CMPPlugin ========= /// Implementation of the CMP flavoured anti-kt algorithm This code provides an implementation of the flavoured anti-kt algorithm from > Infrared-safe flavoured anti-kT jets, > by Michal Czakon, Alexander Mitov and Rene Poncelet > (v2) including modifications to ensure IR-safety suggested in > Flavoured jets with exact anti-kt kinematics and tests of infrared and collinear safety, > by Fabrizio Caola, Radoslaw Grabarczyk, Maxwell Hutt, Gavin P. Salam, Ludovic Scyboz, and Jesse Thaler > To learn how to use the library, the [``]( code is a good place to get started. Main principles of CMP ---------------------- The CMP algorithm provides a anti-kT-like flavour safe jet clustering algorithm. IR safety is ensured through a modified pseudojet distance for "soft" flavour-anti-flavour pairs. Through this modification the clustering sequence is not exactly anti-kT. The modification can be steered by a parameter a (the limit a->0 recovers the IR flavour unsafe anti-kT algorithm). Code Structure -------------- The main interface to the CMP algorithm is in [`CMPPlugin.hh`](CMPPlugin.hh): ```cpp // create an CMPPlugin for a given a and jetradius R double a = 0.1; double R = 0.4; JetDefinition jet_def(new CMPPlugin(R,a)); jet_def.delete_plugin_when_unused(); ``` The plugin can be used as standard with the FastJet package, e.g.: ```cpp vector particles; // ... fill the particles ... auto jets = jet_def(particles); for (const auto & jet : jets) { cout << "jet pt = " << << ", flav = " << FlavHistory::current_flavour_of(jet) << endl; } ```