023/05/11: release of version 1.4.6: - Fixed a bug for jet-by-jet Constituent Subtractor when using particle selector - Copying also user_info for the corrected jet and corrected constituents - Initializing previously not initialized variables (caused a FPE warning in ATLAS) 2020/02/23: release of version 1.4.5: - Further removal of C++11 extensions which were missed previously 2019/07/15: release of version 1.4.4: - Removed two more C++11 extensions 2019/07/09: release of version 1.4.3: - Removed C++11 extensions - Changed the way how the user should specify that he/she wants to do delta_m correction. Now, additionally the "set_do_mass_correction" function must be called - Updated information about the options for the treatment of massive inputs. 2019/07/04: release of version 1.4.2: - Updated information about the treatment of massive inputs. No changes in the code. 2019/06/21: release of version 1.4.1: - Updated the treatment of additional background estimator for rho_m. Currently in ConstituentSubtractor, only such rho_m background estimators are supported which have member function rho_m(), i.e. the result from member function has_rho_m() is true (which is available since fastjet version 30100). 2019/06/19: release of version 1.4.0: - Updated naming of functions and examples to be consistent with arXiv:1905.03470 - Updated treatment of massive inputs - added new options and clarification in the examples - Updated values of pt and mass for particles with zero pt and mass - Added possibility to use selector for particles - only particles passing the selector are corrected, the other particles are unchanged - Updated COPYING 2019/03/28: release of version 1.3.2: - Started to use C++11 features - Added possibility to keep the masses unchanged. The possible options how to treat masses are explained at the beggining of ConstituentSubtractor.hh - Added possibility to use information about hard particles (e.g. charged tracks from primary vertex) in the definition of the CS distance used for the correction procedure. - Updated examples 2018/06/28: release of version 1.3.1: - Updated examples 2018/06/25: release of version 1.3.0: - Replaced the "sequential" CS by "iterative CS". Besides the change of name, also the usage changed, see example file example_whole_event_iterative.cc. - The usage of the ConstituentSubtractor for whole event correction is changes, see updated example file example_whole_event.cc. Currently the new and old usage give the same behaviour, but it will change in the future. 2018/06/12: release of version 1.2.8: - Now removing all ghosts when setting new selector - Updated sequential CS - possibility to do more iterations than 2 and possibility to remove ghosts which were not used. 2018/05/04: release of version 1.2.7: - Added possibility to correct only certain phase space defined by an input fastjet::Selector - Added possibility to change the grid size for background estimation when using function subtract_event_using_charged_info - Update example for whole event correction. 2018/05/03: release of version 1.2.6: - Updated examples to be more clear. 2018/04/11: release of version 1.2.5: - Fixed bug causing seg fault in ATLAS. 2017/12/18: release of version 1.2.4: - Added back the test example_whole_event_using_charged_info. The problem with this test was fixed by printing all the output particles (also with zero pt and zeo mtMinusPt values). 2017/09/08: release of version 1.2.3: - Fixed warning for too low pt particles in case of active area computation - Temporarily removed the test example_whole_event_using_charged_info 2017/08/21: release of version 1.2.2: - Added function set_max_standardDeltaR for backward compatibility. It was replaced in version 1.1.3 by function set_max_distance. In this version, it does the same as the function set_max_distance. - Further speed improvement for whole event subtraction (especially for small _max_distance parameters, such as 0.25) 2017/08/07: release of version 1.2.1: - Fixed bug for distance enum ConstituentSubtractor::angle - Added check for the jet-by-jet correction to not use the speed optimization 2017/07/20: release of version 1.2.0: - Important change for the output corrected particles in case of correction of massive particles. The corrected zero pt particles with non-zero corrected delta_m (massive particles in rest) are now included in the output by default. This is the recommended usage. The user can change this behaviour by using function "set_remove_all_zero_pt_particles". By using argument true, all the zero pt corrected particles are removed. - Significant change in the speed of the whole event CS procedure. For small values of the _max_distance parameter (~0.25), the speed is now ~10-times greater. - Added new rescaling classes: rapidity vs azimuth dependence in TH2 Root histogram or in vector >, and rapidity vs azimuth dependence for heavy ions where the rapidity dependence is taken from a vector. 2017/07/11: release of version 1.1.6: - added new functions "get_ghosts" and "get_ghosts_area". - now the user can modify the ghosts outside the CS after constructing them with function "construct_ghosts_uniformly" and getting them with "get_ghosts" and "get_ghosts_area" - added new rescaling class useful for heavy ion events. Now the rapidity dependence can be taken from a Root TH1 object. 2017/01/20: release of version 1.1.4: - fixed few bugs concerning the correction of masses 2016/11/14: release of version 1.1.3: - updated rho rescaling functions - new function for pileup subtraction: sequential_subtraction - possibility to change the computation of distance between particles and background proxies 2016/03/11: release of version 1.1.2: - added two FunctionOfPseudojet classes for rho rescaling: one using root TH1 rapidity parametrization, and the other for heavy ions rapidity-azimuth parametrization 2016/02/09: release of version 1.1.1: - faster algortihm for subtraction - added new function for Constituent Subtraction using tracking information 2015/11/05: release of version 1.1.0: - added FastJet v3.1 rho_m support - simplified way for Constituent Subtraction of the whole event - updated the meaning of parameter max_deltaR - added new parameter to the definition of the distance - added examples for the whole event subtraction 2014/04/06: release of version 1.0.0