# This file contains the list of all contribs and their current # (default) version. It is read by scripts/update-contribs.sh # # You should NOT MODIFY this file, but rather write your # local modifications in contribs.local, with the same format. # They will take precedence. # # The format is mostly two-column, where the location is a # relative location pointing to a stable release (tags/...), # the trunk (trunk) or a branch (branch/...) # [branch is unsupported at the moment] # # A contribution can be skipped by replacing the location name # with at least a "-", e.g. "----" # # ContribName Location #------------------------------------------- # [contribs from the FastJet authors] GenericSubtractor tags/2.0.0-alpha-PUWS14.1 JetFFMoments tags/1.0.0 # [contribs from Jesse Thaler] VariableR tags/1.0.1 Nsubjettiness tags/1.0.3 # [contrib from Andrew Larkoski, Gavin Salam & Jesse Thaler] EnergyCorrelator tags/1.0.1 # [contrib from Jeff Tseng] ScJet tags/1.1.0 # [contrib from S. El Hedri, A. Hook, M. Jankowiak, J.G. Wacker] SubjetCounting tags/1.0.1 # [contrib from D. Krohn, M. Low, M.D. Schwartz, and L-T Wang] JetCleanser tags/1.0.0 # [contrib from D. Bertolini, T. Chan and J. Thaler] JetsWithoutJets tags/1.0.0 # [contrib from Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller and Rupert Leitner] ConstituentSubtractor tags/1.0.0 # [modified-MassDrop tagger from Mrinal Dasgupta, Alessandro Fregoso, # Simone Marzani and Gavin Salam, and SoftDrop from Andrew Larkoski, # Simone Marzani, Gregory Soyez and Jesse Thaler] RecursiveTools tags/1.0-alpha-PUWS14.1 # [contrib from the FastJet authors] SoftKiller tags/1.0.0-alpha-PUWS14.1 # Pascal's corrJVF VertexJets tags/0.1.0