2014-04-06: release of version 1.012-alpha-PUWS14.1 with * new contrib: RecursiveTools including the modified-MassDrop tagger and SoftDrop * new contrib: SoftKiller (from the FastJet authors) * GenericSubtractor updated to version 2.0.0-alpha-PUWS14.1 (added SafeSutractor) in preparation of the pileup workshop at CERN in May 2014 2014-04-06: release of version 1.011 with * new contrib: ConstituentSubtractor (from Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller and Rupert Leitner) 2014-02-26: release of version 1.010 with * new contrib: JetsWithoutJets (from Daniele Bertolini, Tucker Chan, Jesse Thaler) 2014-02-03: release of version 1.009 with * new make targets fragile-shared and fragile-shared-install which build and install a single libfastjetcontribfragile.so for the whole of fjcontrib. This is a temporary fix to provide a shared lib and will change at some future date. 2013-09-24: release of version 1.008, with * new contrib: JetCleanser 1.0.0 (from David Krohn, Matthew Low, Matthew D. Schwartz, and Lian-Tao Wang) * replacement of the data file with pileup in data/, so as to also include particle ID and charge information 2013-09-03: release of version 1.007, with * new contrib: SubjetCounting 1.0.1 (from Sonia El Hedri, Anson Hook, Martin Jankowiak, Jay G. Wacker) * fix for a bug that was preventing configuration with explicit inclusion or exclusion of more than one contrib 2013-08-27: release of version 1.006 with * Nsubjettiness updated to 1.0.3 (compiler fixes, minor code reorganisation) 2013-06-04: release of version 1.005 with * new contrib: ScJet 1.1.0 (from Jeff Tseng) 2013-05-28: release of version 1.004 with * GenericSubtractor updated to version 1.2.0 (new constructors, example bug-fix) 2013-05-01: release of version 1.003 with * new contrib: EnergyCorrelator 1.0.1 (from Jesse Thaler, Gavin Salam and Andrew Larkoski) 2013-04-12: release of version 1.002, with * GenericSubtractor updated to version 1.1.0 (fixes an important bug wrt 1.0.0) 2013-02-23: release of version 1.001, with * new contrib: VariableR 1.0.1 (from Jesse Thaler) * new contrib: Nsubjettiness 1.0.2 (from Jesse Thaler) * improved output from configure, fixes of typos in documentation 2013-02-07: release of version 1.000, containing * JetFFMoments, version 1.0.0 * GenericSubtractor, version 1.0.0